So they trust him to not take covid seriously, but not enough to take the vaccines he claims to have been behind and he's been talking up for a year? Yeah, it's definitely cult followers who act on his every whim and not mentally ill people.
His message is confused and contradictory because he has no coherent moral or political ideology at all, aside from "more people should be talking about me, and why am I not on TV more".
However, his main message to his base since the start of his political career has been "don't trust the Fake News".
The news is telling people for months that the vaccine works, and that covid is dangerous and is not just going to go away by itself, and that people should take measures to protect themselves like masks and social distancing.
What's Trump's base's response to ALL of that?
They reject all of it. Because of course they do. They take pride in being selfish, spoiled children, and mistake that for patriotism - because that's the example their cult leader sets.
If Trump had taken the virus seriously from the start instead of minimising it at every opportunity for several months, and had aggressively promoted mask wearing and social distancing and refrained from promoting nonsense miracle cures and insane grifters like Stella Immaneuel, do you think a lot fewer Americans would have died? Honestly?