did you get to the point where joe asked about the size of the military budget, and mcMaster argued that it should be bigger?I don't listen to Rogan's podcast often, but I did play this episode on my way to work this morning. I'm about 40 minutes in and I don't think it's too bad so far.
McMaster has plenty of insight. It's not like Joe can just start berating a guest as soon as they kick it off. He'd never get anyone to come on. It's a balancing act.
They touched on Vietnam and to a smaller extent the Gulf War, but I do hope Joe pushes him a little on the US War Machine. McMasters is on record mentioning military strategy groups being funded by defense contractors. Hopefully they touch on that a bit.
They just started talking about China's power over us via goods and services (phones, chips, etc) and how we (the US) created that problem with companies looking to reduce labor costs to maximize profits. I hope companies have learned that vertical integration is essential and should be a focus moving forward.
I'll definitely finish the episode.
or how he commented on the problem with Iraq is that we thought it would be easier, not that we never should have gone in
Joe didn't bring up Suadi Arabia in terms of 9/11 either
it was a failed interview because he kissed this guys ass
(and yes, some of mcmasters insight was interesting and on point. but when he is wrong, he was very wrong)