Look at the post above yours. Here's another one from a few weeks ago.
Observers say the Sputnik V jab is aimed more at sowing political division than fighting coronavirus
I could find hundreds in a few minutes. But it's easier just to point to a Washington Post article admitting that there was nothing but shitting on the Russian virus until the studies proved it worked. First two sentences:
"Not long ago, talk of the Russian-made coronavirus vaccine provoked mockery. “There’s no way in hell the U.S. tries this on monkeys, let alone people,” a Trump administration official told CNN.
The propaganda campaign is only the tip of the iceberg. The EU has openly threatened members not to use it. There is credible accusations that the US has done the same to other countries. Vaccine geopolitics is a thing - don't be ridiculously naive. The Russians are trying to discredit US vaccines just as the US is trying to discredit the Russian vaccine.