No... these are kinda the definition of opinions, my dude.And how is me stating that Biden is a decrepit shell of his former self in a rapid state of cognitive decline that has America looking foolish and weak a criticism of anyone here?
I'm just spittin facts.
Pretty obvious ones, honestly.
I think if we want to do a comparison of who made the country look more foolish between Trump and Biden, we could. Biden just checkmated China in 2 moves- baiting them with Afghanistan and setting up a SOFA with Australia.
But more importantly (and I can source this with Bolton's book along with many, many others) Trump was an idiot who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple in mental decline who thought he could do all the jobs in government himself. Biden is a political animal in mental decline who actually listens to advisors smarter than him in their field.
I agree it would be nice to have someone who isn't a member of the AARP as president.