Cinema Game of Thrones Season 7 Discussion Thread

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
K @Kaladin Stormblessed - is there anything in 'the lore' that mentions how the magic spell protecting The Wall might be broken?
Like if the Night King was able to pass through the door under the NightFort or something? Jon seems to think NK is coming around the east of The Wall, but that seems too predictable...
The Horn of Joramun/ Horn of Winter


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Joramun is a legendary King-Beyond-the-Wall who not only fought the Night's King, but also blew the Horn of Winter to wake giants from the earth.

According to Mance Rayder and Ygritte, the Horn is also capable of bringing the Wall down, but that was never mentioned in the original legend.

Given that the Night's King was only the thirteenth Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, he and Joramun lived relatively soon after the Wall was completed - which may imply that Joramun was the very first King-Beyond-the-Wall, though this has not been confirmed.

When Jon Snow comes to parley with Mance Rayder (actually to kill him), Mance shows him a huge horn, claiming it is the legendary Horn of Winter. He tells Jon to deliver an ultimatum to Castle Black: unless the wildlings are allowed to pass the Wall within three days, he will blow the horn and destroy the Wall. The horn is destroyed while Mance is executed. However, later Tormund tells Jon that the destroyed horn was a fake; Mance has never found the true horn. There is a theory that the broken warhorn which Sam has in possession is the Horn of Winter, but it has not been verified so far.


Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
Not sure if this has been posted but I couldn't remember everything that happened in season 6 so I watched this.

Thought it might be helpful to some others too.

member 3289

T minus five hours. Going to have to jerk off a few times to contain the excitement


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Arya and Bran head to winterfell, Jon rough up littledick and heads to dragonstone. Euron kicks ass against Yara and Reek and brings Cercie some bitches from dorne.

So what does little finger do when Bran makes it to winterfell and exposes him for all of his treachery?

member 3289

Arya and Bran head to winterfell, Jon rough up littledick and heads to dragonstone. Euron kicks ass against Yara and Reek and brings Cercie some bitches from dorne.

So what does little finger do when Bran makes it to winterfell and exposes him for all of his treachery?
Arya is headed to King's Landing, but it looks like she may meet up with Nymeria, her direwolf

member 3289

I think tonight might be Littlefinger's final episode.

No one can survive that King Jon death grip on their throat...


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i cant believe the dragon just killed jon snow like that.fuck

member 3289

Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse Zeph @Eau de Farage

You fags have a new bad guy to cheer for. This nigga Euron killed two sand snakes and destroyed two entire fleets.

I know it's not cutting a defenseless dude's dick off, shooting a teenager with an arrow, or peeling an 80-year-old woman's skin from her body, but it's pretty impressive.

member 3289

Anyone notice that King Jon had a one-handed grab on Littlefinger's throat, and Littlefinger couldn't loosen His Grace's grip, even using both his hands to try?

King Jon is a real ass nigga.

member 3289

Next week the two Targaryens meet.

I don't think I'll be able to sleep all week.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
that cheap motherfucker samwell doesnt have any milk of the poppy?


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse Zeph @Eau de Farage

You fags have a new bad guy to cheer for. This nigga Euron killed two sand snakes and destroyed two entire fleets.

I know it's not cutting a defenseless dude's dick off, shooting a teenager with an arrow, or peeling an 80-year-old woman's skin from her body, but it's pretty impressive.
Euron gonna skull fuck Jon Snow when they cross paths.

Belee dat.

member 3289

that cheap motherfucker samwell doesnt have any milk of the poppy?
Almost forgot about that. The internet had me convinced he was gonna use dragonglass to cure Jorah, but it turned out he's using some ancient, banned, alternative medicine technique from China or some shit.

member 3289

Drogon is bigger than Balerion the Black Dread.

I think that arrow will kill one of Dany's dragons, but not Drogon.