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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
The F.D.A. is aiming to give full approval to Pfizer’s Covid vaccine on Monday.
The approval is expected to pave the way for a series of vaccination requirements by public and private organizations who were awaiting final regulatory action before putting in effect mandates. Federal and state health officials are also hoping that an approved vaccine will draw interest from some Americans who have been hesitant to take one that was only authorized for emergency use, a phenomenon suggested by recent polling.
but superglue to seal cuts took 50 years.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
if the "source" website doesn't include the actual information, it's probably making shit up.

the actual source for the information says that 10k died after full dosing and 20k died after 1 shot. There' no information on the condition or overall health of the people who got one shot. They also don't break out the distribution of vaccine types, but they do mention that 90% of the people who died after full-dose were over the age of 70....regardless, that 10k who died after full dosing (correlation not being causation) would represent 3.7% of the COVID deaths during the same time period.

when people post stuff like this, it's because they're trying to convince themselves that they have this all figured out.

they don't. no one does.
It's very clear that our modern education systems badly NEED to include courses on how to spot propaganda. Because so many people just have no idea how to check a source, or how to fudge numbers to scare people, or that an unattributed quote is almost certain to be a lie. I mean, the kind of garbage that constantly gets regurgitated by normal, everyday people who should know better is just plain frightening.


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
New disabilities, big bills follow COVID patients after short hospital stays, study says

A preliminary analysis of 253 patients of a cohort of 1,300 hospitalized with the disease between fall 2020 and early 2021 shows nearly 85% couldn’t get back to their pre-COVID lives one month after being discharged.

About half of them reported new limitations in daily activities, while nearly 55% of patients reported a new or worsened heart or lung symptom and 16% required breathing assistance with oxygen.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
this one is bullshit. and it wasn't even hard to figure out HOW it was bullshit.
I liked the article from the same source a couple of days previous, titled "Liberals and Washington Post Jews Can’t Wait to Be Rid of White People"

You just KNOW a source is completely legit, non-biased, credible and trustworthy when it's running articles about "Washington Post Jews".

Sparkuri will NEVER question this stuff for even a second or understand that this garbage is poisoning his mind, though. It tells him what he's already decided he wants to hear. That's literally all he needs - that by itself makes it legitimate news in his eyes. It's sad, shameful, pathetic and frightening, all at once.



Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
but superglue to seal cuts took 50 years.
Are you discussing dermabond?
It's not JUST superglue and you've got the physics background to know the exact difference.
There are isomer and alkyl chain changes in dermabond and its competitors that are not found in regular superglue.

Do I recommend you superglue your fingertip at home? yes.

Is superglue an appropriate substitute for surgical glues or large cuts? Absolutely not. The latter are more flexible, have antimicrobial properties, and are dramatically less likely to cause skin irritation and associated wound healing delaying inflammatory response than superglue.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Are you discussing dermabond?
It's not JUST superglue and you've got the physics background to know the exact difference.
There are isomer and alkyl chain changes in dermabond and its competitors that are not found in regular superglue.

Do I recommend you superglue your fingertip at home? yes.

Is superglue an appropriate substitute for surgical glues or large cuts? Absolutely not. The latter are more flexible, have antimicrobial properties, and are dramatically less likely to cause skin irritation and associated wound healing delaying inflammatory response than superglue.
yes, but the reason that superglue wasn't approved was because there were no intellectual property rights, and no profit incentive.
Other products were based on it which are unique, detectable, and not obvious....those products have profit.

just pointing out that the FDA is the publicity arm of Big Pharma.

EDIT - superglue was used for surgical repair in the 60s. it's not ideal, but it's better than sutures in many situations (i'm not a surgeon)


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
yes, but the reason that superglue wasn't approved was because there were no intellectual property rights, and no profit incentive.
Other products were based on it which are unique, detectable, and not obvious....those products have profit.
got some history on this?
There are many qualities of regular superglue that I could imagine would not make it an authorized adhesive for skin laceration. It has a very narrow spectrum where its appropriate and high risk of problems if used everywhere dermabond is approved.

just pointing out that the FDA is the publicity arm of Big Pharma.
I think there's plenty to agree with that statement. I've got no love lost for the unholy matrimony of government and industry.
Makena is the most egregious history supporting this statement in my mind.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
got some history on this?
There are many qualities of regular superglue that I could imagine would not make it an authorized adhesive for skin laceration. It has a very narrow spectrum where its appropriate and high risk of problems if used everywhere dermabond is approved.

I think there's plenty to agree with that statement. I've got no love lost for the unholy matrimony of government and industry.
Makena is the most egregious history supporting this statement in my mind.

deeper read

"The US Army’s cyanoacrylate spray was used in about thirty documented cases of surgically untreatable haemorrhage resulting from wounds to the liver, kidneys or retroperitoneal space. It is this second use of cyanoacrylates that is best documented and that saw the most dramatic application in military medical practices during the Vietnam War. In life-threatening situations, or those in which the patient’s organ would otherwise have been sacrificed due to uncontrolled bleeding, cyanoacrylate spray adhesive was used according to the following methods. Initially, the blood supply to the involved organ had been occluded via digital pressure or a vascular clamp to achieve temporary haemostasis. (Note that non-arterial bleeding and the ability to achieve a temporarily dry surface were relative requirements for this surgical use of cyanoacrylates). Then a sterile polyethylene sheet, with a hole cut in it to expose the area where the glue was to be applied, was draped over the surgical field. After carefully drying the oozing area, the spray could either be applied to the organ surface and allowed to polymerize by itself or pressure could be applied during polymerization via another polyethylene sheet, a piece of omentum, or a cooptation of the organ itself. Polymerization took twenty to thirty seconds; if bleeding recurred after polymerization, the polymerized adhesive could be easily removed in one sheet before its seal to the organ is complete and the process could be repeated to achieve total haemostasis. "

member 1013

Can they draw unemployment?
They are probably illegible to claim the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) which has been extended to March. $2000 CAD a month. Which might cover rent or mortgage payments in the Greater Toronto area, maybe.
Nov 21, 2015
First time seeing this group- I doubt that Lt Gov even realized how racist a comment he made there; 'white people don't have to get the vaccine, it's their choice, but blacks do because they're causing us to get sick. Democrats, tell your blacks to get the vaccine and stop fucking up our states.'

Yep. Came off pretty bad and thats all the media
needed to whip people into more divide and frenzy
Nov 21, 2015

The guy literally is scape-goating a race group as the reason for the continue to pandemic just to roll things back to the Democrats. Yeah the punchline is that those dirty blacks vote Democrat. But come on. This is a pretty old and obvious trope.

It's just a scapegoating. In the same sentence he talks about how he respects his base's right to not get vaccinated. Yet his tone when discussing black people is accusatory and is in fact in the context of them keeping the pandemic going.
Yep and look what he's done. He even has us arguing
about race instead of discussing the actual issue of covid.
and we are pretty civil cuz we talk regularly and have a common
interest of MMA.

Imagine how much further he drove people apart that don't
speak regularly like we do.
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Nov 21, 2015
Alabama doctor pledges to stop treating unvaccinated patients

I saw that. Said basically that Covid is a horrible way to die
and had no interest in watching any of his patients die from it
because they wouldnt get the vaccine.

Basically "You are free to die from covid cuz you don't want to get vaxxed.
Thats your right. You don't have the right to make me watch you die though"
Nov 21, 2015
This is from January.

As I said, he didn't bring race to the pandemic. It's been a talking point of progressives since at least this time last year.
Yes I'm aware of that. We all knew that minority groups were being hit harder
however there was never a blame and friction point between racial groups regarding
the blame for covid until Lt. Gov. Fuck Wit decided to create a racial flashpoint
by using a 1900s racist trope.

and again... here we are arguing about race instead of covid.

We have never argued racial blame and covid like this until now.

Mission Accomplished

This is the last I'm going to say on it because he isn't going to get me
continually arguing about race on this topic like he intended.

If you know history you know this was a very common tactic in the 1900s

He knew exactly what he was doing

Fuck that bitch
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For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
He didn't say "Black people are causing the covid crisis." He pointed out that who is unvaccinated is being politicized and to do that ignores that big parts of both parties base are unvaccinted. Now, maybe I'm giving the most charitable interpretation, but "Black people are to blame for covid." is that absolute worst interpretation someone could come up with and a lot of stretching has to be done to get there. Ultimately it's more whataboutism than it is blame game.
Respect for trying to see the good in people.

However, He literally said they (dems) blame the Republicans for the covid crisis. BUT HEY! LOOK AT BLACK PEOPLE!