General CEOs didn't strip my healthcare

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
It was an incorrect statement anyway. CEOs have raised shareholder value massively. Stock market has beat out virtually every other investment/asset out there (except maybe Bitcoin lol).


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
It was an incorrect statement anyway. CEOs have raised shareholder value massively. Stock market has beat out virtually every other investment/asset out there (except maybe Bitcoin lol).


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
It was an incorrect statement anyway. CEOs have raised shareholder value massively. Stock market has beat out virtually every other investment/asset out there (except maybe Bitcoin lol).
My crypto has vastly outperformed any of my traditional investments in the 3 years I've had it.

Bushkill Blades

Knife Faggot
Oct 25, 2016
So you can't name any. Just boogeymen in the shadows.

Got it.

Meanwhile, I can run through a list of names of actual people holding elected office who have voted to fuck me without consent, lube or prophylactics.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
So you can't name any. Just boogeymen in the shadows.

Got it.

Meanwhile, I can run through a list of names of actual people holding elected office who have voted to fuck me without consent, lube or prophylactics.
I didn't say CEO's raised your fucking taxes. No one did. You raised a completely irrelevant topic, so I pointed out that as per you, we're supposed to stay on topic.

If you want to discuss that taxes are raised to "pay" for government spending which is influenced by lobbyists, we certainly can. But you don't seem to realize that politicians do the bidding of their financial backers, so you're probably not ready for that discussion.

Bushkill Blades

Knife Faggot
Oct 25, 2016
Tell me which CEOs convinced the government to enact these ideas that caused my taxes to go up.


Tell me which CEOs convinced the government to strip my healthcare.

And if it's insurance CEOs, tell me how it benefits an insurance company for me to not have insurance.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Tell me which CEOs convinced the government to enact these ideas that caused my taxes to go up.
Here's the most egregious example. The man runs businesses that make no money from the products they sell and profits entirely from government subsidies. Green New Deal anyone? :

Tell me which CEOs convinced the government to strip my healthcare.
You've already been linked articles about healthcare companies lobbying the government about it.

And if it's insurance CEOs, tell me how it benefits an insurance company for me to not have insurance.
It doesn't. The people they now get to charge more however, are a great benefit. Ultimately, they took for granted that people would be willing to live without health insurance.

Bushkill Blades

Knife Faggot
Oct 25, 2016
The only person I keep landing on in that regard is Liz Fowler.

So, fuck her.

Who else?

I'm happy to direct my ire against any and all who had a hand in it.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Already stated publicly that all subsidies should end, including his own.
It's not just subsidies he sells things to the government at marked up prices. Every company the government deals with. The CEOs responsible for that are directly responsible for you taxes going up.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
View attachment 135452
Me and OP are simply asking for a hitlist!
He went from "None" to "Okay, but who else?" acting as if everyone else is supposed to do his homework for him when his premise has already been proven incorrect. Now the goalposts will move until the thread dies out, or he acknowledges that CEO's aren't the finest people who walk the earth.

Bushkill Blades

Knife Faggot
Oct 25, 2016
No goalposts have been moved.

You point out someone that's fucked me, I'll gladly say fuck them.

What I won't do is blanket statement bullshit about private businesses.

No, not all CEOs are evil people out to get me.

You point out the ones that ARE shitbags, and I'll call them shitbags as well as avoiding doing any sort of business with their companies.

Bushkill Blades

Knife Faggot
Oct 25, 2016
All that said, my initial point remains true.

The people that voted for the act that stripped my healthcare were not CEOs. They were elected officials.

Thus, these are the people that draw the lion's share of my ire:

D Victor Snyder AR
D Gabrielle Giffords AZ
D RaĂşl Grijalva AZ
D Ann Kirkpatrick AZ
D Harry Mitchell AZ
D Ed Pastor AZ
D Joe Baca CA
D Xavier Becerra CA
D Howard Berman CA
D Lois Capps CA
D Dennis Cardoza CA
D Judy Chu CA
D Jim Costa CA
D Susan Davis CA
D Anna Eshoo CA
D Sam Farr CA
D Bob Filner CA
D John Garamendi CA
D Jane Harman CA
D Michael Honda CA
D Barbara Lee CA
D Zoe Lofgren CA
D Doris Matsui CA
D Jerry McNerney CA
D George Miller CA
D Grace Napolitano CA
D Nancy Pelosi CA
D Laura Richardson CA
D L. Roybal-Allard CA
D Linda Sánchez CA
D Loretta Sanchez CA
D Adam Schiff CA
D Brad Sherman CA
D Jackie Speier CA
D Fortney Stark CA
D Mike Thompson CA
D Maxine Waters CA
D Diane Watson CA
D Henry Waxman CA
D Lynn Woolsey CA
D Diana DeGette CO
D Betsy Markey CO
D Ed Perlmutter CO
D Jared Polis CO
D John Salazar CO
D Joe Courtney CT
D Rosa DeLauro CT
D James Himes CT
D John Larson CT
D Christopher Murphy CT
D Allen Boyd FL
D Corrine Brown FL
D Kathy Castor FL
D Alan Grayson FL
D Alcee Hastings FL
D Ron Klein FL
D Suzanne Kosmas FL
D Kendrick Meek FL
D D. Wasserman Schultz FL
D Sanford Bishop GA
D Henry Johnson GA
D John Lewis GA
D David Scott GA
D Mazie Hirono HI
D Leonard Boswell IA
D Bruce Braley IA
D David Loebsack IA
D Melissa Bean IL
D Jerry Costello IL
D Danny Davis IL
D Bill Foster IL
D Luis Gutiérrez IL
D Deborah Halvorson IL
D Phil Hare IL
D Jesse Jackson IL
D Mike Quigley IL
D Bobby Rush IL
D Janice Schakowsky IL
D André Carson IN
D Joe Donnelly IN
D Brad Ellsworth IN
D Baron Hill IN
D Peter Visclosky IN
D Dennis Moore KS
D John Yarmuth KY
D Michael Capuano MA
D William Delahunt MA
D Barney Frank MA
D Edward Markey MA
D James McGovern MA
D Richard Neal MA
D John Olver MA
D John Tierney MA
D Niki Tsongas MA
D Elijah Cummings MD
D Donna Edwards MD
D Steny Hoyer MD
D C. Ruppersberger MD
D John Sarbanes MD
D Chris Van Hollen MD
D Michael Michaud ME
D Chellie Pingree ME
D John Conyers MI
D John Dingell MI
D Dale Kildee MI
D Carolyn Kilpatrick MI
D Sander Levin MI
D Gary Peters MI
D Mark Schauer MI
D Bart Stupak MI
D Keith Ellison MN
D Betty McCollum MN
D James Oberstar MN
D Timothy Walz MN
D Russ Carnahan MO
D Wm. Clay MO
D Emanuel Cleaver MO
D Bennie Thompson MS
D George Butterfield NC
D Bob Etheridge NC
D R. Miller NC
D David Price NC
D Melvin Watt NC
D Earl Pomeroy ND
D Paul Hodes NH
D Carol Shea-Porter NH
D Robert Andrews NJ
D Rush Holt NJ
D Frank Pallone NJ
D Bill Pascrell NJ
D Donald Payne NJ
D Steven Rothman NJ
D Albio Sires NJ
D Martin Heinrich NM
D Ben Luján NM
D Shelley Berkley NV
D Dina Titus NV
D Gary Ackerman NY
D Timothy Bishop NY
D Yvette Clarke NY
D Joseph Crowley NY
D Eliot Engel NY
D John Hall NY
D Brian Higgins NY
D Maurice Hinchey NY
D Steve Israel NY
D Nita Lowey NY
D Daniel Maffei NY
D Carolyn Maloney NY
D Carolyn McCarthy NY
D Gregory Meeks NY
D Scott Murphy NY
D Jerrold Nadler NY
D William Owens NY
D Charles Rangel NY
D José Serrano NY
D Louise Slaughter NY
D Paul Tonko NY
D Edolphus Towns NY
D Nydia Velázquez NY
D Anthony Weiner NY
D John Boccieri OH
D Steve Driehaus OH
D Marcia Fudge OH
D Marcy Kaptur OH
D Mary Jo Kilroy OH
D Dennis Kucinich OH
D Tim Ryan OH
D Betty Sutton OH
D Charles Wilson OH
D Earl Blumenauer OR
D Peter DeFazio OR
D Kurt Schrader OR
D David Wu OR
D Robert Brady PA
D Christopher Carney PA
D Kathleen Dahlkemper PA
D Michael Doyle PA
D Chaka Fattah PA
D Paul Kanjorski PA
D Patrick Murphy PA
D Allyson Schwartz PA
D Joe Sestak PA
D Patrick Kennedy RI
D James Langevin RI
D James Clyburn SC
D John Spratt SC
D Steve Cohen TN
D Jim Cooper TN
D Barton Gordon TN
D Henry Cuellar TX
D Lloyd Doggett TX
D Charles Gonzalez TX
D Al Green TX
D Gene Green TX
D Rubén Hinojosa TX
D Sheila Jackson Lee TX
D Eddie Johnson TX
D Solomon Ortiz TX
D Silvestre Reyes TX
D Ciro Rodriguez TX
D Gerald Connolly VA
D James Moran VA
D Thomas Perriello VA
D Robert Scott VA
D Peter Welch VT
D Brian Baird WA
D Norman Dicks WA
D Jay Inslee WA
D Rick Larsen WA
D Jim McDermott WA
D Adam Smith WA
D Tammy Baldwin WI
D Steve Kagen WI
D Ron Kind WI
D Gwen Moore WI
D David Obey WI
D Alan Mollohan WV
D Nick Rahall WV


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
No goalposts have been moved.

You point out someone that's fucked me, I'll gladly say fuck them.

What I won't do is blanket statement bullshit about private businesses.

No, not all CEOs are evil people out to get me.

You point out the ones that ARE shitbags, and I'll call them shitbags as well as avoiding doing any sort of business with their companies.
No one ever said all CEO's are cunts.

It's kind of hilarious that you think you can just avoid doing business with all businesses run by cunts though.

and yes, you have absolutely moved the goalposts. As I said, you're expecting everyone to do your homework for you.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
It's the opposite actually.. Regulatory environment is responsible for high costs not CEOs.
"Fiduciary responsibility" is responsible for high costs. I've never before heard of a CEO suggesting that be done away with.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
"Fiduciary responsibility" is responsible for high costs. I've never before heard of a CEO suggesting that be done away with.
Lol omg.. You're so clueless. So clueless. Just take one economics class one time. You'll be much better for it, or pick up a book.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Lol omg.. You're so clueless. So clueless. Just take one economics class one time. You'll be much better for it, or pick up a book.
Some of us have actually taken economics classes. Perhaps seek out some of your own disingenuous advice.