Is the Wyatt Six still a thing?

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Mar 3, 2015
That’s all I would see highlights of from the WWE. I haven’t seen anything on them in what feels like a month now? What happened now?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
Mid carders gonna mid.Bo Dallas can’t carry the lead role and the Bray Wyatt nostalgia factor quickly wore off.

Without Alexa Bliss they have no star power. Should have revealed her as Sister Abigail already if she’s actually going to return or squash the faction idea. They could do a pretty cool breakup with Bo having a breakdown over not being able to live up to Bray’s expectations.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
Just read a dirt sheet that said some form of the group will defeat Balor/McDonagh for the tag belts, Miz will become more of a target and Alexa Bliss will return to be the actual leader as Sister Abigail. Who knows but I think it’s been played out.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
They been having little glitches with codes for over a month that allude to next target.the next target is miz/carrion cross .the last one was during the mizs match last week and this weeks raw date .

They're going to have to tear the house down to regain their momentum


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
They got a push last night. Attacked Authors of Pain and Bo put Paul Ellering in the mandible claw. Miz was in the ring at the time but Paul pushed him out of the way when Bo went off. Miz was dressed all in black for what appears to be a heel turn alignment with AOP??


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
I think the faction still has a lot of potential. Bo always got a bad shake on the main roster, but was great in his early NXT days (a former NXT champ).

The dropped the ball with the Sicks / Gable / American Made & Alpha groups, IMO. Otis shoulda got a chance to destroy Gable and it never happened. Sicks laid out American Made and it was pretty cathartic, but they came back right away, which wasn't a good way to put over Sicks beyond their debut match.

Compounded with that, American Made was constantly on tv, yet Sicks wasn't. Shoulda been the opposite.

Sicks going after Miz / Final Testament makes sense, but the problem is with Sicks' entire theme.

Their idea was that they were a family, gave a home to those that needed a family, and target people that turn on family. That's why they went after Gable.


Thing is, you've got Kross / Final Testament being the other side of that coin - trying to split up family. That's what he (Kross) did to New Day, and that's what he did to Miz. Problem is that Sicks is getting involved with the *least* like family on the roster in Miz & Truth. Why is Sicks rectifying *that* wrong when it's the least of them all?

New Day is way more of a family. So why did Sicks sit back and let Kross / FT break them up and only get involved once Miz & Truth (who haven't been relevant in months) became a thing?

More importantly, if Sicks is gonna be on Raw, why are they not getting involved with Judgement Day? JD as a whole turning on Priest & Rhea is way more of a "family" betrayal than Miz & Truth. But then again, Priest & Rhea almost routinely beat JD, so Sicks getting involved wouldn't fit them as babyfaces.

The the *real* elephant in the room is if Sicks *is* there to rectify family betrayal...why isn't their #1 top target the Bloodline, which is the epitome of family betrayal in virtually every way and at every level?

Not that I think Sicks & Bloodline should be feuding...but from a storyline perspective considering Sicks' supposed theme & motivation, it makes zero sense, which only hurts their long-term credibility, as well as ability to invest in their characters.


Nerd of Nerds
Aug 13, 2024
Honestly, I'm not too upset with how they are handling them. The pop for them is from when they finally strike, after weeks of slow build-up for their "target."

If they were doing their schtick week-in, and week-out, it might quickly become stale since Bo isn't as captivating or good on the mic as Bray was.

This may be a case where less is more IMO.

But I agree their choice of targets appears to be mid-carders only, which reduces them to mid-carder nemeses.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
I think they are just building up to survivor series

It will the six,r truth and kofi vs final testament ,the miz and Xavier woods in war games

One of the codes that they flashed said war


Mar 3, 2015
yes I see they are finally back and the backstage segment with the Miz and Karrion Kross who’s been getting some good promos lately


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
The Wyatt’s kidnapped Miz after RAW. Guess it was some digital exclusive.


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
Yeah it was on raw talk on peacock

There was also this after he got kidnapped
Karrion kross is pretty funny

That 1000% is the Kross I want on tv. hahahaha

Stuff like that, his interviews on CVV, etc all seem like he's a pretty good dude with a great sense of humor. I feel like if he was able to be more of a version of himself, he'd get way more over.

Him cracking up CVV in the middle of a set while working out by busting into his Jesse Ventura impression always gets me. lmao


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
I saw this in another thrad, but Karrion Kross has been posting some *very* good promos on his IG lately...if we got these on tv, he'd be over so much more.

He posted this yesterday on the Wyatts, pointing out a bunch of stuff that doesn't "work" for them. He's had other promos along these lines, too. They're worth checking out, IMO.



Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
Just caught up on the last couple raws

My god this burial of the Wyatts

Jfc what did bray do to trips when he was alive to deserve this as his legacy?