Jones interview coming on in 5 minutes

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Shy Guy

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I was going to watch it but..nah. I don't have any interest in listening to several minutes of bad PR spin.

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First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I Wild Each It;n3568 said:
- Last few weeks have been bittersweet. Won big fight, then got the bad news about positive test
- Dana called him in ABQ about testing positive (doesn't say when). Said Dana was concerned about why it happened (if he had a problem)
- Kept the results private - didn't tell anyone including coaches
- Knew the test would come back positive, but knew there was nothing he could do about it. Was stressed out about it.
- Crossed his mind that he could be suspended and not be able to fight
- But once he got to weigh-ins, no one from UFC had said anything to him about it, so he figured the test didn't pick it up or something. (hold this thought...)
- Was at a party and did it. Not blaming anyone but himself.
- Admits he messed up.
- Didn't use cocaine between positive test and fight
- Had done coke "quite a few times" in college...experimented with it. Mainly just college...not a lot...something he dabbled in
- Then says he doesn't dab into cocaine...just a poor choice he made this one night
- Asked if cokes the only drug he's ever done. Said "let's just say I've done my fair share of partying"
- Says he's not a frequent user or addict. Just made a bad decision and got caught with his pants down.
- Says he doesn't have a problem. No room in his life to be a coke addict.
- Says it out of character for him. Coke's such a dirty drug. It's embarrassing.
- Apologized to UFC, family, and his brothers.
- His brothers were very disappointed.
- Said his mom was very supportive.
- Doesn't know why the test was done or made public...says his attorneys are looking into. Wouldn't comment on whether he would take legal action.
- Says the Epi-Test levels mean nothing. Everyone has different levels.
- Never done PED's
- Going to rehab was a collective decision between him and his business partners. Why go to rehab? They said his business partners said they don't know if he has a problem, so he should go.
- Went to out treatment program and they said he doesn't need inpatient treatment. The treatment people said they thought he made a mistake, and he only needed counseling at his house.
- Will be random tested by the treatment center.
- People are lashing out at him for only staying 24 hours, but the treatment center determined the program.
- He's trying to figure out who he is.
- Asked if he would do drugs again? Said he's not going to sit there and say he'll never had a drink or anything. Just needs to learn from it and move on.
- Hasn't thought about what it will do for his image.
- More concerned about what his fans think. He's sorry for betraying them and letting them, his family, and the UFC down.

The thing that I took from this is the timing. He said Dana called him in ABQ with the test results. They found out about the positive test like 2 weeks before the fight right? So I'm assuming he's suggesting that's when Dana called him with the results (if he was in ABQ at the time). Then he goes on to say he was worried about being suspended, but got to fight week and no one from the UFC said anything about it, so he figured he was fighting.

Am I missing something here??

Thanks for summarizing. I did not want to waste time/energy to watch that.