General Corona virus updates

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too high to rigg
Oct 21, 2015
this would be the ideal time for the 3d printed ghost gun there is already precendent in hurricane katrina for the government confiscating legally owned registered firearms from its own citizens.
Doubt it.
Here in Bay Area, we have entire police department closing due to police officers popping for corona, pretty dumb to spend scarce manpower for gun confiscation

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Doubt it.
Here in Bay Area, we have entire police department closing due to police officers popping for corona, pretty dumb to spend scarce manpower for gun confiscation
they don't send cops they send feds or military and they dont even need that many to do it they did it last time with like 20 feds.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
this would be the ideal time for the 3d printed ghost gun there is already precendent in hurricane katrina for the government confiscating legally owned registered firearms from its own citizens.
Please stop saying ghost gun. The gun is right there, I can see it.
You're talking like a liberal.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Brazilian big brother contestants are informed about the pandemic for the first time


'Brazilian here! Not much to translate, I think the important part is there reaction. I’ll give a run down of what was said though. The host asked everyone to sit down and explain there wouldn’t be a challenge that day. He also said that what he is saying is not a joke, not a part of the game, but the show has to inform of them that is going on in the outside world and that they are breaking protocol here. That’s when you see the participants freaking out, and the host asks them to be calm while he goes thorough this.

Then the host quickly starts on how there was this new virus in December, and that some of the participants may remember hearing about this before starting the show (started Jan 21 I believe). He explained how this is a new virus and it’s now spread worldwide, and has reached Brazil. Again, participants are freaking out and some are starting to cry. The host immediately says “I’m gonna start off by what I assume you all want to know, all of your family members and friends are fine”. That’s why you see the participants relax there. Finally, he just described the virus, how it’s highly infectious, people who are vulnerable, how it’s new so people don’t have natural immunity against it, and finally he explains how symptoms are usually more minimal like the regular flu, but that we have to be careful cause if even x% of the population gets it the healthcare system would be overloaded. He then mentions a couple of participants and how they can explain that more, so I would assume they are physicians or healthcare practitioners (I’m not watching this season so I can’t say for sure). That’s about it!'

Deleted member 1

they did after the poor initial response as I said
I don't think the Chinese ever did an exemplary job.
Their entire response is pretty poor Even if it becomes mathematically expedient after the fact. They started off by creating more problems. They then had to respond to that with insane draconian moves that only worked by trading certain types of human suffering for other types of human suffering.
Modern public health has plenty of tools outside of walling off 61 million people with orders to shoot any that come out. Yes that works mathematically, but I can't describe that as anything other than a poor response. And I think it's really important that we all call that what it was... A combination of creating their own problem followed by an inhumane crackdown that ignored almost everything to do with ethics and modern public health. And in the end it wasn't enough because we all have a pandemic now.
Their only benefit was trading harm for other harm locally. So for part of their local populace they did a great job. And for the other part of the populace? Did people need to be welded into their apartments without the government systematically providing food and water?
Once the society requires that individual harm society has an obligation to then minimize that harm through social input. Just like now as we ask everybody to essentially shelter in place, we owe it all to each other to make sure all of us have the ability to do that. We cannot just ask for pain from each other and then give nothing. I don't see where the Chinese government gave for what they took.
How much timeline did they buy the rest of the world in those actions? I'm not sure. It doesn't seem like that much if they seeded the world with 5 million people from the region before they locked it down.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
I don't think the Chinese ever did an exemplary job.
Their entire response is pretty poor Even if it becomes mathematically expedient after the fact. They started off by creating more problems. They then had to respond to that with insane draconian moves that only worked by trading certain types of human suffering for other types of human suffering.
Modern public health has plenty of tools outside of walling off 61 million people with orders to shoot any that come out. Yes that works mathematically, but I can't describe that as anything other than a poor response. And I think it's really important that we all call that what it was... A combination of creating their own problem followed by an inhumane crackdown that ignored almost everything to do with ethics and modern public health. And in the end it wasn't enough because we all have a pandemic now.
Their only benefit was trading harm for other harm locally. So for part of their local populace they did a great job. And for the other part of the populace? Did people need to be welded into their apartments without the government systematically providing food and water?
Once the society requires that individual harm society has an obligation to then minimize that harm through social input. Just like now as we ask everybody to essentially shelter in place, we owe it all to each other to make sure all of us have the ability to do that. We cannot just ask for pain from each other and then give nothing. I don't see where the Chinese government gave for what they took.
How much timeline did they buy the rest of the world in those actions? I'm not sure. It doesn't seem like that much if they seeded the world with 5 million people from the region before they locked it down.
I think you're condemning the lockdown before we determine how good our response is. South Korea's response is exemplary right from the beginning, and China has a lot of blame for their initial reaction. But once the spread was endemic it was a choice between what type of social harm happened. Either they act draconinan, but also with great swiftness in building hospitals, instituting mass testing and social distancing across the rest of the country, or they could have continuned to let it spread and lost lives that way. Draconinan response was needed because of how poor their initial response was.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I think you're condemning the lockdown before we determine how good our response is. South Korea's response is exemplary right from the beginning, and China has a lot of blame for their initial reaction. But once the spread was endemic it was a choice between what type of social harm happened. Either they act draconinan, but also with great swiftness in building hospitals, instituting mass testing and social distancing across the rest of the country, or they could have continuned to let it spread and lost lives that way. Draconinan response was needed because of how poor their initial response was.
Trying to top yesterday's post are we?