Society Healthcare vote tomorrow morning...

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Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
I don't follow yahoo news. At some point, my email app started giving me popups. But I haven't had the news on in a few hours. Did Trump really say this?

If so, I'd like to change my vote from a no to a yes about whether Trump will stick out the full presidency.

I'm starting to think he will resign IF the Republicans can pass stuff while holding the majority of both the house and Senate...

granted, i think that would be bad for Democrats, bc Pence would probably be more effective at passing through right wing establishment policies



Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
I think he may be surprised to see many call his bluff on this.
agreed. im pretyt sure he is doing it as a bluff. but he's going to look silly

they are going to pass something. but there are republicans who want more to change and others who want less impact to those that benefited from ACA. my guess is that they get something done, but not tomorrow. so trump is making a mistake here

would be hilarious if this isnt a bluff. if he is just pouting lol


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I don't follow yahoo news. At some point, my email app started giving me popups. But I haven't had the news on in a few hours. Did Trump really say this?

If so, I'd like to change my vote from a no to a yes about whether Trump will stick out the full presidency.

I'm starting to think he will resign IF the Republicans can pass stuff while holding the majority of both the house and Senate...

granted, i think that would be bad for Democrats, bc Pence would probably be more effective at passing through right wing establishment policies

Everything pointed at this as soon as he stopped talking about repeal. If vote fails, keep Obamacare, blame Ryan. Trumps walks, Republicans take yet another hit. In 2 years, this will show.


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
He needs to repeal, all togehter. This "repeal and replace" rhetoric is basically trumpcare, which is as crappy, or even crappier than obamacare. The promise was, repeal. This is why people came out to vote.
i dont think repeal would fly, even with repunlicans. the ACA hurt people. but it also expanded coverage to some groups, right? even some republicans fear taking that away without a replacement plan to go along with it...


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
I basically lost my healthcare the last 3 years due to not being able to afford to use it anyway.

But the bright side is my neighbor that doesnt work celebrated her free healthcare by having 2 more kids. I am glad she got the best care since she contributes so much.
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TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
i dont think repeal would fly, even with repunlicans. the ACA hurt people. but it also expanded coverage to some groups, right? even some republicans fear taking that away without a replacement plan to go along with it...
Taking away almost never happens, once a program is set, it will only grow in costs. That is why now is the time to repeal, if they really claim to have conservative values. If it doesn't fly with even the republican party, then what are they going to tell their voters in two years?


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
Taking away almost never happens, once a program is set, it will only grow in costs. That is why now is the time to repeal, if they really claim to have conservative values. If it doesn't fly with even the republican party, then what are they going to tell their voters in two years?
presser coming up shortly. and ryan is over at the WH sopeaking to trump. will be interesting to see if they cancel the vote


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
I hope it fails. Its just another bullshit smokescreen plan that does nothing to address the cost to the working class.

Only thing that may be positive is getting rid of the mandate so the insurance companies drop prices to attract those that are struggling with premiums right now.

member 3289

What a colossal failure for the Trump administration and the Republican Party.

This is a victory for hardworking Americans everywhere.

Tuc Ouiner

Posting Machine
May 19, 2016
Paul Ryan will slither into top spot as soon as they wipe the slate clean. Pretty obvious.


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
Paul Ryan will slither into top spot as soon as they wipe the slate clean. Pretty obvious.
when i was a hardcore conservative, i loved ryan. he hasnt changed. i have. yet not i look at him as a snake

i dont like that im doing that bc apparent my views were "wrong" until i changed, which means that, for all i know, they may be "wrong" right now. maybe i was right in the first place

but with that lame caveat out of the way... yeh, hes a snake. not a fan anymore

but what do u mean he will slither his way in? in the next election?


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
Trump today: "i didnt say we would have obamacare repealed and replaced by the 64th day"
Kate Bouldan on CNN: "no you didnt. lets watch a clip from the campaign" ....[trump] "it will be 1!"

thats why i stopped supprting him. in the beginning, his candor was awesome. eventually, his candor starting rubbing me the wrong way. and after that, he left candor at the door, and just started to lie, like most other scumbag polliticians

Tuc Ouiner

Posting Machine
May 19, 2016
I don't mean to say he's any worse than anyone. It just seems to me that he's a modern day Arlen Spector-- an expert at hedging his bets. Most off shore betting sites have Donald and Co. not making it through the year 2017. I think Paul Ryan is the next in line if Pence follows the boss out of the building. You can see politicians distancing themselves from him. There aren't a lot of career politicians out there who give him any kind of play. Or am I just imagining this?

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
Ryan will be portrayed as a weak leader that failed to rally the troops and institute a viable option to replace the ACA after being one of most outspoken about it.


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
on some speeches during the campaign, Trump correctly said "on day 1, i will asl congress to get me a bill to repeal and replace." just heard those and came here to retract my statement

but u know what. no. maybe he said it correct sometimes. but he also lied other times and said it would be repealed on day 1. i hate politicians (on both sides). *p[hew* take a breath kev. take a breath!