Donald Trump wants to ban All Muslims from entering the US

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Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
I give THIS possible President too much credit. I am not specifically talking about his legislative power, I'm talking about influence.

The wrong people are feeling empowered right now. A mosque just got a pig head thrown on it's doorstep.

It only takes a few of the wrong people in power to change the tone in this country.

Right now hatred is at a premium.
Right now everyone feels like they have to choose a side and that there side is right no matter what. The only time bullshit is called is by the other party and then its dismissed as partisan politics. No one person or one side is right all the time but you are seen as weak in politics if you dare cross the aisle and work to actually get something done. As Americans we don't like having things forced on us and right now a lot of people feel they are having things forced on them.


Jan 28, 2015
Q @Qat meaning what you say and getting a little wild doesn't mean you are a bit smoother and softer behind closed doors in meetings. Personally I think every single candidate in this election completely suck in a lot of ways but just like we took a shot with someone like Obama who barely sniffed politics before he was prez I think we might as well try and see how this guy who is a really smart business man who can most likely help the economy and hire good people to work with foreign leaders like he pretty Much said he was going to do might not be so bad.

@Lars I am reaching out of a lot of coal to try and find a diamond. That doesn't necessarily mean I don't think a lot of what this guys says isn't nutty it just means I think everyone else is worse. He is the best of the worst IMO lol.

member 1013

@Lars I am reaching out of a lot of coal to try and find a diamond. That doesn't necessarily mean I don't think a lot of what this guys says isn't nutty it just means I think everyone else is worse. He is the best of the worst IMO lol.
The field of candidates on both sides of the aisle is truly depressing.

Also you guys should make a new law that anyone named Bush or Clinton is barred from running.

member 1013

I didn't mean to be unduly insulting Pitbull9 @Pitbull3744, I just don't like the Donald. Did you watch the video I posted where he tried to sue Bill Maher? It's hilarious.


Nov 3, 2015
Q @Qat meaning what you say and getting a little wild doesn't mean you are a bit smoother and softer behind closed doors in meetings. Personally I think every single candidate in this election completely suck in a lot of ways but just like we took a shot with someone like Obama who barely sniffed politics before he was prez I think we might as well try and see how this guy who is a really smart business man who can most likely help the economy and hire good people to work with foreign leaders like he pretty Much said he was going to do might not be so bad.
Who is he going to hire for what and why? And how? Is there even a process for that? Is he gonna get some high-paid managers he knows to give up their jobs to become diplomats? Foreign policy experts? Military experts?
Consultancy firms perhaps? Haha.
Are there even such people out there? Ideally not connected to any corporations or other politicians?
And then he trusts them completely? Or is he only going to go with yes-man?
You really don't see a problem with this? This could fail on so many things.

Sorry, but, that just sounds very fishy and a bit naive.
"Don't you worry, It will all work out, I don't know how yet, nor who will do the work with me, but it will."
And you eat it up.

So people want to trust him because he caters to their fears and tries to give them hope, as any other politician does, just that he has no political background to be attacked on. But he has no substantial plans or answers for anything. Just hope that he is going to be able to hire smart people..
How can that be enough? And what does smart people mean anyhow?

And I wonder too, you say he is a smart businessman, well, perhaps he is. I don't know. He does not come across as a smart guy, but that might be his bullshit. But, did he ever.. work for the benefit of other people? Or was everything he did thus far just for himself and his ego? And you can't deny that his ego is massive.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Right now everyone feels like they have to choose a side and that there side is right no matter what. The only time bullshit is called is by the other party and then its dismissed as partisan politics. No one person or one side is right all the time but you are seen as weak in politics if you dare cross the aisle and work to actually get something done. As Americans we don't like having things forced on us and right now a lot of people feel they are having things forced on them.
I disagree. I think many people now realise that both sides are full of nonsense.

Team Bisping

TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
How do you even implement this kind of system?

Is the there a scale for how much of a muslim someone is?

I'll take an naive stab at it:

5 - Identifies as a muslim, prays 5 times a day, has done Haj, contributes to the local mosque community, strict halal diet
4 - Identifies as a muslim, goes to friday prayers, may have done Haj, prays less than 5 times a day, strict halal diet
3 - Identifies as a muslim but infrequently goes to friday prayers, doesn't pray 5 times a day, kinda stays halal
2 - Identifies as a muslim due to upbringing but doesn't attend prayer, never done haj, doesn't stick to halal diet
1 - Indoctrinated at birth as a muslim, but doesn't follow the teachings of islam anymore

Muslim are not a race of people, it's the following of islam, it's experiential, trying to categorise is a fruitless endeavour.


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
I disagree. I think many people now realise that both sides are full of nonsense.
I dont know man seems alot of strong feelings one way or the other. I actually read a long post on facebook about how big a crook Donnie is by someone that claims to be a Hillary supporter. I think outside the US people see how ridiculous these candidates are but its the same shit every election. Peoplemdraw a line in the sand and dig in one one side or the other. In my experience, for what its worth, most people tend to be fiscally and foreign policy conservative but liberal when it comes to domestic policy.

Would it be a crime if someone supported legalization of pot yet took a hard line against terrorists?


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
This election is a shit show out of Idiocracy or something


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Dude, nothing against you but I'm so tired of hearing this bullshit.

The 'pc police' haven't taken control of anything. A bunch of loudmouths who are afraid the country is getting more and more diverse are expressing themselves louder and louder every day. They co-opted the term 'PC' to use in case anybody wants to call their various isms exactly what they are. Donald Trump didn't become popular until he said something faux-xenophobic, and he doesn't continue to get popular until he continues the same. The GOP base is what's left of 'this country is mine' crowd, so yea, he says what they think. There is no glory in popping every little pimple on your mind in front of the general public. The challenge of being an adult is knowing when NOT to say something, unfortunately we have a new generation of complete loudmouths who think they are Braveheart because they 'says something and gives no fucks and won't apologize'.

Try that shit on the world stage. Enjoy nuclear war.

You can't big mouth your way to world peace.
The Conservatives might be the only party left that thinks you should probably earn what you get not just from handouts at a welfare line. I don't really care for trump but he's better than Hillary. She will only get elected because of her husband. She has ZERO skills.
PC/SJW is 1000% horseshit. I don't care about anyone's skin color but it turns my fucking stomach when someone gets a job, raise or position because of it. FUCK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Do you have any idea how many government slugs/employees/agencies there are because of these policies? When did it become wrong to expect people to work their asses off to make it in this world. If some of these people would spend half the amount of time and money on better themselves as they did on their social lives/cars/trucks they might actually amount to something in this world. "I see a whole lot of yappening and not a whole lot of happening" (Ash vs evil dead quote).
I will take it a step farther. Welfare should be finite. Two years. Kids under 18, the elderly and handicapped are exempt. Too many people know they don't have to do anything and get something in return.
That part about David duke (kkk moron) and ISIS being supporters of opposite candidates: You have to be trolling. How many people did duke kill? Is trump acknowledging his support? You can't pick who wants to vote/support you. If trump did says he wants him in his corner it becomes a whole different story.
So you think that Trump could start a nuclear war all on his own??
You seem more upset about a pighead prank than 14 people actually being brutally murdered. BTW those 14 people actually welcomed those terrorists into their lives. Look where that got them...


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
2 things I feel compelled to point out.

1) Defeating the Muslim ban is as simple as using the word 'No' when you're asked.

2) I've seen more than one person in here mention Trump fixing the economy. You realize that Americans are currently the proud owners of the healthiest economy in the world, right?


Feb 16, 2015
The Conservatives might be the only party left that thinks you should probably earn what you get not just from handouts at a welfare line. I don't really care for trump but he's better than Hillary. She will only get elected because of her husband. She has ZERO skills.
PC/SJW is 1000% horseshit. I don't care about anyone's skin color but it turns my fucking stomach when someone gets a job, raise or position because of it. FUCK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Do you have any idea how many government slugs/employees/agencies there are because of these policies? When did it become wrong to expect people to work their asses off to make it in this world. If some of these people would spend half the amount of time and money on better themselves as they did on their social lives/cars/trucks they might actually amount to something in this world. "I see a whole lot of yappening and not a whole lot of happening" (Ash vs evil dead quote).
I will take it a step farther. Welfare should be finite. Two years. Kids under 18, the elderly and handicapped are exempt. Too many people know they don't have to do anything and get something in return.
That part about David duke (kkk moron) and ISIS being supporters of opposite candidates: You have to be trolling. How many people did duke kill? Is trump acknowledging his support? You can't pick who wants to vote/support you. If trump did says he wants him in his corner it becomes a whole different story.
So you think that Trump could start a nuclear war all on his own??
You seem more upset about a pighead prank than 14 people actually being brutally murdered. BTW those 14 people actually welcomed those terrorists into their lives. Look where that got them...
This post is the epitome of exactly of the problem in this country, lots of assumptions and various references to things that aren't connected, affirmative action/SJW etc etc every talking pretty much of the right. A bunch of jedi mind-tricks like nobody is actually paying attention.

No, Trump is not better than Hillary. Trump is a bigot and demogouge. We can dance around this but my 'telling it like it is' is exactly that. His entire show is about who deserves our disgust when people start to wise up about him. He has no policy proposals or experience. He has no conservative values. He doesn't have the temperament to deal with leaders of the world. He's going to tough-guy us into World War III. That's the truth.

White women are the primary recipients of Affirmative Action.

The 'majority' complains about blacks not working but at the same time claim they are losing jobs to them via Affirmative Active. Must be nice to be on both sides of an issue. Must be nice to bring up an issue with no actual connection to the subject, just simply another red herring to indicate that someone else deserves disgust so that makes you righteous. Also, I'm sure you know who takes up the most welfare in this country. Also also, blue states pump money into most red states with the exception of Texas because they are broke. Every fairy tale that the right pumps out daily has context except to people who buy into it without question.

PC/SJW - There is NOBODY but NOBODY on the Internet that complains more or 'socialjustices' more than the group who feels like they are losing the country. Check ANY board on ANY website, the crying is endless. The real social justice warriors are the ones who flood every website with stuff about welfare and affirmative action and pretty much anything else they can think of that makes them out to be the victims.

Again, it doesn't matter whether Donald accepts David Duke's endorsement or not, that wasn't even the point of mentioning it, so no, I am not trolling. The point of mentioning it was that white nationalists identify completely with Trump's policies. If ISIS and Al Quaeda identified completely with Obama then I would be wary about supporting him too. Also, don't act like white nationalists are harmless butterflies, we've seen exactly what they can do for more years than any other terror group on planet earth.

And yes, Donald can start a nuclear war. No, I don't anticipate congress allowing him to just blow up shit, however, putting him on the world stage and having him tell random cultures they can't come here makes us a big ass target. I could see a nuclear armed country sending things our way just to make a point.

You seem more upset about a pighead prank than 14 people actually being brutally murdered. BTW those 14 people actually welcomed those terrorists into their lives. Look where that got them...
No I don't, you are lying. However, I will not candy coat it and I will not act like it's no big deal. That's a bully tactic the right has been trying to pull for awhile, nothing is a big deal, nothing is racist unless it's Kanye getting onstage with Taylor.

So yea, it's not nothing even if you think it is. And no, that's not 'PC', that's the exact way it is.
Oct 24, 2015
These are two different sides of the same coin. None of them will do anything to to fix the country. It's all hot air they blow and people buy it. To think any of these people have the best interest of the people is crazy. No one respects anyone, quick to shit on them if they don't see it as they do instead of working together to fix the real problems. The only ones that win are the one's at the top already. They will keep there foot on the necks of everyone else.


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
"White people are the devil"

I love how you 'imply' that I said blacks are the ones not working. Not even close. Not once. not ever.
I don't care who gets the benefits of AA. Even if it is the scary white womez!!!! No one should. You are either the most qualified or you are not. Your racism is showing again.
How delusional you must be to that a nuclear armed country would launch nukes at us over words. Life lesson for you: words can't hurt you.
The only thing a president can do WITHOUT congressional approval is send marines somewhere for 90 days (that might be off a tad since its been a bit since I heard that last).
The day you can rationally discuss a subject without bringing up race I'll shit my pants. It'll probably be brown but of course you'll say I did it on purpose or my subconscious made it that way.
I'm going to very loosely quote some guy that was referencing some band whose names escapes me: "I think you are one of the greatest posters ever.... Unless of course you were taking yourself seriously."
Last edited:

member 1013

How do you even implement this kind of system?

Is the there a scale for how much of a muslim someone is?

I'll take an naive stab at it:

5 - Identifies as a muslim, prays 5 times a day, has done Haj, contributes to the local mosque community, strict halal diet
4 - Identifies as a muslim, goes to friday prayers, may have done Haj, prays less than 5 times a day, strict halal diet
3 - Identifies as a muslim but infrequently goes to friday prayers, doesn't pray 5 times a day, kinda stays halal
2 - Identifies as a muslim due to upbringing but doesn't attend prayer, never done haj, doesn't stick to halal diet
1 - Indoctrinated at birth as a muslim, but doesn't follow the teachings of islam anymore

Muslim are not a race of people, it's the following of islam, it's experiential, trying to categorise is a fruitless endeavour.
Go full Nazi and anyone with even one Muslim grandparent meets the criteria!



I think I should be banned from Reddit and worldstar....Then nobody would argue.


Nov 3, 2015
Ha, I just read that Trump said that some parts of London are so radicalised, that even the police does not dare to go there.
I wonder how our resident Brits feel about that marvellous piece of information.
And I also wonder who the smart people are that told him that. The same smart people he would hire later?


Feb 16, 2015
"White people are the devil"

I love how you 'imply' that I said blacks are the ones not working. Not even close. Not once. not ever.
I don't care who gets the benefits of AA. Even if it is the scary white womez!!!! No one should. You are either the most qualified or you are not. Your racism is showing again.
How delusional you must be to that a nuclear armed country would launch nukes at us over words. Life lesson for you: words can't hurt you.
The only thing a president can do WITHOUT congressional approval is send marines somewhere for 90 days (that might be off a tad since its been a bit since I heard that last).
The day you can rationally discuss a subject without bringing up race I'll shit my pants. It'll probably be brown but of course you'll say I did it on purpose or my subconscious made it that way.
I'm going to very loosely quote some guy that was referencing some band whose names escapes me: "I think you are one of the greatest posters ever.... Unless of course you were taking yourself seriously."

"The racial schizophrenic"

It's never a joy to deal with guys like you. It's like you write things and then immediately disavow them as soon as they get written. Notice how almost the entire premise of your post was the affirmative action bit but when called on it you slip into a haze of "I don't know what you're talking about". I pointed out a logical fallacy about your attempt to vilify an unnamed group, then you post back and say I shouldn't care about what you just wrote. Your racism claims are as ethereal as when you made up me being upset at a pig prank. I never told you that, that's the script speaking to you. Naturally you would revert to the hating white people bit after being pretty much shut down. It's part of the script. Meh

YOU replied to me, do you remember that part or should I not care about replying to YOUR post to me? The agenda was in place when you started writing, it's why there is no coherent connection to the actual subject of the thread, just random hints about who doesn't work and LOTS of anger, little realizing that your target probably wasn't who you thought it was.

We've had dozens of posts and then there's you. Pretty respectful up to this point. A set agenda before you even wrote the first sentence. The type of guy who calls a pig head being hurled at a mosque a 'prank' and Kanye walking on stage and grabbing the mic virulent racism. You can't be taken seriously.

I will continue to speak to the other respectful posters and we will continue to explore our opinions, you uh, find that enemy you're looking for I'm sure he's taking a mic away from someone somewhere or grabbing a lead role in a movie making it overly 'PC'.

At least the screen name warned me about this before I replied.

* drops Taylor's mic *