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Nov 3, 2015
Question smart guy: Why hasn't frail Bill Gates got ANY vaccine?
Why hasn't his family?
Why hadn't the world's 3 most powerful men in January, in Xi, Trump, and Putin?
Haha Billy boy again. How do you know this? You stalking that family?

I was under the impression that Putin, Trump and Gates are vaccinated. Not sure about Xi, but if not, then my guess would be he knows the Chinese jab isn't good, and taking another would mean losing face. Maybe he did that privately tho, I mean who knows.. apart from you I suppose.

I'm gonna have to ask for your sources here my man.
And also a list of all world leaders and their vaccine status por favor



Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
"Right-wing media"?
You're the only guy posting MSM cockamamie bullshit.
"Fox news and newsmax" are controlled opposition.
There isn't a single satellite owned by anyone sane.
Charlie Ergen.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Haha Billy boy again. How do you know this? You stalking that family?

I was under the impression that Putin, Trump and Gates are vaccinated. Not sure about Xi, but if not, then my guess would be he knows the Chinese jab isn't good, and taking another would mean losing face. Maybe he did that privately tho, I mean who knows.. apart from you I suppose.

I'm gonna have to ask for your sources here my man.
And also a list of all world leaders and their vaccine status por favor

I understand everyone wants sources on what I consider common knowledge, it shows you care & that's great.
But this really isn't hard to find, in fact most of this was reported on some form of msm, except Gates.
Sitting on my couch TMMAC surfing leaves me outside my research space, even then, I'm researching, not bouncing around trying to prove things for mma fans.
Had I known 10 years ago that most folks don't really research, I'd have made folders and acquired software to record and file it all, which used to be on Youtube.
My advice for you is to use other platforms, find obscure sites with data freaks, there are tons. Godlike Productions for example, and hundreds more.
Utilize Brighteon while you still can.
Utilize Bitchute while you still can.
Utilize Odyssey while you still can.
There a dozens of new platforms and not a lot of time.
Even if I handed you info, it'd be taken with a grain of salt as subconsciously it was "delivered" rather than worked for; there is a LOT to that dynamic.
With due respect, I'd be doing seminars, not trying to convince what I'd call 'hard cases' online.
My brain took 45 years to accumulate its position.
I don't have cable, don't watch crap, don't watch TV shows, etc. I took the red pill because I wanted it, every day.
If someone doesn't, they'll ignore whatever is given.
Don't hand them a fish, teach 'em to.


Nov 3, 2015
I understand everyone wants sources on what I consider common knowledge, it shows you care & that's great.
But this really isn't hard to find, in fact most of this was reported on some form of msm, except Gates.
Sitting on my couch TMMAC surfing leaves me outside my research space, even then, I'm researching, not bouncing around trying to prove things for mma fans.
Had I known 10 years ago that most folks don't really research, I'd have made folders and acquired software to record and file it all, which used to be on Youtube.
My advice for you is to use other platforms, find obscure sites with data freaks, there are tons. Godlike Productions for example, and hundreds more.
Utilize Brighteon while you still can.
Utilize Bitchute while you still can.
Utilize Odyssey while you still can.
There a dozens of new platforms and not a lot of time.
Even if I handed you info, it'd be taken with a grain of salt as subconsciously it was "delivered" rather than worked for; there is a LOT to that dynamic.
With due respect, I'd be doing seminars, not trying to convince what I'd call 'hard cases' online.
My brain took 45 years to accumulate its position.
I don't have cable, don't watch crap, don't watch TV shows, etc. I took the red pill because I wanted it, every day.
If someone doesn't, they'll ignore whatever is given.
Don't hand them a fish, teach 'em to.
Look pal, you know this as well as I do, but you simply can't put out shit like

"hey smarty pants, how do you explain w, x, y and z?"

to support your argument.
When at least x, y and z have "official" reports of being untrue, and then expect said smarty pants to put in your work to establish x, y and z in the first place.

Not gonna happen.

But this post well establishes the problem in the first place, you live in an alternate reality of your choosing, and now you are trying to lure other people in.
I'm sorry but I'm not gonna follow the weird dude with the candy into the black van.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Look pal, you know this as well as I do, but you simply can't put out shit like
Literally stopped reading.
You have a misunderstanding on either how you talk to people, or how to talk to me.


Nov 3, 2015
Literally stopped reading.
You have a misunderstanding on either how you talk to people, or how to talk to me.
Sorry to be too blunt?!
But don't forget you are talking to a foreigner.
If you are offended by my choice of words, and you don't correct me but are a bitch about it... that prolly says more about you than about me.

Though to me it seems you are avoiding deeper discussion with me for one reason or another, everyone can judge that themselves.
I accept it for what it is and you for who you are.


Long and Thick Member
Oct 26, 2015
Literally stopped reading.
You have a misunderstanding on either how you talk to people, or how to talk to me.
sorry, but he is right.
there is something wrong with how you read,post, and respond.

you make a claim of XYZ
when someone asks for proof
you dont provide it, but digress into other stuff


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
sorry, but he is right.
there is something wrong with how you read,post, and respond.

you make a claim of XYZ
when someone asks for proof
you dont provide it, but digress into other stuff
Sorry, but he's wrong, & so are you.
No one owes you anything or him, & if I took my day to disassemble old hard drives, I expect a salary.
Do your own research on my claims, try to steer clear of Google & use vpn's.
It is impossible to change anyone's mind in a week, let alone a day.
The population is too far gone.


Long and Thick Member
Oct 26, 2015
sparkuri - water is not wet
normal person - what ? can you explain ?
spakuri - the moon is pink. do your own research

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Un Fucking Real

People tell me it isn't political

People tell me to do my part and trust the science


Had a dude get all bent out of shape because I'm not vaccinated and wouldn't wear a mask in his car today. He is Vaccinated and wasn't gonna wear a mask. Willing to let stuff like that get in the way of a 20 year friendship. Wearing a mask wasn't enough anyways, he wanted to guilt over non vaccinated evil doers.

We are dealing with hundreds of millions of NitWit Parrots for Corporate Run Brainwashing Media

member 1013

Guys who drink the kool-aid on every conspiracy theory without question: “U aReN’t A cRiTiCaL tHiNkEr LiKe Me!!”


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Guys who drink the kool-aid on every conspiracy theory without question: “U aReN’t A cRiTiCaL tHiNkEr LiKe Me!!”
people who deny every conspiracy are as retarded as people who buy every conspiracy .they both drink the kool aid

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Guys who drink the kool-aid on every conspiracy theory without question: “U aReN’t A cRiTiCaL tHiNkEr LiKe Me!!”
Who are you talking to?

You know that people who think any conspiracy is bullshit are just as extreme and naive as the example you posted above.

Tons of content is posted in this thread that is solid and backs those not buying the narrative and it simply gets ignored.

member 1013

Who are you talking to?

You know that people who think any conspiracy is bullshit are just as extreme and naive as the example you posted above.

Tons of content is posted in this thread that is solid and backs those not buying the narrative and it simply gets ignored.