@Megaterio Llamas, I was curious if you've ever heard of this guy. Off topic with the thread, but interesting nonetheless.
Abner Jay was an old school black man in the south that toured all over the south performing as a one man band. When I first learned about him, this caught my attention (from wiki):
"He spent many years traveling the
American South and playing concerts from his "converted mobile home that opened up into a portable stage, complete with amplification and home furnishings".
[2]These concerts, as evidenced in his recordings, were often equal parts spoken word (jokes, philosophical asides, rants) and music."
Interesting dude to read about:
Abner Jay - Wikipedia
This is one of my favorites, and probably one his most well known. The song is kind of dark if you listen to the story the lyrics tell. Hope you enjoy.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvvbJnVLX40&list=RDpvvbJnVLX40&t=49
Edit: Not sure why that video is showing up time stamped, at least it is on my end. You may need to scroll back to catch the beginning.