General Epstein "commits suicide"

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Nov 14, 2019
How is this all going down on that side of the pond?

He's a filthy beast and everyone I know wants him to serve time.

At the very least, the very least wherever he goes I want someone shouting nonce at him if I'm not around.

And this is the best treatment this fucking waste of skin gets.

Since his kamikaze interview, Prince Andrew has announced that he will step back from his public duties. But will he be relinquishing his royal perks? Our humble advice is that he probably should – and not just for appearances' sake.

There is supposedly a toilet at Edinburgh Airport which is reserved for the Royals' use. Many years ago, when Andrew was passing through on his way to play golf nearby, he needed to use the facilities. However, it appears that someone had popped in to use this extra special toilet ahead of Andy and left the Duke a little floating gift in the bowl.

Andrew was furious, screaming at staff "Is this how you treat the fucking Royals?!"

He'll be lucky to get anything that mild again


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
If he slept with a Seventeen year old... well you do know the age of consent is 16 here in the UK right?

He's going to suffer a lot for what he did.
Someone that has been trafficked can't give consent.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
If he slept with a Seventeen year old... well you do know the age of consent is 16 here in the UK right?

He's going to suffer a lot for what he did.
So you are ok with a bunch of old men having teenage sex slaves?


Jun 23, 2015
why would you not want him to stand trial?
Do you not think these pedophiles have been protected enough?
In most states in the United States you would get more time in jail being caught with weed then you would molesting a child.
I seriously doubt that he will stand trial for anything anyway. No criminal charges have been brought against him plus rich and famous people don't go to jail unless they steal money from other rich and famous people.
Going back to this the owner of a company I used to work for used to be one of his golfing buddies, he donated a bunch to various royal events hence I got to meet The Duke of Edinburgh at The Duke of Edinburgh Awards, he was a real suck up. It transpires he thought he could buy his way into a knighthood.

Took him ages to work out that as an Indian, he couldn’t have been knighted anyway...that’s Bob Geldof territory.

He must be having kittens right now, I’m assuming his is one of the companies that have withdrawn sponsorship.
Jan 21, 2015
Prince Andrew says he had no idea what Epstein was doing re; trafficking of young girls.

But watch this - @ one of Epstein's apartments:



Nov 15, 2015
doesn't mean they bang the same age or have the same after hours habits
you were saying the guilt by photo wasn't cool a few days back weren't ya?

Maybe try actually reading the article?