General Corona virus updates

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Aug 29, 2015

South Korea has had it for a while though.

the cruise ship thing strikes me as strange though.

Its not like they berthed in Wuhan as far as I know so how did it get on board?
Folks on the cruise ships traveled through countries with existing issues that just weren't detected at the time of them traveling through. Let's not forget that this has been an issue for 6 months and not just the last few weeks.

Also, cruise ships are a cess pool of nasty bugs for folks to catch.


Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
Shelves are starting to empty locally. Shit is getting real mofos. Regardless of how dangerous the virus is, the public reaction to it is very real.


Jun 23, 2015
Shelves are starting to empty locally. Shit is getting real mofos. Regardless of how dangerous the virus is, the public reaction to it is very real.
Yup. No hand sanitiser or antiseptic wipes here at all.

I'm pretty clean with bleach anyway so I wasn't planning on changing much apart from being a bit more diligent with steering wheel and door handles, punching in you PIN on something that a brazillion of people have touched before me etc.


Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
That's the biggest problem. Do your best to stay healthy and accept what comes.
Yup. I’m a bit of a germaphobe, so I always have a good amount of soap and Clorox wipes on hand. I did some stocking up about a week ago and I was shocked that no one was takin it seriously. The store was very slow. I should have gotten more, I might go tomorrow morning and see what I can get. I’m talking food that stays good like ramen, rice and beans. It’s cheap and at the very least I hopefully won’t starve to death. But I should still get more.

Deleted member 1

Yup. I’m a bit of a germaphobe, so I always have a good amount of soap and Clorox wipes on hand. I did some stocking up about a week ago and I was shocked that no one was takin it seriously. The store was very slow. I should have gotten more, I might go tomorrow morning and see what I can get. I’m talking food that stays good like ramen, rice and beans. It’s cheap and at the very least I hopefully won’t starve to death. But I should still get more.
Where do you live?

Deleted member 1

That's the biggest problem. Do your best to stay healthy and accept what comes.
This is just like a hurricane season. a significant portion of the problems with the supply chain are people hoarding. Gas is going to go up? So everybody hoards it and then gas goes up even more. Then the panic ends and gas goes down and lots of people have hoarded really expensive gas.

GG on all that toilet paper people.

Deleted member 1

Ffs, everyone is going mad about washing your hands at the moment. How is that not common practice?
Because people are disgusting unhygienic slobs.
All you have to do is venture into an airport men's bathroom to see the worst of humanity.

Pissing on the floor, spitting loogies, taking a dump while talking on the phone and then not washing their hands. almost as annoying is the antisocial germaphobe that washes his hands then dries them with a paper towel and grabs the door handle to open with the towel and drops said towel onthe floor.

How hard is it to do your business, wash your hands for a normal amount of time with soap, and then dry them and throw your stuff in the trash? Apparently very difficult


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Jan 16, 2015
sparkuri @sparkuri , what’s your take on this? I believe it was you that first mentioned 5g along with coronavirus. I copy and pasted this post from another thread and it’s the first time I’ve seen the two linked like this. No idea the science behind it or if there is any...

Is no one noticing the links between 5G & Corona? I just seeing all this?

-5G tested in Wuhan..Corona first appears in Wuhan..both just happen to be early Feb..

-Go on cellmapper(dot)net, look where 5G has rolled out. Now look at the reported cases of Corona are..

-5G is broadcast @ 60hz which is absorbed by oxygen & interferes with the ability to be absorbed by hemoglobin in your body causing hypoxemia. Symptoms of hypoxemia are the same as the symptoms of Coronavirus.

-Trump, Bill Gates, & quite a few other notables recently moved to Palm Beach Florida. What's in PB Florida..5G is banned from PB, Florida.

Official: Palm Beach exempt from 5G wireless law
Town Manager Tom Bradford said Tuesday that Palm Beach and some other coastal communities have been exempted from legislation that would limit local

What's with this Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute filed to patent the Coronavirus.
US Patent Application for PEPTIDE COMPOUNDS FOR DETECTING OR INHIBITING SARS CORONAVIRUS AND APPLICATION THEREOF Patent Application (Application #20100304363 issued December 2, 2010) - Justia Patents Search
Disclosed herein are peptide compounds and the application thereof to the detection and inhibition of SARS coronavirus. Composed of dipeptides, the compounds for detecting and inhibiting SARS coronavirus can be readily synthesized and produced at low cost. In addition, they can be stored safely...


Coronavirus found on cruise ships but they were all were Princess Cruise Lines. In early February, they all installed 5G technology..but that's just another coincidence..?

What I've gathered is
Corona is the field around high voltage electricity. It is the breach of the Corona Field that is the basis of lighting.

Corona (radiation) kills most high voltage electricians by the time they are 55yrs old.

Corona severely damages reproductive cells in the liver
Corona causes sterility, miscarriage, infertility

Corona is an EMF that is generated close to high voltage power transmission

WHO issued a statement that claimed corona attacks the central nervous system..umm..flu's don't act in that way..

And what's with this.."Doctors, Experts Call for delaying Deployment of 5G due to Health Risks.."

Doctors, Experts Call for Delaying Deployment of 5G Due to Health Risks
5G-5th generation technology promises faster download speeds and conveniences that most of us have never dreamed of, but ...

I'm no fan of this guy ..but..
"Blumenthal criticizes the FCC & FDA for inadequate answers on outstanding public health questions
Wireless carriers concede they are not aware of any independent scientific studies on safety of 5G technologies

At Senate Commerce Hearing, Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology's Potential Health Risks

Not trying to be one of those CT's but something is up..hell maybe I am gettin a bit conspiratorial, lol.

For the last 4 years people on all sides saying "don't trust the news" but the news..WTF? Lol
I made the other coronavirus thread for theories, can we copy/paste this there?
I found it especially interesting after a couple more ships came down with it.