I will die angry at PG&E for what they did to the Feather River and it's salmon.CDWR takes the water shed going to the Feather River into Lake Oroville. Water is released through Hyatt & Thermalito (or through the river valves) to the Feather River (also through the Fish Hatchery). The Feather River then converges with the American & Sacramento Rivers and release into the Delta. CDWR then is allocated a percentage of their release (usually about 5-10%) back into Clifton Court. From there water is passed through another fish facility and pumped down the main California Aqueduct, small North & South Bay Aqueducts & Coastal Aqueduct.
The main CAAQ is shared with the federal government from Banks Pumping Plant, Gianelli Pumping/generating Station & Dos Amigos pumping plant through Checksite #21 (near Kettleman City). At the Gianelli PGP, water is either pumped up to the San Luis Reservoir or generated (taken out of SL Reservoir) from O'Neil Reservoir. O'Neil serves as a large shared pool for Dos Amigos, Gianelli Forebay/Afterbay as well as USBR O'Neil PGP and the Cross Valley Canal which pumps water into the USBR aqueduct.
Once water is sent past CK#21, it gets pumped through Load Group 7 (3 pumping plants in Kern area) then to Edmonston Pumping Plant (highest lift pumps on the planet) to pump over the Tehachapi Mountains. On the SoCal side of the mountain range the aqueduct hits a bifurcation where it splits into the East & West Branch aqueducts.
West Branch will send water to Quail Lake then Pyramid Lake before handing off to LADWP to Castaic. Pyramid is a "shared" management lake between CDWR & LADWP as CDWR sends water through Warne Generating Station & LADWP can either pump back up to Pyramid or take water through generation at Castaic.
East Branch will send water through aqueduct passing through a couple small generating stations and a pumping plant to Silverwood Lake. Devil Canyon Generating Station takes water from Silverwood & distributes through several customer taps right off of their afterbays but the terminus is Perris Lake & a handoff to MWD.
There's a bunch of turnouts (customer water demands or wheeling if pumping back) along the way & I didn't cover the smaller aqueducts.
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Cheaper to pay fines than build ladders.
Cocknocking sumbitches.