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"Hospitals in New Orleans will not evacuate and instead shelter in place while Ida makes its way through the region, the city's health department director Dr. Jennifer Avegno said. Capacity at nearby hospitals in Texas and Florida is "extremely limited," Avegno said, as Covid-19 hospitalizations are on the rise.”


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
"Hospitals in New Orleans will not evacuate and instead shelter in place while Ida makes its way through the region, the city's health department director Dr. Jennifer Avegno said. Capacity at nearby hospitals in Texas and Florida is "extremely limited," Avegno said, as Covid-19 hospitalizations are on the rise.”

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
A new coronavirus variant, C.1.2, has been detected in South Africa and a number of other countries, with concerns that it could be more infectious and evade vaccines, according to a new preprint study by South Africa's National Institute for Communicable Diseases and the KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform. The study is awaiting peer review.

Scientists first detected C.1.2 in May 2021, finding that it was descended from C.1, which scientists found surprising as C.1 had last been detected in January. The new variant has "mutated substantially" compared to C.1 and is more mutations away from the original virus detected in Wuhan than any other Variant of Concern (VOC) or Variant of Interest (VOI) detected so far worldwide.
Nov 21, 2015
Greatest dogs on earth...... but you can't take them to the park or have anyone over to your house without risking a hospital visit and/or a lawsuit.

Yeah...... nah.

Thats kinda the point. They are for attacking and eliminating problems

I'm not a family man. I dont have kids and I dont have people over to my house

Different dogs and training are for different purposes

These two werent trained to be friendly to strangers and play frisbee at the park

I've had Dogos and Pitbulls all my life. Some I trained to be friendly and approachable

Not these two. Their sole purpose is to go from zero to kill mode
with no hesitation and excel at attack training which they do very well.

Super proud of my girl for not tolerating someone entering my personal space.
Proud of my boy too. He was locked dead stare at the mutherfucker just waiting
for me to give the greenlight just as he was trained.
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Dec 15, 2018
Any of you goofs know anything about the Novavax? Heard good things about it so far. I believe it's different just like the J&J vaccine is compared to Pfizer and Moderna...

member 1013

Thats kinda the point. They are for attacking and eliminating problems

I'm not a family man. I dont have kids and I dont have people over to my house

Different dogs and training are for different purposes

They werent trained to be friendly to strangers and something people can walk up and pet

I've had Dogos and Pitbulls all my life. Some I trained to be friendly and approchable

Not these two though. Their soul purpose is to be in kill mode
and excel at attack training which they do very well.

Super proud of my girl for not tolerating someone yelling in my face
Y u so hostile

Miesha's Taint

Miesha's Taint
Dec 3, 2018
Yeah man it amazes me how many people freely post pictures of their house
family, pets, and even their kids openly to the entire world.

May as well draw a map to your house for any psycho looking to do you harm

No thanks...
I'll send you my actual co ordinates.

This is Straya though...No guns.

I'll flay You and leave your skinless corpse in the front garden as a warning to other gun dependent Americans.
Nov 21, 2015
The problem with Murica is that people have zero respect for others anymore.

Its none of anyones business that I choose to wear a mask.

Don't expect to get in my face unwelcome and express
your issues with me wearing it and looking for a confrontation

Keep it moving and mind your damn business.

The world has gone fuckin crazy.
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