Cinema Game of Thrones Season 7 Discussion Thread

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member 3289

This show needs more fuckin flashbacks... so much shit happens and one forgets.

I didn't realize who the father & daughter were even after the hound buried them, till I searched on teh interwebz...
They showed it in the preview at the beginning of the episode.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Jon is going to have to team up with daenerys to get to the dragon glass

member 3289

He's a fucking putz. Could have boned that ginger wildling and didn't.
But I miss seeing those Dragon tits every episode.

I'm sure Jon will fuck it up. Again.
He banged the ginger wildling.

Seriously man get your shit together or you're going on ignore.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
He banged the ginger wildling.

Seriously man get your shit together or you're going on ignore.
Not initially. He was all worried about his vows or something. When they were in the snow and she was basically dry humping him, but Jon was like "No." Putz.

I forgot he eventually boned her. I guess she wore him down.

member 3289

Not initially. He was all worried about his vows or something. When they were in the snow and she was basically dry humping him, but Jon was like "No." Putz.

I forgot he eventually boned her. I guess she wore him down.
He's a man of integrity. He eventually broke his Night's Watch vows but then he admitted it to the Night's Watch leadership (at the time) and was pardoned.

Jon is the single greatest character in any movie or TV show ever.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
He's a man of integrity. He eventually broke his Night's Watch vows but then he admitted it to the Night's Watch leadership (at the time) and was pardoned.

Jon is the single greatest character in any movie or TV show ever.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Do you think he'll bang the Mother of Dragons?
And then the kid that is the Raven will "see" that Jon's dad is her brother, go up to Jon and be like "Hey Uncle Jon - You just banged your aunt."

member 3289

Do you think he'll bang the Mother of Dragons?
And then the kid that is the Raven will "see" that Jon's dad is her brother, go up to Jon and be like "Hey Uncle Jon - You just banged your aunt."
I'm thinking she might recognize the Targaryen blood in him. I also think he's gonna be the second dragon rider (because of his Targaryen blood).

If Rhaegar and Lyanna got married before Lyanna died giving birth to Jon, then Jon's last name is legally Targaryen (which makes more sense as to why Ned would try to hide Jon's true identity and pass him off as a bastard). Remember Lyanna whispering "if Robert finds out, he'll kill him, you know he will." Why would she say care that much about a son who was the product of rape? It wouldn't make sense.

But Jon and Daenerys definitely meet this season. There have been photos of the meeting (taken by people who snuck onto the set).

member 3289

The thought of Jon having a deep connection with a direwolf (because of his Stark blood) and with a dragon (because of his Targaryen blood) gets me so hard.