General Epstein "commits suicide"

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The problem is also that the ones who are not cover up and protect those that are.
in my opinion it is a much bigger story that prince andrew is involved in pedophilia than epstein . epstein is only in the news because of his ties to US politicians .prince andrew is a royal .there have been so many stories over the years about the british royal family that have been written off as a conspiracy theory with a quickness by the BBC and CBC. this time it is too big to keep under wraps . i wouldnt be surprised in the least to find out that piece of shit prince charles was involved in some pedo ring of his own or old ass prince philip . both the BBC and the CBC hold the royals up on a pedestal . even ABC didnt report on the story 3 years ago because they didnt want backlash from the palace. i would love to see andrew who has always just been a nothing prince ,who is pretty far removed from the line of succession ,be the dumb bastard who finally exposes the royal pedo ring to the public
Jan 21, 2015
in my opinion it is a much bigger story that prince andrew is involved in pedophilia than epstein . epstein is only in the news because of his ties to US politicians .prince andrew is a royal .there have been so many stories over the years about the british royal family that have been written off as a conspiracy theory with a quickness by the BBC and CBC. this time it is too big to keep under wraps . i wouldnt be surprised in the least to find out that piece of shit prince charles was involved in some pedo ring of his own or old ass prince philip . both the BBC and the CBC hold the royals up on a pedestal . even ABC didnt report on the story 3 years ago because they didnt want backlash from the palace. i would love to see andrew who has always just been a nothing prince ,who is pretty far removed from the line of succession ,be the dumb bastard who finally exposes the royal pedo ring to the public
yes let’s not forget Charles’ friendship wit Jimmy Savile. The royal family and the BBC both STFU about that VERY fast but the connection was so clear to see.

god how much I would love to see that whole family exposed and brought down, with BBC as accomplices
Jan 21, 2015
Tell Me Charles did not know what Savile was doing (far worse than Epstein imo)

With UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher:

With Queen Lizzie's husband Prince Philip:

with UK Prime Minister Ted Heath (Also convicted of being a pedophile)

w/ Margaret Thatcher:

w/ Pope JP:

With the evil reptile herself

The fact that the BBC swept that whole scandal under the rug and did not investigate imo speaks volumes
Jan 21, 2015
If you can stomach it, watch this 'interview' with the BBC where the entire thing is shot with the pre-emptive assumption that dude is innocent and that the whole scandal was just made up by his kids

Does he look like he is telling the truth??

Yet ANOTHER scandal where high profile people (Judges, Teachers, Politicians, Police etc etc etc) were accused of massive pedo activity. The kids named people specifically, described tattoos they had in their genital regions etc in explicit detail... yet NO ONE INVESTIGATED SHIT. The BBC ran this joke of an interview with the father and basically wrapped it all up case closed and never spoke of it again.

I spent MUCH time looking into this case, listened to entire testimonies of the kids and the atrocious leading questions by 'investigators'... imo there was more than enough to at least look into it. But Dad says its all false on TV so I guess that's that.

No one at the BBC or UK law enforcement cares that kids might be continually abused.

Amazingly, the Same dude (Ricky Dearman) appeared a few years later UNDER A DIFFERENT NAME WITH HIS KIDS on some Ebay awards show. Here is is calling himself 'Gab Williams', but there is absolutley no doubt its Ricky Dearman, and also absolutely no doubt those are the Hampstead kids. Its not even debatable, they all look fucking identical:

Did the BBC investigate?

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Tell Me Charles did not know what Savile was doing (far worse than Epstein imo)

With UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher:

With Queen Lizzie's husband Prince Philip:

with UK Prime Minister Ted Heath (Also convicted of being a pedophile)

w/ Margaret Thatcher:

w/ Pope JP:

With the evil reptile herself

The fact that the BBC swept that whole scandal under the rug and did not investigate imo speaks volumes
They knew exactly what he was doing.
They were enabling and protecting him, and supporting him.

The Intel that they have on everybody around them is detailed and nothing is untouched or unknown.

Anybody who thinks they didn't know is a hardcore Coincidence Theorist.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
Roman Polanski has won 6 academy awards AFTER pleading guilty for sexually assaulting a 13 year old and fleeing the country.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Roman Polanski has won 6 academy awards AFTER pleading guilty for sexually assaulting a 13 year old and fleeing the country.
Fun Fact, actually not so fun.
Deniro has been paying his legal bills for years.

Royalties is the thing that makes most of hollywood protect each other regarding this Pedo shit.
Jan 21, 2015
More and more it seems the world is actually run on a pedo-ring blackmail system.

Pizzagate was on point too imo, we were getting somewhere before it likewise got shut down by the MSM. The panic scramble/backpeddling to get that back in the bottle was atrocious. Fuck, even Alex Jones double backed on that one.

When and how could this stuff one day finally be brought to light?

If this Epstein stuff gets buried it will be a sad day once again

The whole world could change for the better if MSM did their fucking supposed job and we got to the bottom of the whole thing.

There are so many high profile cases of pedo rings connected to people of power that get shut down and buried its absurd


Nov 14, 2019
in my opinion it is a much bigger story that prince andrew is involved in pedophilia than epstein . epstein is only in the news because of his ties to US politicians .prince andrew is a royal .there have been so many stories over the years about the british royal family that have been written off as a conspiracy theory with a quickness by the BBC and CBC. this time it is too big to keep under wraps . i wouldnt be surprised in the least to find out that piece of shit prince charles was involved in some pedo ring of his own or old ass prince philip . both the BBC and the CBC hold the royals up on a pedestal . even ABC didnt report on the story 3 years ago because they didnt want backlash from the palace. i would love to see andrew who has always just been a nothing prince ,who is pretty far removed from the line of succession ,be the dumb bastard who finally exposes the royal pedo ring to the public
tbf it was Diana that was best pals with savile.

I have no doubt Andrew was in what any normal person would call a pedo ring, problem is these people do not see themselves as normal. I truly hope the fbi have something on him and are just waiting till he hits American soil and they can get to charge him. I doubt it very much though.

He will be gently eased out of the public eye and the next level of parasite will gorge. It’s happening already with the ginger cuckoo.

He is about to take a six week holiday after two weeks ‘work’ handing out plastic trophies. It’s quite amazing really.

Charles is relatively clean. He is basically a shrub. His peccadilloes aren’t sex unless it’s imagining himself as a tampon being inserted into Camillas foo foo.

Phillip left the queen and public life to live with his lover a year ago.

He probably hasn’t slept with her for 40 years.


Nov 15, 2015
Tell Me Charles did not know what Savile was doing (far worse than Epstein imo)

With UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher:

With Queen Lizzie's husband Prince Philip:

with UK Prime Minister Ted Heath (Also convicted of being a pedophile)

w/ Margaret Thatcher:

w/ Pope JP:

With the evil reptile herself

The fact that the BBC swept that whole scandal under the rug and did not investigate imo speaks volumes
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but this "conviction by picture" need to stop.
Taking a pic with a pedo/molester/murderer etc etc doesn't necesarily mean one knows of the criminal's activities.
Jan 21, 2015
^^ j/k

You have a point. But if you look into Savile's operations, and how close he actually was with Royalty and High Politics on several levels, it becomes quite unlikely imo that they would not have understood who he was. You don't get to hang out with Royalty and touch the Queen and Princess DI and be invited to birthdays etc without them looking into you. Far from mere 'conviction by picture'.

Also coincidence that Ted Heath turned out to be a convicted pedo? And Thatcher was just plain evil. This is a tight circle of company and power, hard to just turn a blind eye to all the coincidences and blind spots imo

I'll let Blair go, but Charles fuck no he and Savile were close mates imo.
Jan 21, 2015
Look up Charles and Savile's friendship with Convicted Pedo Catholic Bishop Peter Ball

Charles even used his power to try to protect Ball as he was getting caught fucking children

There are cases and cases and cases of that fucked up family abusing children over and over again. This latest Prince Andrew/Epstein case is just one of an endless string. At what point does it no longer become coincidence and falsehoods?

They all need to be publicly interrogated imo

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but this "conviction by picture" need to stop.
Taking a pic with a pedo/molester/murderer etc etc doesn't necesarily mean one knows of the criminal's activities.

We have a Coincidence Theorist on our hands.

Get him boys!


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but this "conviction by picture" need to stop.
Taking a pic with a pedo/molester/murderer etc etc doesn't necesarily mean one knows of the criminal's activities.
do you say the same thing about the pics of trump with epstein? doubt it


Nov 14, 2019
do you say the same thing about the pics of trump with epstein? doubt it

I think that’s a very fair point,

The circles these people orbit are so detached from our reality.

What sickens me is something that can be fixed with 150k for them ends up with Pakistani gangs getting 30 years in jail.

The likes of Epstein, Trump, Andrew etc just move on.

What we, IMO need to be focused on, is a 14 year old girl gang raped by a Pakistani gang or trafficked by Romanian gang for thousands should be given the same amount of outrage for someone bought off.

I do accept its these girls choice to remain off the radar though.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Bearing in mind that Taibbi isn't a right wing conspiracy nut by any sort of stretch of the imagination...



Nov 14, 2019

Is Joe Rogan is seen as a dude?

Is he seen as a balanced fellow?

I have no knowledge of him.

Edit. I am aware of him, just not sure if he is seen as someone I can rely on.i do know friends over here that listen to him.

Black friends for what it’s worth.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015

Is Joe Rogan is seen as a dude?

Is he seen as a balanced fellow?

I have no knowledge of him.
depends who you ask
He has a huge podcast audience for sure
seems to be a "dude" aka Male homosapien
He gets great guests so I keep watching but only when the good guests are on. I listen to about 1/10 podcasts.
IMO he is far from a balanced, well read/researched man. Possibly intentionally dishonest about some topics and issues.

That said he has entertained me a lot and exposed me to some interesting topics/people.
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Nov 14, 2019
depends who you ask
He has a huge podcast audience for sure
seems to be a "dude" aka Male homosapien
He gets great guests so I keep watching, but IMO he is far from a balanced, well read/researched man. Possibly intentionally dishonest about some topics and issues.

That said he has entertained me a lot and exposed me to some interesting topics/people.

One more question

Sorry pal. Please read that in. Bruce Willis voice as you pump some pixels into someone.

Sorry pal.

Is he pro Trump or not Pro trump?

Does he seem balanced?

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
One more question

Sorry pal. Please read that in. Bruce Willis voice as you pump some pixels into someone.

Sorry pal.

Is he pro Trump or not Pro trump?

Does he seem balanced?
lol no idea what the first part means...I love Die hard though.

I don't know about his politics, someone else can field that one.

Personally, I don't do two party politics, I think it is all a divide and conquer trick.


Nov 14, 2019
Not being rude. Retiring now.

I have a scan tomorrow of my second one.

She is a girl.

Serious question. We have no name for her yet.

No joke. We won’t know her name her name till she is born. But I would love some suggestions. I will put up her scan as my avatar tomorrow.

I promise to put up and give a prize to someone who gives me her name on here. She will be born on Jan 6th.

Obviously only if I take the name...