You have no idea how fucking right you are. I'll see if I remember to transcribe the conversation with my wife on what's for dinner after little man is asleep.
I've been married 20 years. I know exactly how right I am.
Me: What do you want for dinner?
Her: I don't care. Whatever you want.
Me: I'll just cook up some burgers.
Her: Uh. No. That doesn't sound good.
Me: Tacos?
Her: No
Me: Steak?
Her Nah
Me: Spaghetti & Meatballs with garlic bread?
Her: Too filling
Me: Call for pizza
Her: No. Not feeling that.
Me: Cheese conies?
Her: Are you 5?
Me: Chicken with a salad?
Her: Nah
Me:You said you didn't care. Pick something.
Her: I guess I'm not that hungry.
Me: K. I'm gonna grill myself a burger.
Her: What am I supposed to eat?
Me: Oh my fucking gawd.