Society LA is on fire

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Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
CDWR takes the water shed going to the Feather River into Lake Oroville. Water is released through Hyatt & Thermalito (or through the river valves) to the Feather River (also through the Fish Hatchery). The Feather River then converges with the American & Sacramento Rivers and release into the Delta. CDWR then is allocated a percentage of their release (usually about 5-10%) back into Clifton Court. From there water is passed through another fish facility and pumped down the main California Aqueduct, small North & South Bay Aqueducts & Coastal Aqueduct.

The main CAAQ is shared with the federal government from Banks Pumping Plant, Gianelli Pumping/generating Station & Dos Amigos pumping plant through Checksite #21 (near Kettleman City). At the Gianelli PGP, water is either pumped up to the San Luis Reservoir or generated (taken out of SL Reservoir) from O'Neil Reservoir. O'Neil serves as a large shared pool for Dos Amigos, Gianelli Forebay/Afterbay as well as USBR O'Neil PGP and the Cross Valley Canal which pumps water into the USBR aqueduct.

Once water is sent past CK#21, it gets pumped through Load Group 7 (3 pumping plants in Kern area) then to Edmonston Pumping Plant (highest lift pumps on the planet) to pump over the Tehachapi Mountains. On the SoCal side of the mountain range the aqueduct hits a bifurcation where it splits into the East & West Branch aqueducts.

West Branch will send water to Quail Lake then Pyramid Lake before handing off to LADWP to Castaic. Pyramid is a "shared" management lake between CDWR & LADWP as CDWR sends water through Warne Generating Station & LADWP can either pump back up to Pyramid or take water through generation at Castaic.

East Branch will send water through aqueduct passing through a couple small generating stations and a pumping plant to Silverwood Lake. Devil Canyon Generating Station takes water from Silverwood & distributes through several customer taps right off of their afterbays but the terminus is Perris Lake & a handoff to MWD.

There's a bunch of turnouts (customer water demands or wheeling if pumping back) along the way & I didn't cover the smaller aqueducts.

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I will die angry at PG&E for what they did to the Feather River and it's salmon.
Cheaper to pay fines than build ladders.

Cocknocking sumbitches.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Sorry boss.
You know Oregon and Washington pretty good, I know the State of Oregon really well as I used to work across it 45 weeks a year.

That water goes out the Columbia for the most part right? That shit doesn't flow uphill lol.
Yeah but it's south see?

So on a map, it flows dooowwwnnnn


Posting Machine
Mar 27, 2021
I will die angry at PG&E for what they did to the Feather River and it's salmon.
Cheaper to pay fines than build ladders.

Cocknocking sumbitches.
Well those same fish requirements that the state follows cost the citizens of CA >900mw of electric generation during the energy crisis a couple years ago. When Lake Oroville is full, the original commitment to CA is 3-5yrs of water supply. That was gone in about a year due to having to dump water for fish hatchery temperature control. By the time the energy crisis started, the lake was so low the generators couldn't even start.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Well those same fish requirements that the state follows cost the citizens of CA >900mw of electric generation during the energy crisis a couple years ago. When Lake Oroville is full, the original commitment to CA is 3-5yrs of water supply. That was gone in about a year due to having to dump water for fish hatchery temperature control. By the time the energy crisis started, the lake was so low the generators couldn't even start.
Don't care, to be honest.
PG&E we're allowed to game the game and the Sierras deserve their salmon.
It was a bullshit deal that gave fuel to ecoterrorists for generations to come.
Compromises need to be made for society vs environment, but that wasn't one that made any sense to anyone but bean counters.

There is no argument to be made that will change my opinion.

A renewable harvest was destroyed.
Its a case study in fucking shit up.


Posting Machine
Mar 27, 2021
Don't care, to be honest.
PG&E we're allowed to game the game and the Sierras deserve their salmon.
It was a bullshit deal that gave fuel to ecoterrorists for generations to come.
Compromises need to be made for society vs environment, but that wasn't one that made any sense to anyone but bean counters.

There is no argument to be made that will change my opinion.

A renewable harvest was destroyed.
Its a case study in fucking shit up.
I completely understand the compromise between society & environment. I’m in the same camp.

Where along the Feather did they stop the run? Almanor? Their other stations are very unintrusive to the river.

Unrelated side note is that the Oroville Dam was designed to be able to survive the entire contents of a failure at Almanor. Oroville might, likely, will go over the emergency spillway but the dam will survive & hold Lake Oroville


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
If the house was appraised at 4.5 then price of the land has no bearing on it.
Being under-insured is pretty common.
Just because people have a home worth 4.5 doesn't mean their coverage is 4.5

The coverage is whatever you set it up for.

Not saying insurance folks aren't snakes, but there's no way in hell they are going to pay out 4.5 if your policy only covers $800k.

It's good practice to keep your insurance up to date with the market, and also have coverage for belongings you'd want replaced in a full loss event.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
If the house was appraised at 4.5 then price of the land has no bearing on it.
Didn't watch the video... If the structure was appraised at 4.5 million sure but an appraisal is for structure + land.. It is broken down usually and has a value for each.. Is the 4.5 million for the structure itself?


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Another thing to look at is the housing market is rarely 1:1 on replacement value.

Lower the numbers. You might be living in a home appraised at $250k. So you might think that coverage of $250k is sufficient - but if your inention is to rebuild, it's very possible that current materials and labor costs could push you to $500k.

Again - you're underinsured.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
There are simply too many people flushing too many toilets for SoCal to be viable and still grow food in the valley.
That valley, that used to feed a nation via stoop labor, has sunk over a foot as the aquafir became devastated.

Its just too many fucking people.
"Turning on the water" just robs Peter to pay Paul.
This, I don't see how the whole southwest is sustainable long term


Posting Machine
Sep 4, 2015
Anything north of that watershed goes to the Pacific thru smaller rivers or drains into the Columbia River which takes most of the PNW water.
It's incredible how much fresh water goes into the Pacific. The Columbia is such a beast. Contrast with the Colorado, granted a much smaller river, not a drop reaches the ocean. It's all sucked off and used