The Conservatives might be the only party left that thinks you should probably earn what you get not just from handouts at a welfare line. I don't really care for trump but he's better than Hillary. She will only get elected because of her husband. She has ZERO skills.
PC/SJW is 1000% horseshit. I don't care about anyone's skin color but it turns my fucking stomach when someone gets a job, raise or position because of it. FUCK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Do you have any idea how many government slugs/employees/agencies there are because of these policies? When did it become wrong to expect people to work their asses off to make it in this world. If some of these people would spend half the amount of time and money on better themselves as they did on their social lives/cars/trucks they might actually amount to something in this world. "I see a whole lot of yappening and not a whole lot of happening" (Ash vs evil dead quote).
I will take it a step farther. Welfare should be finite. Two years. Kids under 18, the elderly and handicapped are exempt. Too many people know they don't have to do anything and get something in return.
That part about David duke (kkk moron) and ISIS being supporters of opposite candidates: You have to be trolling. How many people did duke kill? Is trump acknowledging his support? You can't pick who wants to vote/support you. If trump did says he wants him in his corner it becomes a whole different story.
So you think that Trump could start a nuclear war all on his own??
You seem more upset about a pighead prank than 14 people actually being brutally murdered. BTW those 14 people actually welcomed those terrorists into their lives. Look where that got them...
This post is the epitome of exactly of the problem in this country, lots of assumptions and various references to things that aren't connected, affirmative action/SJW etc etc every talking pretty much of the right. A bunch of jedi mind-tricks like nobody is actually paying attention.
No, Trump is not better than Hillary. Trump is a bigot and demogouge. We can dance around this but my 'telling it like it is' is exactly that. His entire show is about who deserves our disgust when people start to wise up about him. He has no policy proposals or experience. He has no conservative values. He doesn't have the temperament to deal with leaders of the world. He's going to tough-guy us into World War III. That's the truth.
White women are the primary recipients of Affirmative Action.
The 'majority' complains about blacks not working but at the same time claim they are losing jobs to them via Affirmative Active. Must be nice to be on both sides of an issue. Must be nice to bring up an issue with no actual connection to the subject, just simply another red herring to indicate that someone else deserves disgust so that makes you righteous. Also, I'm sure you know who takes up the most welfare in this country. Also also, blue states pump money into most red states with the exception of Texas because they are broke. Every fairy tale that the right pumps out daily has context except to people who buy into it without question.
PC/SJW - There is NOBODY but NOBODY on the Internet that complains more or 'socialjustices' more than the group who feels like they are losing the country. Check ANY board on ANY website, the crying is endless. The real social justice warriors are the ones who flood every website with stuff about welfare and affirmative action and pretty much anything else they can think of that makes them out to be the victims.
Again, it doesn't matter whether Donald accepts David Duke's endorsement or not, that wasn't even the point of mentioning it, so no, I am not trolling. The point of mentioning it was that white nationalists identify completely with Trump's policies. If ISIS and Al Quaeda identified completely with Obama then I would be wary about supporting him too. Also, don't act like white nationalists are harmless butterflies, we've seen exactly what they can do for more years than any other terror group on planet earth.
And yes, Donald can start a nuclear war. No, I don't anticipate congress allowing him to just blow up shit, however, putting him on the world stage and having him tell random cultures they can't come here makes us a big ass target. I could see a nuclear armed country sending things our way just to make a point.
You seem more upset about a pighead prank than 14 people actually being brutally murdered. BTW those 14 people actually welcomed those terrorists into their lives. Look where that got them...
No I don't, you are lying. However, I will not candy coat it and I will not act like it's no big deal. That's a bully tactic the right has been trying to pull for awhile, nothing is a big deal, nothing is racist unless it's Kanye getting onstage with Taylor.
So yea, it's not nothing even if you think it is. And no, that's not 'PC', that's the exact way it is.