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Feb 7, 2020
I got a mandatory call back from work today to make sand bags because of the flood forecast. This has been deemed an essential service and I have no choice. My kids are home and I've been looking after them while my nurse wife works. If I don't go back I'll lose seniority in the union and most likely lose my position for the summer.

The government is telling everyone to stay home and keep social distance. I work for the government and am being forced back to work by people in human resources that are working from home.

I haven't seen my or my wifes parents (they are old and in the high risk group) for 3 weeks now because we do not want to risk our families health. I now have to risk them because I need day care for my daughter.

What the fuck is going on.
Good luck my friend, stay positive.
Wear a mask and gloves daily.
Tough situation you're in, but the positive is you still have a job and can provide for the family. Keep smiling, and eventually the universe will smile back.



Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
Just a funny meme I saw bruddah. I know there's the meme of him looking like China's leader too...

The truth is ridiculous.

Why China censors banned Winnie the Pooh
By Stephen McDonell BBC News, Beijing
This meme showing Xi Jinping and former US President Barack Obama began circulating in 2013
The blocking of Winnie the Pooh might seem like a bizarre move by the Chinese authorities but it is part of a struggle to restrict clever bloggers from getting around their country's censorship.

When is a set of wrist watches not just a set of wrist watches? When is a river crab not just a river crab? Inside the Great Firewall of China of course.

Winnie the Pooh has joined a line of crazy, funny internet references to China's top leaders.

The Chinese name for and images of the plump, cute cartoon character are being blocked on social media sites here because bloggers have been comparing him to China's president.

When Xi Jinping and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe endured one of the more awkward handshakes in history netizens responded with Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore shaking hands.

And then there was the time President Xi popped his head out of the roof of his special Red Flag limousine to inspect the troops - a photo appeared online of a toy Winnie the Pooh popping out of his own little car.

It is not only that China's censors will not tolerate ridicule of the country's leader, they do not want this beloved children's character becoming a kind of online euphemism for the Communist Party's general secretary.

In other countries such comparisons might be thought of as harmless enough and some might even think that having Winnie as your mascot could even be quite endearing: not in China.

Here the president is Mr Grey. He doesn't do silly things; he has no quirky elements; he makes no mistakes and that is why he is above the population and unable to be questioned.

The previous Chinese Leader Hu Jintao had a catchphrase of "promoting a harmonious society" or, in Chinese, hexie 和谐.

Bloggers started to refer to being censored as having been "harmonised" - bei hexie le 被和谐了 - but, by changing the tones in Chinese or changing the characters, you can fudge the meaning. So another hexie is river crab 河蟹。In other words, when you see an image of a river crab on the internet in China, it is likely to be a reference to something having been censored.

Another Chinese leader Jiang Zemin came up with a political theory called Three Represents, san ge daibiao 三个代表。If you switch that around a bit it becomes dai san ge biao 带三个表, or wear three watches. So the wearing of three watches became a cheeky way of referring to his contribution to China's socialism "with Chinese characteristics".

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It is not necessarily easy to get around China's censors though.

For example they have been extremely successful at virtually wiping out the existence of the country's number one dissident Liu Xiaobo - the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize who died in custody here last week - at least as far as the general public goes.

Most Chinese citizens have simply never heard of him.

AFP/Getty Images
Liu Xiaobo was better known abroad than he was in China
If you have anything to do with China at all here is a way of testing the censorship regime for yourself.

Everybody in China uses the Wechat (Weixin 微信) App… and I do mean pretty much everybody.

Sit down next to a friend who also has Wechat on their phone. Now try and send them a text message using the name "Liu Xiaobo".

On your phone it will appear as if you have sent the message but your friend will not get it.

The Chinese authorities can just punch certain words or phrases into whatever blocking mechanism they use and shut down discussion of a topic.

Wechat is a privately owned company but China's tech giants must toe the Party line.

Winnie the Pooh has actually fallen foul of the authorities here before. This renewed push against online Pooh is because we are now in the run-up to the Communist Party Congress this autumn.

The meeting takes place every five years and, amongst other things, sees the appointment of the new Politburo Standing Committee: the now seven-member group at the top of the Chinese political system.

Xi Jinping will also be using the Congress, which marks the beginning of his second term in office, to further solidify his grip on power by promoting allies and sidelining those seen as a threat.

It had been thought that China has transformed into a system of two-term governance for the country's supreme leader but this is merely a recent convention rather than a rule.

So, because President Xi has made so many enemies within the Party as a result of his widespread anti-corruption crackdown, many have questioned whether he can afford to give up power after the next five-year term.

In order to stay on he will believe that he needs to ensure there are no cracks in the absolute loyalty he demands.

And, in this climate, there is seen to be no room for even the most frivolous challenges to his supreme authority.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2016
pretty sure i said months ago that the usa should have a hard lock down like we did after 9/11.. most of you laughed it off.. said it was too extreme.. only sparky and a few others agreed. dial it back.. think about it.. Chinese are not wearing googles, mask, face shield, gloves and rain gear with their arms and legs duck taped for a 1% death rate.. anywho. hearsay,,,, coming to a hospital near you.. god speed.


pretty sure i said months ago that the usa should have a hard lock down like we did after 9/11.. most of you laughed it off.. said it was too extreme.. only sparky and a few others agreed. dial it back.. think about it.. Chinese are not wearing googles, mask, face shield, gloves and rain gear with their arms and legs duck taped for a 1% death rate.. anywho. hearsay,,,, coming to a hospital near you.. god speed.



The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
Toronto mayor says ticketing blitz to enforce closure of parks facilities could begin today

He said that while he has asked bylaw enforcement officers to begin a ticketing blitz this week, he has also begun to consider more drastic measures to enforce the order, such as the outright closure of city parks.

City officials have previously said that residents violating the order will face a set fine of $750.
Are there parks not filled with homeless people like ours?


4070 = Legend
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
We are capitalists. I think I'm going to offer my favorite restaurant a monetary incentive to open their closed dining room for a private dinner for me and my wife.

member 3289

We are capitalists. I think I'm going to offer my favorite restaurant a monetary incentive to open their closed dining room for a private dinner for me and my wife.
Do you really think IHOP will do it?

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Twitter: Laura Ingraham tweet broke rules against coronavirus misinformation
In the March 20 tweet, Ingraham claimed that the drug was already in use in “many hospitals,” including at Lenox Hill in New York, and was showing “very promising results,” according to a screenshot viewed by POLITICO. The tweet referenced a segment on the host’s prime-time show that erroneously attributed information to a Lenox Hill doctor who in fact does not work at the facility.

Fox News later issued a correction saying the segment had misstated the doctor's relationship to the hospital. A network spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment today.

A Twitter spokesperson said earlier today that the company required Ingraham to delete the post for violating its policies. But the company later reversed course, saying Ingraham was not forced to take it down.