Yep. Shitcan them!@Splinty@sparkuri
You guys seem to be at odds, and its affecting the community.@Sex Chicken can't sleep at night with all your yelling and screaming. He blames himself.
You should both sit down and take a long, hard look at yourselves and ask these 5 difficult questions
The only thing worse than having a friendship in trouble is to have a friendship in trouble and be in denial about it.
Considering that at least one definition of friendship is that the security and well-being of your friend is as significant to you as your own security and well-being, then would you say that, based on results, you behave in a way that reflects that you are a friend with your friend? Why?
Using that same definition, is your friend a friend to you? Why?
Knowing what you now about your friendship, would you still get involved with the same person if you had to do it all over again? Why?
If you could break off your friendship or get a divorce from your friend right now without any inconvenience, legal costs, or embarrassment, without any undue hardship, would you do it?
Is this legit?@Chief pre-empted me being African
"Two Chinese doctors who were infected with the coronavirus while treating patients in the epicenter city of Wuhan survived the deadly illness – but their skin turned very dark after they were placed on life support, according to a report."
No, yes. And I'm the bird on the left. Fuck I miss a California sun tan I want to be the chick on the right dammit. I'm a proper sun worship pool type person and it ain't happening right now.
Considering that at least one definition of friendship is that the security and well-being of your friend is as significant to you as your own security and well-being, then would you say that, based on results, you behave in a way that reflects that you are a friend with your friend? Why?
Using that same definition, is your friend a friend to you? Why?
Knowing what you now about your friendship, would you still get involved with the same person if you had to do it all over again? Why?
If you could break off your friendship or get a divorce from your friend right now without any inconvenience, legal costs, or embarrassment, without any undue hardship, would you do it?
Chris "Fredo" Cuomo leaves his basement after being infected with the Kung Flu for the camera eventhough he's been proven to be far away from his basement recently...
LoL @ "Fake News" CNN
He's not heavyI would crawl through a mile of 5G activated bioengineered HIV sourced Coronavirusexosome bat soup and burn Bill Gates in effigy just to smell@sparkuri one time through an N95 while standing on the other side of his glass backdoor.
He means everything to me.
Have you considered this? It says that if it really is dangerous to your health you can eat or drink during Ramamdam. I really hope people are sensible and if they need a glass of water they remember that they're allowed.
I'm sorry I snapped at you @Splinty .I would crawl through a mile of 5G activated bioengineered HIV sourced Coronavirusexosome bat soup and burn Bill Gates in effigy just to smell@sparkuri one time through an N95 while standing on the other side of his glass backdoor.
He means everything to me.
I'm sorry I snapped at you @Splinty .
Like most people, being questioned doesn't feel good, and because I'm a natural competetor, I can tend to go from 0-60100KMH pretty fast, after my silent knight finally breaks through his armor.
I'm probably not the only one spending too much time not doing what I should be and not practicing self-discipline, which should involve spending my time wisely, and responding wisely. Both require time-management, and that is a practice unfortunately I'm unaccustomed to.
Honestly I didn't even read all you said, and won't at the moment. There's been a few people questioning me or throwing weird shade at me since the epidemic; most own poor adjustment reactions.
Miraculously those that listen do well, and those that don't, don't.
But I shouldn't expect the whole world to know that and there's more than one way to skin a bat.
Regarding the dilemna, I think what gets me most is the overall picture, which I'm quite certain of.
I heard at a young age "the only thing we learned from history is that we learn nothing from history", and it stuck.
So geopolitically or socially there's no puzzle to solve other than entertaining myself with the route to get there with the vast amount of time I have at the moment.
But where that same ideology is just as important is human relations; the notion parallels.
So I apologize for blowing up on you.
both your feels were hurt
dick pixxs and "real penises" lmao...were deserved