Mark Hunt threatens another lawsuit after fight removal, curses 'bald-headed prick' Dana White

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so long

Posting Machine
Dec 16, 2015
Start with nothing, finish with...

so long @DER HÖRNCHENMEISTER just wanted to quote you bro. Your name cracks me up. Have you met Q @Qat ? I lived in Mannheim for a bit (ages ago).
Yes, the Squirrel Master from the Movie "Half Baked" :)
I don't know Q @Qat but I assumed he was sorta German from his posts ;)

Nice, Mannheim has a lot going on. I lived in Heidelberg once, now in Frankfurt. Did you happen to visit the club where Dennis Siver is/was training?

Mark Hunt publicly calling Dana bad names, I wonder if that will come up during the lawsuit . . .


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I'm suing the UFC for endangering me by letting me fight a roided up Brock.

-Mark Hunt

I'm suing the UFC for not letting me endanger myself.

-Mark Hunt