My bad.
I just get annoyed to fuck with it all. Whilst I abhor all manner of bigotry, I also despise the whole reverse-bigotry thing. Is it cos I'm black? No, it's cos you're a bitch. Is it cos I'm gay? No, it's cos you're a dickhead. When you have a dickhead calling you 'cracker' and saying "Go on, say what you really wanna say. Go on, say it", it does have an impact on your tolerance for twats like this racewar wanker.
In the UK, in every major town or city, you will be able to find at least one 'black club'. I formerly bouncered at one in Plymouth. Occasionally I would be told that I didn't belong there as it was a 'Black Only Club'. It wasn't, but some guests didn't seem to understand. In London there are actual 'Black Clubs' where you cannot socialise unless you're black. This isn't lawfully accepted, but socially it is generally considered acceptable and so these clubs are run in this manner. Also, what about the Black Entertainment Television (BET) awards. If there was a (WET) awards ceremony it'd be instantly condemned as racist. So the question is, where the fuck did equality go?