I've got about 2.5 hours to kill until my tattoo consult so going to try and blow through these so I can stop feeling guilty to all of you 'worst AMA ever'-ers 

Kill Pettis (sorry, love you boo!)
@I Wild Each It
Cheat with Lorenzo
b. Haven't
c. Weed, told you, MY LIFE IS BORING
Posted, no. Have sent some over these here webs thoHave you ever posted a semi nude on these here interwebs?
YesDo you like anal sex?
Ha, no idea, never measured any.How big is the biggest peenus you've had in your vagina hole? (Can't call an ex a dick by saying "6 foot 2! Har de har."

Kill Pettis (sorry, love you boo!)

Cheat with Lorenzo
Develop all the same kinds of meat avail today to be not made from animals but exactly the fucking same as if it had been.If you won 35 million dollars (U.S) what would you do with the money?
Yes. Spit.Would you suck Matt Hamil's dick to prevent Crecil The Lion's murder? May spit.
Get my boobs re-done.If you could have a fully paid for and successful plastic surgery gift what would you get done?
a. Too many, probably over 100. At least I've stopped buying any new ones for the most part.How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Ever banged an Asian? Gross or good?
What is the most hardcore drug have you done? Ex: crack, meth, heroine, weed, OxyContin
b. Haven't
c. Weed, told you, MY LIFE IS BORING