General Eerie/creepy photos.

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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I like the whole idea of this thread, but if anyone thinks heetler committed suicide, they have it very wrong

Some of the other pics actually scare me a bit
Do you mind if I start a thread to explore this, without derailing this one? I'm not a conspiracy guy, so I'm going to challenge you on this and see if you can actually build a convincing case yourself, as opposed to just shitting on the established events. I'm not going to be interested in hearing evidence AGAINST, I want to hear evidence FOR. Can you make a case to back this belief?


Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Cool thread, I enjoy this stuff. Many of these I am familiar with, but it’s always interesting to see them again.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Do you mind if I start a thread to explore this, without derailing this one? I'm not a conspiracy guy, so I'm going to challenge you on this and see if you can actually build a convincing case yourself, as opposed to just shitting on the established events. I'm not going to be interested in hearing evidence AGAINST, I want to hear evidence FOR. Can you make a case to back this belief?

Sure, do what you gotta do and I’ll do what I gotta do

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Robert Pickton crime scene photos. The Canadian pig farmer/serial killer. He may have ground up human flesh, combined it with pork, and sold it to the public. He was convicted of six murders, in jail he claimed 49.

Every photo you see of this guy or his farm, it just looks like a filthy shithole where nothing good has ever happened.

Pickton in one of his dirty sheds.

Pickton's farm during the police search. The chain link fence and yellow tape at the bottom are police barriers. Uniformed police patrolled the property's exterior 24/7.

Another view of the farm. A filthy, nightmarish hellhole, sandwiched in between some nice new developments and a beautiful golf course.

Various shit that has been sorted and checked by police, before being put aside and out of the way.

Pickton's office, with the head of his favourite pet horse mounted on the wall.

Silver bag found in Pickton's office. An officer holds an asthma inhaler found in it, that belonged to a missing woman. Her DNA was also found on two syringes in the room.

The headboard of Pickton's bed.

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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Pickton's slaughterhouse. A freezer, two tables, and a meat hook shown. A witness for the Crown testified that she saw Pickton dismembering a woman in this room.

A syringe taken from the pocket of a jacket found at the farm. The jacket had a victim's blood on it.

Carpet where a victim's blood was found.

Blood-stained mattress found inside a mobile home parked on the farm.

Pigpen where a victim's hand bones were found.

Pickton enters a pig pen 6 years before his arrest, during a local TV segment about a property tax dispute.

Court artist sketch of a room containing a freezer which the police found was holding human remains.

Two of several inhalers belonging to victims, that the police dig out of the ground in the area where the pigpen was.

KY Jelly found in the basement of the farmhouse, in a plastic bag which also contained "nylon straps and a battery-operated dildo."

15 used syringes and a meat cleaver found in a backpack which contained several items DNA-linked to Pickton's friend Dinah Taylor. A total of 113 items on the property were linked to her.

Bucket containing "dirty liquid" found on the grounds of the Pickton farm. A similar bucket was found inside a workshop freezer, holding the partial remains of a victim.

A .22 bullet lodged in the basement wall of the farmhouse.

Bloodstain on a blanket at the farm.

Pickton being interrogated.

Pickton in jail after his arrest, talking to an undercover police officer.


Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
A photographer who happened to be sitting ringside captured this photo of Irishman. Conor McGregor only seconds before he was forced to tap.


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Robert Pickton crime scene photos. The Canadian pig farmer/serial killer. He may have ground up human flesh, combined it with pork, and sold it to the public. He was convicted of six murders, in jail he claimed 49.

Every photo you see of this guy or his farm, it just looks like a filthy shithole where nothing good has ever happened.

Pickton in one of his dirty sheds.

Pickton's farm during the police search. The chain link fence and yellow tape at the bottom are police barriers. Uniformed police patrolled the property's exterior 24/7.

Another view of the farm. A filthy, nightmarish hellhole, sandwiched in between some nice new developments and a beautiful golf course.

Various shit that has been sorted and checked by police, before being put aside and out of the way.

Pickton's office, with the head of his favourite pet horse mounted on the wall.

Silver bag found in Pickton's office. An officer holds an asthma inhaler found in it, that belonged to a missing woman. Her DNA was also found on two syringes in the room.

The headboard of Pickton's bed.

Worked with a guy that used to go trick'r'treating at the pickton farm


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
Illustration provided by Jeffrey Dahmer depicting the private altar he had been planning to create at the time of his July 1991 arrest.

Dahmer stated he had been in the process of constructing a private altar of victims' skulls which he had intended to display on the black table located in his living room and upon which he had photographed the bodies of many of his victims.
This display of skulls was to be adorned at each side with the complete skeletons of Miller and Lacy. The four severed heads found in his kitchen were to be removed of all flesh and used in this altar, as was the skull of at least one future victim. Incense sticks were to be placed at each end of the black table, above which Dahmer intended to place a large blue lamp with extending blue globe lights. The entire construction was to be placed before a window covered with a black, opaque shower curtain, in front of which Dahmer intended to sit in a black leather chair.

When asked in a November 18, 1991 interview whom the altar was dedicated to, Dahmer replied: "Myself ... It was a place where I could feel at home." He further described his intended altar as a "place for meditation," from where he believed he could draw a sense of power, adding: "If this [his arrest] had happened six months later, that's what they would have found."

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
James Huberty at home not long before massacring 21 people in San Ysidro in 1984, at a McDonald's 200 yards from his house.

That was the deadliest mass shooting in the USA until 1994, when racist and woman-hater George Hennard drove his pickup truck through the front window of a Luby's cafeteria, got out, and shot dead 23 people.

Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz.

Cruz in the backyard of his house prior to the massacre, wearing a MAGA hat and taking target practice with a BB gun. Filmed by a neighbour who was creeped out by him.

Cruz in a scrap with another student over a girl, a few months before the shootings.

Cruz inside the school.

Meanwhile, the "Coward of Broward" - school security officer Scot Peterson - was frozen outside the school's main building for several minutes, listening to Cruz murder a dozen teenagers while Peterson did absolutely nothing to interrupt him in any way.

After killing 17 people, Cruz dropped his weapons and fled the scene.

He went to a McDonald's and wandered around the neighbourhood for awhile, but had no escape plan and was quickly spotted and arrested.

Arriving at jail to be processed.

Here's the first page of a letter he wrote from jail to a fangirl. No, it's not Miley Cyrus. :smile:

"Hello Miley, from Nick. I hope I scared you LOL JK the picture is a joke."

"The picture sopas to be scary, Haha"

I might post up a few photos of mass/serial killers getting arrested and/or arriving at jail. For some reason, photos of these guys in the first moments of their new lives kind of fascinate me.

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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Parents of famous murderers. How fucked up would it be to just wake up one day and get a phone call, or turn on the TV, and all of a sudden you're in this club.

Bill and Mildred McVeigh attending their son Timothy's trial for killing 168 people with the Oklahoma City bomb.

Bill McVeigh with his daughter Jennifer (Tim's sister) during the trial.

Jennifer is a bit of a mysterious one, with how much she did or didn't know ahead of time. He was much closer to her and in much more frequent contact with her (via letters) in the months/years prior to the bombing than he was with his parents. She definitely knew that he was cooking "something big" that would happen "in the month of the bull" (April-May.) He told her to burn his letters to her as the FBI might be monitoring him, and she (mostly) did. He wrote and warned her not to incriminate herself, and not to communicate with him after April 1. The FBI later gave her immunity to testify against him. You don't need immunity from prosecution if you genuinely don't know anything and are merely a completely innocent, unknowing bystander.

Wonder where she's at now, and if she's still a McVeigh. How do you walk around with a distinctive name like that after an event like that? What's that like?

White supremacist Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof's (abusive) father:

Batman cinema shooter James Holmes' parents attend his trial:

Ted Bundy's mother speaks to him for the last time, from her home, a couple of hours before his execution.

She hugs an old jacket of his immediately after hearing that the execution had been carried out and he had been pronounced dead.

Peter Lanza with his son, Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza. Peter was divorced from Adam's mother Nancy, didn't live in the same city, and didn't see Adam much. After the shootings, Peter Lanza publicly stated that he wished his son had never been born.

Years later he said that he can't go an hour without thinking about what happened, he gets chronic nightmares, and "You can’t get any more evil. How much do I beat up on myself about the fact that he’s my son? A lot."

Adam Lanza loved playing Dance Dance Revolution. Here he is, having just finished a game:

Birthday card from Peter to Adam Lanza.

Happy Birthday.
Send me an email when you want to go hiking or shooting.

Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik with his Mum and his hot sister:

Breivik's dad:

Utoya Island, photo taken 24 hours before Breivik arrived and massacred 69 people on it:

Teenagers on Utoya frantically try to barricade a door with mattresses:

Sue Klebold, mother of Columbine killer Dylan, sits as the guest of honour at a mental health and suicide prevention organization's annual breakfast. To process her grief and guilt over what happened and her failure to have any idea what was going on with her son, she became a mental health advocate and worked a lot with parents of suicide victims. A lot of parents in that situation feel tremendous guilt and shame over "allowing" their kid to get so depressed that they commit suicide, and Klebold found that her experience gave her a lot of credibility. People talked to her and told her their inner thoughts, because they knew that no matter how badly their kid's suicide wrecked their lives....... this woman had it far, FAR worse.

Tom Klebold helps his son get ready for the Columbine prom.

These photos were taken on a Saturday. The next Tuesday, the kid and over a dozen of his classmates would be dead. The weird look on his face might well be him feeling guilty that his parents are all happy and excited and thinking that they'll treasure these photos and all look at them together years from now....... but he knows what he's going to do three days from now.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Timothy McVeigh's letter to Fox News, six weeks before he was executed.

The following letter has been authenticated and was sent to Fox News Correspondent Rita Cosby on April 26, 2001. The opening statement was a photocopied statement in McVeigh's writing. The question-and-answer section following it is clearly an original version in McVeigh's writing.

"I explain herein why I bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. I explain this not for publicity, nor seeking to win an argument of right or wrong. I explain so that the record is clear as to my thinking and motivations in bombing a government installation.

I chose to bomb a federal building because such an action served more purposes than other options. Foremost, the bombing was a retaliatory strike; a counter attack, for the cumulative raids (and subsequent violence and damage) that federal agents had participated in over the preceding years (including, but not limited to, Waco.) From the formation of such units as the FBI's "Hostage Rescue" and other assault teams amongst federal agencies during the '80's; culminating in the Waco incident, federal actions grew increasingly militaristic and violent, to the point where at Waco, our government - like the Chinese - was deploying tanks against its own citizens.

Knowledge of these multiple and ever-more aggressive raids across the country constituted an identifiable pattern of conduct within and by the federal government and amongst its various agencies. (see enclosed) For all intents and purposes, federal agents had become "soldiers" (using military training, tactics, techniques, equipment, language, dress, organization, and mindset) and they were escalating their behavior. Therefore, this bombing was also meant as a pre-emptive (or pro-active) strike against these forces and their command and control centers within the federal building. When an aggressor force continually launches attacks from a particular base of operation, it is sound military strategy to take the fight to the enemy.

Additionally, borrowing a page from U.S. foreign policy, I decided to send a message to a government that was becoming increasingly hostile, by bombing a government building and the government employees within that building who represent that government. Bombing the Murrah Federal Building was morally and strategically equivalent to the U.S. hitting a government building in Serbia, Iraq, or other nations. (see enclosed) Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option. From this perspective, what occurred in Oklahoma City was no different than what Americans rain on the heads of others all the time, and subsequently, my mindset was and is one of clinical detachment. (The bombing of the Murrah building was not personal , no more than when Air Force, Army, Navy, or Marine personnel bomb or launch cruise missiles against government installations and their personnel.)

I hope that this clarification amply addresses your question.


Timothy J. McVeigh

USP Terre Haute (IN)"


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Part 2 - Q&A

"Q: What's the deal with you expressing interest in having your execution televised?

A: First, it has nothing to do with seeking to be on camera - just look at how few on-camera interviews I have done. Rather, it is to make a point: In the U.S. we show, on television, re-enactments of real executions; mock-fictional executions (in movies); and real executions from foreign countries - yet we are ashamed to show our own justice system in action. It is ironic that we show foreign executions, but are afraid to show identical domestic laws being carried out.

Q: What were some other options considered besides bombing? Who would you have targeted?

A: I waited two years from "Waco" for non-violent "checks and balances" built into our system to correct the abuse of power we were seeing in federal actions against citizens. The Executive; Legislative; and Judicial branches not only concluded that the government did nothing wrong (leaving the door open for "Waco" to happen again), they actually gave awards and bonus pay to those agents involved, and conversely, jailed the survivors of the Waco inferno after the jury wanted them set free.

Other "checks and balances" likewise proved futile: media awareness and outcry (the major media failed in its role as overseer of government ally); protest marches; letter campaigns; even small-budget video production; etc. - all failed to correct the abuse

When violent action thus became an option, I considered, among other things, a campaign of individual assassination, with "eligible" targets to include: Federal Judge Walter Smith (Waco trial); Lon Horiuchi (FBI sniper at Ruby Ridge); and Janet Reno (making her accept "full responsibility" in deed, not just word).

Q: Further describe motivations for bombing, and why you chose the bombing over other options.

A: See enclosed documents (he's referring to letter above)

Q. Summate feelings and lessons learned re: experience with legal system, and particularly, SJ.

A. Stephen Jones was appointed (in his own mind), not as a defense attorney, but as an "independent prosecutor" representing Oklahoma state (just prior to "representing" me, he worked as an advisor to the chief law enforcement officer for the state of OK - Governor Frank Keating.) and its interests; and secondary, looking out for his own interests (namely fame and fortune).

Having this experience under my belt, I would recommend that a defendant never trust his/her lawyer, for you can neither count on the attorney-client privilege, nor the ethical integrity of a given attorney.

(I have also learned what "cronyism" means, in actual effect.)

Q: Regarding to comments by AG; Keating

A: Most of the insults are meritless and quite often absurd, so I don't pay them much attention. Hitler? Absurd. (Geraldo Rivera uses this same analogy, so Keating and Ashcroft are in good company!) Coward? This label would make Orwell proud — it is double think at its finest. Collateral Damage? As an American news junkie; a military man; and a Gulf War veteran, where do they think I learned that? (It sure as hell wasn't Osama Bin Laden!)

For all else, I would refer you to my enclosed paper "Hypocrisy", and to Ramzi Yousef's statement to the court just prior to his sentencing. I filter all labels and insults thusly.

Q: Lessons?

A: Many foreign nations and peoples hate Americans for the very reasons most Americans loathe me. Think about that.

There are most likely many lessons in my story. Americans have the choice to try to learn from me (which is why I cooperated with the authors of American Terrorist), or they can choose to remain ignorant, and suffer the consequences."
