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Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Yeah, I'm pointing out that most of the guidelines you mentioned are considered pretty useless. Those masks you see people wearing are a waste of time, you need to go full N95 respirator.
Dear everyone

Masks are not useless.
Whatever the CDC says, whatever the WHO says.
Masks inherently were created to be not useless.

The disinformation campaign begins behind closed doors.
This particular disinformation campaign began when officials figured out there were not enough masks to who they deemed important.

A simple surgeons mask keeps others from getting something you may have.
This comes in handy with a disease(@Splinty <3 ) that has an unknown INCUBATION PERIOD.

N95 masks keep out.....guess the amount of molecular particle types.
Those little contraptions you see, are for ease of outbound breathing.

N99 masks keep out...guess the amount of particular types.
Same as above.

ALL masks, isolation methods, cleaning & sanitizing methods, require prudence.
In other words, to get the percentages advertised, assumptions are there are no other mistakes being made:, eg; TOUCHING your mask.

SC MMA MD @SC MMA MD & Splinty & others.
Please add to what I missed, I'm generator shopping.
Last edited:

Deleted member 1

Dear everyone

Masks are not useless.
Whatever the CDC says, whatever the WHO says.
Masks inherently were created to be not useless.

The disinformation campaign begins behind closed doors.
This particular disinformation campaign began when officials figured out there were not enough masks to who they deemed important.

A simple surgeons mask keeps others from getting something you may have.
This comes in handy with a disease(@Splinty <3 ) that has an unknown INCUBATION PERIOD.

N95 masks keep out.....guess the amount of molecular particle types.
Those little contraptions you see, are for ease of ourbound breathing.

N99 masks keep out...guess the amount of particular types.
Same as above.

ALL masks, isolation methods, cleaning & sanitizing methods, require prudence.
In other words, to get the percentages advertised, assumptions are there are no other mistakes being made:, eg; TOUCHING your mask.

SC MMA MD @SC MMA MD & Splinty & others.
Please add to what I missed, I'm generator shopping.

I'm not sure where the arguments are.

Surgical mask:

If everyone wore masks, less disease.
If sick people wear mask, less disease.
If well people wear masks and there is only a few sick people around, there's a good chance it doesn't help and MIGHT hurt as the mask cause people to mess with them and are wet inside an hour from breath humidity. A mask is only useful for a well person who is trapped in an area with a sick person. Otherwise the return on it is little to none and in studies of mask wearers, people touch the mask and their face and increase transmission that way. So it doesn't really matter if the mask filters. You have to do a patient centered focus like, do they actually get sick less which includes things like the INCREASED mask and face touching.

If you walk out of the house, wearing a mask, and you pass a sick person on the street, there's not great evidence that you are lowering your transmission and some studies suggest you will actually increase your transmission. If you are on the subway or caring for your sick family member and someone is sick without a mask, your mask if probably helping you IF YOU CAN STOP FROM TOUCHING IT AND ADJUSTING IT AND WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE YOU PUT IT ON AND TAKE IF OFF. But, your mask would be much more effective if simply handed from the box to that sick person. For you in that moment! and everyone else. Airplanes are likely the same answer as they are hot beds for cross infection, but they also might have some aersolized threat I don't understand because it's not a sneeze or a cough, but air pressured from the vents. I dunno.

Mostly the same answers.
The exceptions here start with fitting of the N95 which requires an actual test and people don't do these. You can get pretty close a lot but also MANY people are kind of between sizes and need a fit test with an airborne fitting. Otherwise you can't be sure its doing its airborne rated job. But if we are talking just resp droplets, they filter more, they fit tighter, etc. Most importantly they take longer to get water logged and you typically see guidelines in hours of wear before you need to trade them out even for airborne. Reasonably you could dry these or clean them and still have resp droplet protection for some time...but again, they suck, they are hot, and people adjust them and touch them as they walk around. Touch your mask or your face and you are increasing your transmission.

You might be a perfect mask wearer. Most aren't. At a population level, well people wearing masks is just a misunderstanding of other country mask culture. It's not justified unless you have unlimited resources. And even then, it is harmful in some situations to individuals wearing them, who then become sick threats.
If your well person threat is low, which it is for this virus as well, then you are comparing the odds of some resp droplets hitting your face vs the odds you will adjust our mask and touch your face. In most cases, the latter is more likely and that increases transmission.
The best thing a mask owner could do is tell sick people in public, "take this!" and make them put it on. That's BETTER transmission prevention for the well person than the well person wearing the mask. If you are on a subway, and that person is sick and coughing and won't put it on, then yes, in a room, subway car, etc...wearing a mask would help you.

appears to be a wrong way mask

dont adjust!

a common thing I see when people wear a hot mask

common thing...

Deleted member 1

They aren't sealed, which means air passes through them both directions. They're useless for preventing spread of disease.
that's not true at all.
basic surgical masks reduce the spread of resp droplets. This isn't an airborne disease.

In non patient focused studies (mannequin heads) surgical masks still lowered the transmission of inhaled resp droplets. This is not a great study because it ignores people touching their face (they do it all the damned time) so it's not support for mask wearing. But even leaking masks reduce resp droplet transmission, mostly outwards so the sick person is not spreading so far (typically 6-10ft in a cough and twice or more that with an uncovered sneeze). Professional and Home-Made Face Masks Reduce Exposure to Respiratory Infections among the General Population

We aren't talking an airborne disease. That's very different.

The issue with well people wearing masks is the limited utility in actual daily life and function and the low risk of getting sick as you walk around anyways.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
See the above post. It's not an airborne disease. It's a resp droplet spread. This is huge difference.
Did you hear Rogan's expert on his podcast?
He says the exact opposite.

I didn't like him personally and don't trust him, but that was his stance and what he said his colleagues were on board with.

Podcast was less than 90 minutes I believe.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
that's not true at all.
basic surgical masks reduce the spread of resp droplets. This isn't an airborne disease.

In non patient focused studies (mannequin heads) surgical masks still lowered the transmission of inhaled resp droplets. This is not a great study because it ignores people touching their face (they do it all the damned time) so it's not support for mask wearing. But even leaking masks reduce resp droplet transmission, mostly outwards so the sick person is not spreading so far (typically 6-10ft in a cough and twice or more that with an uncovered sneeze). Professional and Home-Made Face Masks Reduce Exposure to Respiratory Infections among the General Population

We aren't talking an airborne disease. That's very different.

The issue with well people wearing masks is the limited utility in actual daily life and function and the low risk of getting sick as you walk around anyways.
"That's not true at all."

*corroborates post*

Deleted member 1

Did you hear Rogan's expert on his podcast?
He says the exact opposite.
I've found a summary. I don't have 90 minutes...

Here's the summary statement...
Osterholm warns that the data suggests that “just breathing air” is how the coronavirus spreads. He says that wearing a mask won’t stop you from getting the coronavirus, but if you are sick, it can help prevent you from spreading the disease.

accurate to your listening?

If there is data/proof that this thing is airborne, which isn't the general consensus right now, then that changes all of my posts which are about current understanding of resp droplet viruses.

The summary I am reading says his beef was with touching face etc being the primary transmission. I'm not arguing that. If you breath in resp droplets you get sick. If you touch them and touch your face with unwashed hands you get sick. If he's saying this thing is airborne...well I'm not arguing against it, but that isn't the current general consensus being put out in guidance.

Deleted member 1

"That's not true at all."

*corroborates post*
Look, show your cards or I don't have time to wring it out of you.

You said " They aren't sealed, which means air passes through them both directions. They're useless for preventing spread of disease."

Surgical masks are not useless for preventing the spread of disease.
And especially not because they allow air through both sides.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I've found a summary. I don't have 90 minutes...

Here's the summary statement...
Osterholm warns that the data suggests that “just breathing air” is how the coronavirus spreads. He says that wearing a mask won’t stop you from getting the coronavirus, but if you are sick, it can help prevent you from spreading the disease.

accurate to your listening?

If there is data/proof that this thing is airborne, which isn't the general consensus right now, then that changes all of my posts which are about current understanding of resp droplet viruses.

The summary I am reading says his beef was with touching face etc being the primary transmission. I'm not arguing that. If you breath in resp droplets you get sick. If you touch them and touch your face with unwashed hands you get sick. If he's saying this thing is airborne...well I'm not arguing against it, but that isn't the current general consensus being put out in guidance.
He said trying to stop it "is like trying to stop the wind".

Beside that I can't speak for him.