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Nov 15, 2015
I've posted on MMA forums with this handle since 2001 or 2002. Only banned a couple places for illegitimate reasons.

1. Ban on Taco Bell as noted above. I don't remember how the exact situation came up, but I responded to some post about not wasting $10 on a bar of soap and that regular soap works fine. Dude who owns defense soap and a moderator got involved in the conversation. I pointed out that he was making a lot of illegal health claims about his soap, that it treats, cures, and prevents a number of disease and other comments, and that the FDA had been cracking down on companies doing this. It's not cool to come on a karate forum and try to make money off of a largely not highly educated crowd by telling them your soap will cure their herpes. I hate it when anyone tries to take advantage of other people. Moderator asked where he made these claims. I linked like a dozen forum posts the owner made and links to his website. Within like 10 minutes, posts were edited, website was edited, and moderator accused me of trolling. Someone said that I was a doctor and posted on Sherdog for many years. Moderator demanded to know my name and where I worked to prove my credentials otherwise he would ban me. I said he was crazy and nothing in the discussion or what he was doing had anything to do with my educational credentials. I posted screencaps of the pre-edited versions of the posts/website to show what they were trying to cover up. Moderator deleted my posts and banned me. It came out that the moderator was getting a kickback from the company and was editing stuff trying to protect his interests. Multiple people jumped to my defense, he started deleting other people's posts and freezing accounts. I never visited the site again after that night, but based on what he posted on this forum, it looks like it cost him his modship over there.

2. Joe Rogan forum. I went into an alpha brain thread and pointed out their deceptive marketing practices, specifically regarding their use of scientific evidence (e.g. using basic science research to make clinical claims, using studies about l-dopa in Parkinson's patients to make claims about enhancing function in a healthy population, referencing papers that don't even support the claims being made, etc). Their lead scientist guy on paper was some undergrad student they recruited off Craiglist or something. He tried to defend a lot of the points, but clearly was clueless. I specifically pointed out how dumb the l-dopa ingredient was, how their logic made no sense, and how I would never knowingly take a supplement with that in it. My account and all posts were deleted and a month later alpha brain was reformulated without l-dopa.

3. Sherdog. Lots of stalkers and weirdos were stalking me and trying to sabotage me IRL like 11 years ago. I asked admin to delete my posts. They didn't want to because they said Sherdog would lose too many threads. I started just deleting all my posts myself. Came back the next day with a brand new account. Matt banned me saying I wasted an administrators time asking for my account to be deleted and then coming back the next day. Real reason probably had more to do with the fact I recently had made fun of Matt in the off-topic for getting fired from his last 4 jobs.
Hmmm .... k, I shall consider reducing my Defcon 9 alert to a level 2.
Especially since you got my girl Banchan @Banchan's approval.

But still...

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Someone from another website directed me here. What is this place about??

Mr. Perfect (Curt Hennig) once told Razor Ramon (Scott Hall)

"Every place we are, is the place to be"

Understand what I'm saying?

You're now at the TMMAC have some fun!



Mr. Perfect (Curt Hennig) once told Razor Ramon (Scott Hall)

"Every place we are, is the place to be"

Understand what I'm saying?

You're now at the TMMAC have some fun!
Is Henning doing that half-squat pose chicks do or is Hall really thatmuch taller?


Active Member
Jan 21, 2019
I’ve seen both in person. I would guess 5’11” and 6’3”. I was surprised how tiny both seemed compared to their appearance on tv