Jon Jones pleads not guilty to 'bogus' drag racing charges

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Victory has defeated you...
Mar 2, 2016
I agree that Jones can do messed up and stupid things sometimes, but he's not lucky that anything. The biggest problem in this country is that people think cops have a right to escalate situations further. By law I can curse a cop's mother until I'm blue in the face. It doesn't give them the right to do anything. A cop is just a fellow citizen with a badge charged with upholding the law. We have no obligation to be servile to them and no reason to listen to anything they have to say outside of what we're being charged with and how we proceed in court except in cases of flight from or in the midst of an active crime scene. Even if you have priors, you can say whatever you like according to the Constitution.

This belief that every cop deserves to be treated like he's your dad actually makes policing more difficult. It reinforces an us/them mentality both on cops and citizens when really everyone should be in it together to make communities better and safer. Authoritarianism isn't the answer. Ever.
I agree to a certain extent. If I were that officer, I would certainly have kept my personal emotion and comments out of the situation. I wasn't impressed by his performance overall either. He should have just performed his duties without replying with emotion back to Jones, despite Jones striking out with name calling first.


Cops are human beings, not robots. Fuck with them and they just might get emotional with you.

There's not much more I despise than a crooked cop. Fuck those people.

They were both being dicks to one another. I've had numerous run ins with police and the highway patrol. All I have ever done is treat them how I would want to be treated and I was fine.

Respect is commanded, not demanded.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I agree that Jones can do messed up and stupid things sometimes, but he's not lucky that anything. The biggest problem in this country is that people think cops have a right to escalate situations further. By law I can curse a cop's mother until I'm blue in the face. It doesn't give them the right to do anything. A cop is just a fellow citizen with a badge charged with upholding the law. We have no obligation to be servile to them and no reason to listen to anything they have to say outside of what we're being charged with and how we proceed in court except in cases of flight from or being in the midst of an active crime scene. Even if you have priors, you can say whatever you like according to the Constitution.

This belief that every cop deserves to be treated like he's your dad actually makes policing more difficult. It reinforces an us/them mentality both on cops and citizens when really everyone should be in it together to make communities better and safer. Authoritarianism isn't the answer. Ever.
There is nothing wrong with the show of respect, even in the face of injustice. Ecpasially as a martial artist, a role model, and public figure. Jones is allowed those mistakes he's made in the past, but they will follow him into his next confrontation until he learns from them. Until then, problems will follow him.

There is a system in place to fight a ticket without having to resort to an uncontrolled emotional back and forth with a police officer. Like you said, the police officer is merely someone upholding the law, arguing that law can be done woith the judge, and that is what he is now doing.

When dealing with cops, know your rights, but always stay calm and collected. That way at least YOU are not a part of the problem, but solely the officer in question is. Use your brains, it doesn't mean you're a push over.

But yes, you can legally and constitutionally be an asshole to anyone, that is your right.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
The tickets were already written before a word came out of his mouth. By then he was justified in saying whatever he wanted.
The cop was doing his job, and therefore he got a verbal confrontation. The cop responded in kind, as would I.

member 3289

The cop was doing his job, and therefore he got a verbal confrontation. The cop responded in kind, as would I.
Well that's speculative. Without the dash can footage we don't know if the cop was just doing his job and or if he profiled Jones


Victory has defeated you...
Mar 2, 2016
Jones is an awesome human being. Love watching him fight, but Gosh Darnit all to Heck, I hope the APD utilizes this as a gosh darn classroom training video in the academy on how to properly talk to such a nice young man with such a bright future ahead of him.


Feb 9, 2016
Yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about. Did you read my post?
Ok, it's just that the video I posted was just as Jones got pulled over and the tickets HAD NOT been written. It was before the stuff you were talking about, but whatever. You've clearly made up your mind and there is no discussing it.


member 3289

Ok, it's just that the video I posted was just as Jones got pulled over and the tickets HAD NOT been written. It was before the stuff you were talking about, but whatever. You've clearly made up your mind and there is no discussing it.

Didn't notice that. Will check it out now and post my thoughts after. Apologies.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Could be I guess I just based it on the situation right now in the US. Everything these days is race related
Here's the thing: a lot of it is. If you think the opposite, you'd think differently if you weren't white (or better yet, were black).

I think you would agree with that. In fact, in a way, I think you just did (implicitly, in terms of where you're coming from).

That should tell you something.

Not trying to school you, just trying to point out that if you view your opinion as "fact," but can recognize that it's based on a position that is not absolute, you can probably also recognize that emotion is at play here, not reason.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Re the topic, if the cop has had an inquiry/citation/case for profiling in the past (it was claimed on the web that he has), you have to think that's what the lawyer's banking on.

Still, I would love to find out that the dash cam shows him speeding away from the light, daylight plain, and the Emperor's soul is lain bare for all to see in the end. Although most still won't see it.


Nov 15, 2015
Yeah cop is even more of a dick than I thought. Fuck that guy in his fucking face.
"Why is your car so loud?" lol.
"None of your fucking business. Why do you like donuts?"


Feb 9, 2016
Re the topic, if the cop has had an inquiry/citation/case for profiling in the past (it was claimed on the web that he has), you have to think that's what the lawyer's banking on.

Still, I would love to find out that the dash cam shows him speeding away from the light, daylight plain, and the Emperor's soul is lain bare for all to see in the end. Although most still won't see it.
At the same time, show me a cop in a largish area that does not have complaints...

Not that I'm disagreeing...Just saying. Your point is extremely valid
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First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
At the same time, show me a cop in a largish area that does not have complaints...

Not that I'm disagreeing...Just saying. Your point is extremely valid
For sure. Complaint filed does not mean complain was valid.

On the other hand (not saying we disagree on this, probably you and I don't) cop's weird passive-aggressive & poking -- like poking someone with a stick -- tack tends to argue a complaint may have been.

There are good people who become cops, because they NEED to serve others (and perhaps to get credit for it), but there also a lot (shooting from the hip, here) who become cops for the promise of having control & authority over others. It would be interesting to see a really level-headed psychological analysis of a large body of cops that specifically explored the desire to have authority over others (ideally a lot of them, so that they would have differing prejudicial points of origin).