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God PhD Trevor back with the data. and Snohomish counties through April 7.pdf

Social distancing measures are critical to slowing the progression of the COVID-19 epidemic (Reference). There remains a great deal of uncertainty about the scale of the epidemic and the effect of current social distancing policies. But, given past experience with weather-related social distancing in the Seattle metro region, we do not expect current policies will be sufficient to prevent severe overburden on the health care system. For COVID around the world, societies that have reduced established community transmission to what appear to be manageable levels, like South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and now China, have implemented more restrictive social distancing policies and extensive testing for case confirmation, isolation, and containment than have occurred anywhere in the US. Health system impacts come from both the demands of the sick and the needs of the caregivers, and so we appreciate the need to mitigate the societal impacts of widespread social distancing. But we think the most acute need is to prevent the overwhelming accumulation of disease, and so we hope to see more comprehensive non-pharmaceutical intervention policies implemented as soon as possible.

Deleted member 1

He also promised to take executive action that will “provide more than $200 billion of additional liquidity to the economy” through deferments on tax payments and penalties for people and businesses negatively impacted by the outbreak.
And he asked Congress to cut the payroll tax. Trump argues this would put money into the economy quickly, including for individuals and corporations, but some experts are skeptical that tax cuts could have an impact quickly since they can take a while to trickle out into the hands of consumers and businesses.

Deleted member 1

Because of the Europe travel ban I think a lot of people are not mentioning the economic incentives being given.
I'm not sure the payroll tax repeal will really work. Obama did that and the result was it was a little bit over a long time. That's actually pretty good for sustainability versus like George Bush giving out checks where everyone just spent them on TVs all at once. But it takes a little bit of time and probably doesn't really hit the people who are staying in their bunkers like sparkuri @sparkuri


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015

Unfortunately, many are not listening.


Last night I had to get outta the house and get supplies; milk, juice, cheese.
I go at 10:30 as store closes at 11.
I don't wanna be in line with last minute shoppers, or surrounded by idiots still not taking it seriously.

The checker has AT LEAST a cold, and overcharges me. I tell her what's up, she tells me TO GIVE HER MY PHONE because I'm using the app wrong. Bologna. She gets frustrated and says" your doing it wrong". Bull, I spend $10,000 a year here.
I called for the manager to get my duckets back, mind you, I've got my N95, goggles and nitrile gloves on, and like everywhere else, I'm treated like the crazy one(stared at, giggles. comments, etc.). Usually I give people a *COUGH* when it gets too much, and people STFU and get back.
Any way, checker is fully pissed *at me* for not handing her the phone. Baggers is hiding his coughing.
Manager comes down, we go to the other register after a debate. Checker yells "He wouldn't give me his phone, he doesn't know how to use the app right!"
Damn right I'm not letting you touch my phone broad.

After a nearly 10-minute ordeal, the manager says "There, I've got things to do" after punching in her super code, and walks away.
Then the computer says my transaction didn't work. I said "Ma'am!, it's not working!", she keeps walking.

I said F this threw up my arms, left the groceries and personal bag, went elsewhere and got my needs.

At 11pm, the store was closed.
Someone came up behind me and rung up $126.66 somehow, on my card #(had to be a worker).
I had to call and cancel my credit card, all associated links etc. and file a fraud claim.
Store manager is going through video tape to find the guilty party.

“What a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind.”


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
But it takes a little bit of time and probably doesn't really hit the people who are staying in their bunkers like sparkuri @sparkuri
It doesn't matter how long I can avoid this thing. Either I already had it, or I'm gonna get it.
I'm just trying not to be one of the ones contributing to the overrunning of the hospitals in the initial outbreak.
Even if round 2 occurs in the fall, and much worse, we will be more prepared and knowledgeable about this thing, and I won't be shoved in a hotel to have a seizure and die on a cum-stained floor, rather than my own cum-stained floor.


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I’m sure it’s just a matter of time until military reserves are called up, especially those in the medical field. Better get packing @Splinty

Deleted member 1

It doesn't matter how long I can avoid this thing. Either I already had it, or I'm gonna get it.
I'm just trying not to be one of the ones contributing to the overrunning of the hospitals in the initial outbreak.
Even if round 2 occurs in the fall, and much worse, we will be more prepared and knowledgeable about this thing, and I won't be shoved in a hotel to have a seizure and die on a cum-stained floor, rather than my own cum-stained floor.
I meant economic help for those hit right now or isolated right now by quarantine or community impact like shop owners.
It doesn't seem like the economic response will necessarily target those people as fast as it needs to.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I meant economic help for those hit right now or isolated right now by quarantine or community impact like shop owners.
It doesn't seem like the economic response will necessarily target those people as fast as it needs to.
I know, and agree.
Most Americans don't understand what it even means, let alone the timeframe associated with residual impact.
We have some real, immediate, simple measures that could've been done.
Some are being done at the local level....

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
we actually are not holding hands or shaking hands at my A.A meetings I might stop going for a month to A.A and just go on my reddit A.A forum.

Deleted member 1

We have some real, immediate, simple measures that could've been done.

Lots and lots of testing imo to isolate people fast... but what else? You mentioned shutting down borders but that seems like self inflicted harm if the virus is gonna do that anyways??

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I meant economic help for those hit right now or isolated right now by quarantine or community impact like shop owners.
It doesn't seem like the economic response will necessarily target those people as fast as it needs to.
my job actually laid off all the temps since we can't get containers from china only trailers from the u.s the port also laid off workers the port delivers containers to our yard inland 5 miles in carson,ca the domino effect this will have is catastrophic we deliver goods to a lot of the u.s.
Truckers, dockworkers suffer as coronavirus chokes L.A., Long Beach ports cargo

The Big Guy

This is gonna fuck up next weeks ufc event in london. Woodley vs edwards

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I hope they don't cancel the long beach grand prix but it would make sense if they did it would be the ideal place to get corona 200,000 people show up for it each day for 3 days.

"200,000 people

The Long Beach Grand Prix in April is the single largest event in the city ofLong Beach. Attendance for the weekend regularly reaches or exceeds 200,000 people."


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Lots and lots of testing imo to isolate people fast... but what else? You mentioned shutting down borders but that seems like self inflicted harm if the virus is gonna do that anyways??
No, I'm talking about economic things we can do right now, like mortgage forgiveness programs for hardest hit industries/homeowners.
Property taxes, other things
Italy is implementing some good things for its citizens.

Now is the time to incentivize American ingenuity.
If I were President, I'd create a council to address industry incentives and call it ...COVID Council of Ingenuity or something snappy.
I think it's a fantastic time to re-introduce manufacturing of not just the obvious vital industries medically related like antibiotics and such, but exploit some of the other things thatbring America together.
I'm in the electrical Industry, so obviously those things are on my mind industry-related.
But also Energy alternatives.
That can intersect with something like fireworks industry, which relies heavily on coal.
That industry is taking a massive hit, they need to make all pyro U.S. made, pre-UN D.O.T. like the 70's and before.
That also intersects with biological application as we get an enormous amount of nitrates from overseas.

Alright, back to work.
I'm working OT till 3am in the light of this illness.
Gotta install some cameras and motion lights before these methheads take sawzalls to the neighborhood cars to extract palladium from the catalytic converters.
At the moment I don't have a stable of horses for back-up...


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus at hospital in Australia

Everyone is piling in on the Chinese, but it's actually you filthy, disease-ridden Yanks who have mostly spread this shit here. Even your celebrities are getting in on the act.

Also, I'm starting to really freak out. With all the fun I've been making of the disease, it's almost certainly going to kill me out of spite. I've had a good run - I once got a promotion at Sizzler and one time I even made out with a girl at a nightclub, only later realizing when a group of girls were laughing that she had lost a bet with her friends. She said I was a 'nice guy' though. A life well lived.

So I was wrong to mock you all over this. I'd like to meet you all and shake your hands before I die.



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Richard Marx, Rita Wislon's pal just with the verbal molestation...



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Staffer at Washington senator's office tests positive for coronavirus

WASHINGTON D.C. — A staff member in Senator Maria Cantwell's office tested positive for coronavirus and remains in isolation, according to a release from her office.

The staffer in Cantwell's Washington D.C. office has been isolated since reporting symptoms. Officials said the person who tested positive for COVID-19 had no known contact with Cantwell or other members of Congress.

In response to coronavirus Cantwell closed her Washington D.C. office his week for deep cleaning and staff will be teleworking. Her Seattle and D.C. offices will continue serving constituents remotely, her office said Wednesday in a release.

Cantwell requested testing on other staffers who were in contact with the person and show symptoms.



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015

Seattle Flu Study allegedly tested samples for COVID-19 against federal, state guidelines

SEATTLE — For months, Seattleites had been volunteering swabs of their nasal cavity as part of a one-of-a-kind study to track the spread of flu throughout the city.

The same type of sample is what’s need to test for COVID-19.

Since the study began late last year, nearly 2,500 samples had been collected. Now researchers are involved in a controversy following a New York Times story that makes the claim that samples were tested for COVID-19 against federal and state guidelines.

When KOMO News first spoke with the study’s director, Dr. Helen Chu, she said the results of any testing would only go back to the study participants.

“We’ll give the result to the participant then they can take the result to their doctor” Chu said in December 2019. “We would not transmit that to their provider or anybody else, it would just be given to the person who did the test”.

Flu study researchers are clinicians and not physicians with the ability to diagnosis a health issue. But researchers knew what they had in their labs, potential evidence that Covid-19 may have already been in Seattle before the first case was reported at the Life Care Center of Kirkland.

The New York Times has reported that Chu and her staff began running tests of the flu samples before the lab was certified to do so and during a time when the testing procedures were not certified as well.

But in doing so, it detected participants that had presumptive tests for Covid-19 including a teenager at a Renton area high school. The school closed for a time as a precaution.

The Times reported that representatives of the CDC and the FDA discussed the testing of the flu samples and told researchers to stop testing, but the Flu Study’s institutional review board determined it would be ‘unethical’ for researchers not to test.

Soon after the decision was made, the research lab started testing the samples and found multiple cases of Covid-19.

Elizabeth Schneider says she got a call from a flu study nurse.

“I did get a phone call from them saying that I had tested positive for covid-19” says Schneider. The timing of her call fits into the narrative laid out by the Times article.

“I was told that all of the samples of the Seattle flu study that have been tested positive for Covid-19, have all tested positive with public health” says Schneider.

KOMO News could not independently confirm Schneider’s claims.

Keith Seinfeld, a spokesperson for Seattle/King County Public health did email us saying “In general, because the number of cases has increased so dramatically, Public Health is no longer routinely conducting case or contact investigations for all COVID-19 positive cases.”

The Times reports Washington State regulators stepped in on Monday and told flu researchers to stop testing their samples for covid-19 citing federal health care rules.

In response to the controversy, the Lead Principal Investigator for the Seattle Flu Study defended his team.

In a statement, Dr. Jay Shendure says "Our researchers are deeply dedicated to keeping our community safe. In the face of this unprecedented health threat, there are times when we have all felt the need to move fast in an effort to save lives.”