Here is all of the leaked info/emails that confirm 100% Zuffa pays people to post on MMA forums as fans to sway the public opinion. MANY organizations do this, from politics to sports to whatever. But still... It's concrete proof that shills DO exist.
Just received this from an employee of a large independent research firm. The following is evidence from the trial of the Viacom vs. Youtube lawsuit that just wrapped up a few hours ago.
This is not a hoax, all of this has been verified.
It appears that Dana White approved of creating 'hijacked' video in order for people to 'pose as fans' and 'hammer' message boards with 'leaked video'. Don't take my word, check it out for yourself. Contact info has been blurred to protect those involved.
The mentioned episode is from TUF Season 4 entitled 'Blood Bath'. Props to Gregor for the find.