Cormier on Jon Jones: Fans like to root for the guy that does 'coke' and 'crashes cars'

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Posting Machine
Sep 5, 2015
I just don't like him.... He's playing the heel role because no one likes him, but doesn't see that he's a paper champ..... Look I respect anyone who puts the grind in and gets in the cage, but he's ACTING like a dick..... Wait I just had an epiphany.... This is his Conor act, and he's not good at it.... I don't like Conor, but I respect his talent, DC comes off looking like a little bitch..... So I rescind my declaration of agreement with Jon Jones, I now personally feel he's acting like a dick, and agree with Jones when he calls him a bitch
Lol I was hoping you just had a few too many last night and started typing. You just turned it up from 10 to 11


Posting Machine
Oct 10, 2016
DC is so enraged that the mass of fans prefer Jones over's consuming his life. Now, he's trying to flip it and play the heel. It's not working...all it is doing is enraging him more and more.

RIP DC....the GOAT is coming home.


Daniel you beat a man for a belt that wasn't either of yours (come on son, you got beat by Jones, so you won a consolation prize)... You got a gift decision over Gus (for the record, I feel Gus beat both Jones AND DC).... You then beat a guy who had 48 hours to prepare for the fight (and were too scared to actually stand and strike with him, so you lay and prayed to victory... AND TALKED SHIT ABOUT HOW EASY IT WAS!!!)..... Then you beat the first guy you won your fake ass championship belt off of, who out of his own admittance, was ready to retire and wasn't mentally in that fight.....

People don't root for Jones because he does coke and wrecks cars..... They root for him because he's not a joke like you..... Jon Jones publicly has called you a pussy, and I have to agree with him.
Did you just write an open letter to Daniel Cormier and write "come on son?"
You do understand this is the guy that took out Johnson twice (pains me to admit it), rag dolled hendo and did the same to may not like him but I doubt you'd honestly be willing to take that kind of tone with the man to his face in private.

ftr, I don't think he talked shit about how easy the Anderson fight was but it was certainly reported that way. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong but my impression upon reading the larger article was that it was a poor choice of words which was exploited.

member 603

Did you just write an open letter to Daniel Cormier and write "come on son?"
You do understand this is the guy that took out Johnson twice (pains me to admit it), rag dolled hendo and did the same to may not like him but I doubt you'd honestly be willing to take that kind of tone with the man to his face in private.

ftr, I don't think he talked shit about how easy the Anderson fight was but it was certainly reported that way. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong but my impression upon reading the larger article was that it was a poor choice of words which was exploited.

That's kind of my point.... He beat an old and blown up Hendo who shouldn't have been fighting at LHW.... He beat a "not truly active" and definitely past his prime Barnett (and Josh Barnett is an all time fav of mine).... Second Rumble fight, Rumble was a shell of who he was, the first he had the big game jitters.

I'm not saying that DC is a terrible fighter, his new public persona is coming off more dickish than the merit of his actual record at LHW allows him to be, it makes me question him. And I would honestly tell him the same thing privately that I write publicly... I've never shyed from my opinions

member 603

Lol I was hoping you just had a few too many last night and started typing. You just turned it up from 10 to 11
Yeah..... I hate flying, so I stay up as late as I can the night prior... Getting high as fuck.... I'm walking around the Philly Airport looking for pretzels right now LOL