General I’m crushing on Candace Owens

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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
BTW just go on Twitter and look at the responses to people like Owens, Kanye, and any other black American who doesn't toe the Democratic line - UNCLE TOM! UNCLE TOM UNCLE TOM!

Democrats talk about Trump and Republicans being divisive, but look at the backlash African Americans get when they think for themselves. They're looked at as "race traitors" because they dare to form their own opinions. Liberals truly believe there is no room in this world for centrists or conservatives. If you're not on their team, they couldn't give a fuck less what happens to you.

Candace Owens, an African American woman, has peacefully having breakfast when she was harassed and assaulted by a group of white thugs. But that's cool, because she's on the "wrong side", and even though Antifa are violent thugs who use terrorist tactics, we LOVE them because they're on our side! Neato!


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
BTW just go on Twitter and look at the responses to people like Owens, Kanye, and any other black American who doesn't toe the Democratic line - UNCLE TOM! UNCLE TOM UNCLE TOM!

Democrats talk about Trump and Republicans being divisive, but look at the backlash African Americans get when they think for themselves. They're looked at as "race traitors" because they dare to form their own opinions. Liberals truly believe there is no room in this world for centrists or conservatives. If you're not on their team, they couldn't give a fuck less what happens to you.

Candace Owens, an African American woman, has peacefully having breakfast when she was harassed and assaulted by a group of white thugs. But that's cool, because she's on the "wrong side", and even though Antifa are violent thugs who use terrorist tactics, we LOVE them because they're on our side! Neato!
You seem pretty angry about this. Please don't bomb anyone, or shoot up a place of religious worship. Thanks.


Apr 18, 2015
BTW just go on Twitter and look at the responses to people like Owens, Kanye, and any other black American who doesn't toe the Democratic line - UNCLE TOM! UNCLE TOM UNCLE TOM!

Democrats talk about Trump and Republicans being divisive, but look at the backlash African Americans get when they think for themselves. They're looked at as "race traitors" because they dare to form their own opinions. Liberals truly believe there is no room in this world for centrists or conservatives. If you're not on their team, they couldn't give a fuck less what happens to you.

Candace Owens, an African American woman, has peacefully having breakfast when she was harassed and assaulted by a group of white thugs. But that's cool, because she's on the "wrong side", and even though Antifa are violent thugs who use terrorist tactics, we LOVE them because they're on our side! Neato!
I think, maybe because you don't know any black people, or aren't American, you don't understand what the distinctions are between an uncle Tom and a black conservative.

A conservative has their ideology, does their thing, is maybe into the free market, believes in limited government, and may have some opinions on issues like abortion, sexuality, and religion that hew to an earlier era.

An Uncle Tom is a person who goes out of their way to aggressively debunk white supremacy and stans for the white man whenever possible in order to contradict messages that are coming out of black communities themselves about our everyday life and experiences of social phenomena.

For examples of the former category, you can look to Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, or even former Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver.

For examples of the latter, look at Candace Owens. In the past, white folks loved Uncle Toms because they proved racism wasn't really that bad of a system. In their view, black people liked being taken care of on the plantation and they liked having a separate but equal opportunity during Jim Crow. Today white folks like the Uncle Tom because they're similarly desperate to prove that racism is exaggerated and that they themselves certainly don't harbor any tenets of white supremacy. In fact, hearing these things out of a black mouth pretty much helps them sleep at night thinking about all the black friends they've had who like them just "get it." Back in the day the name this went by was minstrelsy.
Last edited:
Nov 21, 2015
EDIT - Wrote a long post then decided all this Democrat vs Republican
shit is a circular, pointless fucking argument and my time would be better
served working on one of my businesses so I I'll just say this...

If you believe your success in life is tied to whatever crooked party and political
clown is currently in office then they aren't the problem

The problem is standing in front of you in the mirror and between your 2 ears.

Enjoy fellas...


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Figures you would get a proper explanation of why Candice Owens is a huckster and you ignore it. That's ok though. It's to be expected at this point.
Everyone has a right to their opinion. If people want to dislike her or claim she’s a huckster, thats fine. I simply find her beautiful, intelligent, well spoken. I also think she’s an advocate and asset to the black community, but that’s just MY opinion.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
EDIT - Wrote a long post then decided all this Democrat vs Republican
shit is a circular, pointless fucking argument and my time would be better
served working on one of my businesses so I I'll just say this...

If you believe your success in life is tied to whatever crooked party and political
clown is currently in office then they aren't the problem

The problem is standing in front of you in the mirror and between your 2 ears.

Enjoy fellas...
My head??

Wtf did my head do?


Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
People in the black community hate Candace Owens because she does't toe the Black line. She thinks and expresses herself differently than the masses. She believes that minorities shouldn't be pittied, and that in this country, we have the opportunity to become anything we choose. The same goes for me.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
EDIT - Wrote a long post then decided all this Democrat vs Republican
shit is a circular, pointless fucking argument and my time would be better
served working on one of my businesses so I I'll just say this...

If you believe your success in life is tied to whatever crooked party and political
clown is currently in office then they aren't the problem

The problem is standing in front of you in the mirror and between your 2 ears.

Enjoy fellas...


Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I think, maybe because you don't know any black people, or aren't American, you don't understand what the distinctions are between an uncle Tom and a black conservative.

If I understand correctly, it's someone who's got money coming in, but won't turn their back on the hood, because they've got love for them.

But I don't think there's any proof that people like Kanye, Candace, Colion Noir, etc, have turned their back on the hood. I think it's just assumed when you step outside the liberal spectrum.

And you know what you do when you assume, right?

Mr. Darqnezz is black and American, and he seems to feel that is the case.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Everyone has a right to their opinion. If people want to dislike her or claim she’s a huckster, thats fine. I simply find her beautiful, intelligent, well spoken. I also think she’s an advocate and asset to the black community, but that’s just MY opinion.
Ah, feels before reals. Gotcha.


Nov 15, 2015
Everyone has a right to their opinion. If people want to dislike her or claim she’s a huckster, thats fine. I simply find her beautiful, intelligent, well spoken. I also think she’s an advocate and asset to the black community, but that’s just MY opinion.
Of course you would.
But if by some miralce she became a 'lib' you would find her the exact opposite of those things.
Bet you "love" Kanye West too, right?

And LOL @ asset to 'the black community'. Beyond a talking point, what or where is that exactly?
Are you an asset to 'the white community'?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
no wonder they want to #walkaway when the so called progressives call them coons and uncle toms


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Of course you would.
But if by some miralce she became a 'lib' you would find her the exact opposite of those things.
Bet you "love" Kanye West too, right?

And LOL @ asset to 'the black community'. Beyond a talking point, what or where is that exactly?
Are you an asset to 'the white community'?
What’s funny is, this post exemplifies one of Owens talking points. You cant have an opinion that differs from the radical left, or you’re immediately labeled. Respectfully debate? Agree to disagree? Nah, fuck that.

One of the many reasons i respect kneeblock @Kneeblock so much. He presents an opinion, debates it respectfully, tries to educate, but doesn’t attack anyone if they disagree.

So what am I kwing? A hypocrite? Racist? Nazi? Label me brother. And don’t use dumb redneck, because I’ve already labeled myself that here many times here. That one is taken.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
For the record, I think Kanye’s a shit “artist” but I do think he sees a political pattern that’s played out with Dems & the black community (promises made every 4 years & none kept), and he’s simply trying to educate people on his opinion. But do I like him? His music sucks ass

Are you an asset to 'the white community'?
And yes...I give out only the best of candies at Halloween. Just one example of hows I do’s it.