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Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Pickton's slaughterhouse. A freezer, two tables, and a meat hook shown. A witness for the Crown testified that she saw Pickton dismembering a woman in this room.

A syringe taken from the pocket of a jacket found at the farm. The jacket had a victim's blood on it.

Carpet where a victim's blood was found.

Blood-stained mattress found inside a mobile home parked on the farm.

Pigpen where a victim's hand bones were found.

Pickton enters a pig pen 6 years before his arrest, during a local TV segment about a property tax dispute.

Court artist sketch of a room containing a freezer which the police found was holding human remains.

Two of several inhalers belonging to victims, that the police dig out of the ground in the area where the pigpen was.

KY Jelly found in the basement of the farmhouse, in a plastic bag which also contained "nylon straps and a battery-operated dildo."

15 used syringes and a meat cleaver found in a backpack which contained several items DNA-linked to Pickton's friend Dinah Taylor. A total of 113 items on the property were linked to her.

Bucket containing "dirty liquid" found on the grounds of the Pickton farm. A similar bucket was found inside a workshop freezer, holding the partial remains of a victim.

A .22 bullet lodged in the basement wall of the farmhouse.

Bloodstain on a blanket at the farm.

Pickton being interrogated.

Pickton in jail after his arrest, talking to an undercover police officer.

