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Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015


What we've know for over a year.

With readily available treatments for pennies, there is no pandemic, there is no epidemic, there is no endemic.
And there are 200 countries & billions of people not fighting freedom or each other.
And 20 corporations don't double their value while citizens lose half theirs.
And NO hospital or ICU is overrun or exhausted.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014


What we've know for over a year.

With readily available treatments for pennies, there is no pandemic, there is no epidemic, there is no endemic.
And there are 200 countries & billions of people not fighting freedom or each other.
And 20 corporations don't double their value while citizens lose half theirs.
And NO hospital or ICU is overrun or exhausted.

No one disagrees with him.

But you've taken his "this isnt great evidence but with informed consent it might help and given lack of options we should try that" and expanded it to WAKE UP SHEEP THE MAGIC BULLET IS THERE YOU IDIOTS.


First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Texas hospitalizations. Updated numbers to be released in a bit. Will this surge pass the last surge today?



Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
No one disagrees with him.

But you've taken his "this isnt great evidence but with informed consent it might help and given lack of options we should try that" and expanded it to WAKE UP SHEEP THE MAGIC BULLET IS THERE YOU IDIOTS.
There's 40 fucking countries Splinty that've eradicated this with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Doxycycline, Z-packs, Zinc, Vitamin D, snd Vitamin C.

"Magic bullet"?
WTF bullshit are you peddling?
It doesn't even require a "magic bullet", it requires telling the populace the fucking TRUTH.
That 70% of deaths occur in patients over 70 with 6-10 comorbidities AND AREN'T GIVEN FRONTLINE TREATMENTS PURPOSELY.
Which means they were on the death list in the next 2-3 years, and Americans need to travel abroad or go to tractor stores to have a fighting chance at life.

With Taiwan's HCQ production plants mysteriously blowing up, and every single corrupt medical & media organization benefitting from peddling your shit "vaccines", you still refuse to acknowledge the PLAINLY OBVIOUS.
America was AND IS being attacked from within, and hand-delivered to China, in the "health institutes" play the key role.
Studies on Ivermectin were COMPLETED by France in MARCH 2020 Splinty with "miraculous results".
What's your deal?
Because you work in a hospital and see first-hand the effects of NOT properly treating patients, you turn off your common sense for emotion in favor of an experiment given EUA for $$$?
Explain Remdesivir Splinty @Splinty .
Explain why a drug that FAUCI & the NIH has a financial stake in was given early EUA despite best studies decreasing hospital stays by an average of 2 days, but not impacting IFR OR CFR BY ANY UNIT OF MEASURE, YET SHITTING ON HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & IVERMECTIN.

Why the fuck are we still talking about this?
Are you in denial?
The DATA worldwide is clear, and has been for a YEAR.
Your chosen industry is political splinty, period.
Your infantry is inundated with well-meaning good people that want to make a difference, NECK-deep in lies in the crime against humanity of world history.
Your inability to come to terms with that is what were dealing with.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Are we gonna pretend this isn't real Splinty?

That graphene oxide isn't the SOLE purpose of this "vaccine", and doesn't account for 99% of its ingredients?
Are we going to call everyone a "conspiracy theorist" for believing in THOUSANDS of videos & the "magnet challenge"?

Japan Suspends 1.6 Million Doses of Moderna Vaccine After Reports of Contamination Japan Suspends 1.6 Million Doses of Moderna Vaccine After Reports of Contamination

What's it gonna take, a sworn statement from the Bilderberg group?

member 1013

Rambo John J @Freedom showed your study to a few doctor friends

they’re wondering what point you were trying to make

don’t shoot me I’m just the messenger


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
There's 40 fucking countries Splinty that've eradicated this with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Doxycycline, Z-packs, Zinc, Vitamin D, snd Vitamin C.

"Magic bullet"?
WTF bullshit are you peddling?
It doesn't even require a "magic bullet", it requires telling the populace the fucking TRUTH.
That 70% of deaths occur in patients over 70 with 6-10 comorbidities AND AREN'T GIVEN FRONTLINE TREATMENTS PURPOSELY.
Which means they were on the death list in the next 2-3 years, and Americans need to travel abroad or go to tractor stores to have a fighting chance at life.

With Taiwan's HCQ production plants mysteriously blowing up, and every single corrupt medical & media organization benefitting from peddling your shit "vaccines", you still refuse to acknowledge the PLAINLY OBVIOUS.
America was AND IS being attacked from within, and hand-delivered to China, in the "health institutes" play the key role.
Studies on Ivermectin were COMPLETED by France in MARCH 2020 Splinty with "miraculous results".
What's your deal?
Because you work in a hospital and see first-hand the effects of NOT properly treating patients, you turn off your common sense for emotion in favor of an experiment given EUA for $$$?
Explain Remdesivir Splinty @Splinty .
Explain why a drug that FAUCI & the NIH has a financial stake in was given early EUA despite best studies decreasing hospital stays by an average of 2 days, but not impacting IFR OR CFR BY ANY UNIT OF MEASURE, YET SHITTING ON HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & IVERMECTIN.

Why the fuck are we still talking about this?
Are you in denial?
The DATA worldwide is clear, and has been for a YEAR.
Your chosen industry is political splinty, period.
Your infantry is inundated with well-meaning good people that want to make a difference, NECK-deep in lies in the crime against humanity of world history.
Your inability to come to terms with that is what were dealing with.
