Cinema Game of Thrones Season 7 Discussion Thread

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2017
so is jon fucking his cousin then? i only watched season 6 & 7.. and just finished watching season 1 esp 1 in my determination to catch up to who is fucking/killing who..
His Aunt ... To be fair, I only really care about Tormund being alright from that finale

member 3289

so is jon fucking his cousin then? i only watched season 6 & 7.. and just finished watching season 1 esp 1 in my determination to catch up to who is fucking/killing who..
His aunt. The reason they're the same age is because Dany's parents (Jon's paternal grandparents) had Rhaegar (Jon's father), then three stillborn children, then Viserys, then Dany.

Dany and Jon were both conceived around the start of Robert's rebellion. Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon's father and Dany's older brother, died in battle at the hands of Robert Baratheon and Jon was disguised as a bastard by Ned Stark, his uncle, after Jon's mother Lyanna Stark died giving birth to him.

Dany, Viserys, and their mother escaped to Dragonstone and later Essos before the rebellion reached King's Landing and claimed Dany's father.

Because Viserys died at the hands of Khal Drogo and because Rhaegar and Lyanna were married in secret, Jon Snow (birth name Aegon Targaryen) has the most legitimate claim to the Iron Throne, being the last surviving male Targaryen.

Edit - for clarity, Dany's mother and brother fled King's Landing. Dany was still in her mother's womb and was born on the ship they were using to flee. There was a great storm during her birth, which is why she's called "Daenerys Stormborn". This also makes her a few months younger than Jon. Old King Aerys still had it, even in his older age.
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Nov 15, 2015
so is jon fucking his cousin then? i only watched season 6 & 7.. and just finished watching season 1 esp 1 in my determination to catch up to who is fucking/killing who..
Why would you do that, man? WTF is wrong with you?

*Reads screen name*- oh. Carry on.

KWingJitsu @KWingJitsu Let me know if you need anything explained.

Even if I don't have the best explanation, others like K @Kaladin Stormblessed might.
I was gonna ask about this... till I googled it (because it fucked my head up for a second):

Yes these are two different brothers, not one and the same as I thought upon watching) sheesh...

No, Viserys and Rhaegar Targaryen Were Not Played by the Same Actor on 'GoT'


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2017
Pretty interesting to note that Jon ties all three sections of Westeros.

Born in Dorne (South), Half-Targaryen (Mid) and Half-Stark (North)

member 3289

I was gonna ask about this... till I googled it (because it fucked my head up for a second):

Yes these are two different brothers, not one and the same as I thought upon watching) sheesh...

No, Viserys and Rhaegar Targaryen Were Not Played by the Same Actor on 'GoT'
This fucked everyone up. I knew they were different characters in the story but I initially thought that they were played by the same actor.

You'd think the writers would be smart enough to avoid something like that.

I also thought Rhaegar would look bigger and stronger.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
If Jamie killed cersei could he claim the throne as a Lannister?


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I just figured it out. Jamie will go north as he said.

They will start taking a kicking from the zombies

He will ride back to beg cersei for help.

She says no.

He kills her , assumes her throne and rides north to save the day. Probably dies too

The end


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Not sure what bram winds up doing.

Probably says some weird shit and sacrifices himself to kill night king

member 3289

Not sure what bram winds up doing.

Probably says some weird shit and sacrifices himself to kill night king
Bran and Sam are gonna team up to figure out how to defeat the Night King.

Bran is basically Google and Sam is Larry Page/Sergey Brin.


Nov 15, 2015
His aunt. The reason they're the same age is because Dany's parents (Jon's paternal grandparents) had Rhaegar (Jon's father), then three stillborn children, then Viserys, then Dany.

Dany and Jon were both conceived around the start of Robert's rebellion. Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon's father and Dany's older brother, died in battle at the hands of Robert Baratheon and Jon was disguised as a bastard by Ned Stark, his uncle, after Jon's mother Lyanna Stark died giving birth to him.

Dany, Viserys, and their mother escaped to Dragonstone and later Essos before the rebellion reached King's Landing and claimed Dany's father.

Because Viserys died at the hands of Khal Drogo and because Rhaegar and Lyanna were married in secret, Jon Snow (birth name Aegon Targaryen) has the most legitimate claim to the Iron Throne, being the last surviving male Targaryen.

Edit - for clarity, Dany's mother and brother fled King's Landing. Dany was still in her mother's womb and was born on the ship they were using to flee. There was a great storm during her birth, which is why she's called "Daenerys Stormborn". This also makes her a few months younger than Jon. Old King Aerys still had it, even in his older age.
Wow. This is great, because this was literally gonna be my next question after my previous post: "HTF could they be about the same age?".
I wish they would show this visually somehow (Bran flashback or something).


Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
Educate me then nerd.

"Every winter that ever came has ended."

They're just gonna kill him and that's it? Everyone lived happily ever after?
Here's what happened last time.

Here's What Happened the Last Time the White Walkers Invaded Westeros
James WhitbrookYesterday 11:50am

Image: HBO. Still via Youtube
The stage has been set for Game of Thrones’ final season, as a terribly divided Westeros faces an invasion by the White Walkers... but this won’t be the first time they’ve tried to eradicate humanity. Here’s everything we know about the first war between humans and the Walkers—and what it can tell us about the war to come next season.

Westeros Before the Long Night
It’s been over 8,000 years since the White Walkers stalked Westeros—thousands of years before Aegon Targaryen landed on its shores and claimed the region for his family. The Westeros we see in Game of Thrones was much different from the one that faced the Long Night all those years ago—a land where magic and strange creatures still existed in abundance. The White Walkers came to a Westeros that had spent the last two millennia in relative peace after the Children of the Forest and the First Men who’d landed in the region signed an agreement called the Pact, which saw the two societies live in harmony after the First Men’s arrival had led to the forests of the Children being cut down for wood. But the arrival of a long winter, one that spanned generations of Children and men alike, heralded a threat that nearly wiped both races out altogether.

In the books, the origins of the Others—the collective name for the wights and their undead armies, which could include everything from zombie humans to giant frost spiders—in the northernmost point of the land are still unknown. They could just be a natural entity found in the far frozen north, rarely encountered over the years because of the impossible hostile climate they live in, or they could be a tribe of First Men killed and resurrected by dark magics for some mysterious reason. Either way, the long winter—eventually referred to as the Long Night—allowed them to march further south into the lands occupied by the Children and the First Men, sacking their villages and turning the survivors into wights like themselves.

The Last Hero
When the Others first invaded the south, the Children and the First Men were outmatched by a relentless army that couldn’t die, but only grew stronger with every person they killed, and both societies were pushed further and further into the south of Westeros. Legends from the northern regions of current Westeros state that in the darkest days of the Long Night, the First Men discovered that wights could be killed by dragonglass, the weapon of choice coveted by the Children of the Forest. A figure known only as the Last Hero supposedly trekked through the White Walker-occupied regions to plead with the Children to lend their dragonglass weapons to beat back the Others, with all of his companions—down to his faithful dog—perishing over the course of the journey, until he reached the Children and gained their trust.

With the ability to fight back against the White Walkers, the alliance between the First Men and the Children pushed back the Others bit by bit. A group of men used the shared dragonglass to fight back against the Others alongside the Last Hero, becoming an early incarnation of the Night’s Watch. Eventually, the White Walker horde was pushed back into the Northern wastes it came from in a grand battle called the Battle for the Dawn, ending the Long Night and resoundingly routing the Others. It was then that Bran the Builder—the legendary founder of House Stark—supposedly raised the Wall, a structure of ice and Children magic that stretched across Westeros, and entrusted the Night’s Watch to guard it, ensuring that the Others could never threaten Westeros again.

The Rise of the Night King
Unfortunately, the newly formed Night’s Watch nearly failed in their new quest almost immediately (or, at least “immediately” in the grand scheme of 8,000 years). The 13th commander of the Watch fell in love with a mysterious woman with pale blue eyes and icy skin, widely believed to be a female White Walker. After making love to the woman, the Commander’s soul was bound to hers, and he returned to the Watch to place his men under their thrall, declaring themselves their King and Queen and committing countless atrocities. When it was discovered that the Night King was making sacrifices to the Others beyond the Wall, the Free Folk and House Stark made an alliance to defeat the King and his forces. When the Night’s Watch resumed its duties following their victory, the Commander’s name and history was stricken from their records, cast aside and forbidden to be spoken of ever again. Up until the recent events of Game of Thrones, it would be the last time the Others would threaten the peace of Westeros for thousands of years.

The TV show has revealed its version of the Night King to have been a human who was turned into the first White Walker by the Children of the Forest. His purpose was to be used as a weapon against the First Men after the Children magically embedded a dragonglass dagger in his torso, revealed in the season six episode “The Door.” This version clearly contradicts the Night King discussed in the books, as the Night’s Watch would not be created until many years after this event.

Azor Ahai and the Lightbringer. Art from A World of Ice and Fire, by Jordi González Escamilla
The Long Night Beyond Westeros
In “modern” Westeros—at least, before Jon and his motley crew brought back a wight to dump in front of Cersei Lannister—the story of the Long Night has faded into fairytale, and the seven kingdoms are not the only place that have myths surrounding the Others’ invasion. In Essos, the Long Night is believed to have been the event that caused the Rhoyne, one of the primary rivers in the Western side of that continent, to freeze over entirely, indicating the events of the generations-long winter even impacting lands beyond the Narrow Sea. In Rhoynar folklore, however, there were no White Walkers behind the events, and instead it’s believed that the Long Night was ended by an unnamed hero uniting the people who lived along the river to sing a song that thawed its waters.

Even further East into Essos, tales of the Long Night intermingle with the Asshai legend of Azor Ahai, the legendary warrior who wielded a flaming sword called Lightbringer. In Yi Ti, it is believed that the Long Night was brought about when a goddess called the Maiden-Made-of-Light turned her back on the world, unleashing the Lion of the Night, a demon who plagued the world with cold and darkness until Azor Ahai—seemingly conflated with the Last Hero of Westerosi folklore—united humanity to defeat the Lion of the Night’s forces. Thanks to Melisandre and her fellow followers of R’hllor, we know the legend of Azor Ahai took hold and spread to Westeros, with the prophecy that his return to save mankind once again would come when the Others made their presence known again.

Although thousands of years have passed since the Others last invaded, it’s hard to say that Westeros is more prepared for their return now than they were when the Long Night began all those millennia ago. If anything, this time there seems to be less hope—season seven’s finale was all about highlighting just how fractured the various major powers of the seven kingdoms are at the moment, a stark contrast to the unity of the First Men that eventually saw the Others repelled. On top of that, this time the Children aren’t around to help fight back against the oncoming hordes.

member 3289

Educate me then nerd.

"Every winter that ever came has ended."

They're just gonna kill him and that's it? Everyone lived happily ever after?
Afaik there's only been one Night King. He was a human that was turned into the first white walker by the Children of the Forest in order to fight the First Men (the ancestors of Wildlings and Northmen):


The white walkers were defeated in the War for the Dawn by an alliance of the Children of the Forest and the First Men, and the leader of said alliance was a man named Azor Ahai. Some say that the reborn Azor Ahai will be needed to defeat the army of the dead again, and most seem to think that Azor Ahai is either Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, or a combination of the two.

Though defeated, the white walkers weren't all killed, and they bided their time for unknown reasons and started to return around the time that the War of the Five Kings started. And it appears that the Night King created at least 100 new white walkers from Craster's incest sons:


No one knows why the NK waited so long to return. They used a dragon to tear down part of the wall at the end of this season, but they had already returned before the dragons were born, so that can't be the reason.

From what we've seen in the show, if they kill the NK then they'll kill the entire army of the dead and maybe even the other white walkers, but he's never been killed (only driven back) so we'll have to see if they try to kill him or just drive him back again.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I think the Night King from the show is The Night's King from the book, and they've just swerved off the book timeline to tie everything together in time for the show to wrap up. Obviously Martin isn't kicking out the next book any time soon.