I am not sure about TPP. I remember hearing a lot of doom and gloom about NAFTA back in the day, but I don't recall the vast majority of the doom and gloom coming true. I am sure there were industries and institutions that may have taken a hit over it, but overall, we as a country seem to be doing quite well in the time since NAFTA and increased competition is better for the consumer.
I really don't know specifics mind you, but it just hasn't seemed to have a negative impact.
I wonder about things like dairy regulation for example where we have a highly controlled product here which has an upside of almost guaranteed high quality, but the downside of very high prices.
I live in Winnipeg, and I know a lot of people that bring back cheese of all things when they take a trip down to Grand Forks or Fargo, ND because the price even after the dollar exchange is still less than half.