General Mega Shit Thread

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member 603

3 pinkings and a 1 week ban. All over some dumb shit. Look everyone, ya'll know that I try to give everyone as much leash as possible & I like to locker room banter as much as anyone...but the past couple of days has really frustrated me. Splint and I have invested a lot of time & money to try and provide you all a cool place to unwind, get away from the stresses of real life, and have some fun. When I hear people have left or aren't signing up because they feel the forums culture has declined, then I can no longer sit by idly and hope people will suddenly start to follow the TOS.

All we ask is, stop the name calling, racist remarks, or fighter bashing. That's really the only few rules that we have here. Please respect them.


Good looking out. The main goal is just to not be malicious...don't be a dick. If you'd get your ass kicked for it in real life, don't do it here.

Even the fighter bashing thing isn't really about a protected class. I'm not going after anyone for saying war machine is a rapist piece of shit instead of "a rapist. "

It's more to steer as much toward a friendly objective interaction as possible so we can all disagree without telling each other to fuck off. By limiting the personal attacks it should encourage people to have difference of opinion without the fear of reprisal.

I've mentioned before, and I'm just way too busy for the next month to really focus on it, but I am down for the users to review the site rules and Constitution as wanted. We can always use an admendment to clarify things or change things.

At the end of the day the only thing I really want is for the users of this website to be happy with what has been created. If things are going the wrong direction, then we need some help pointing the right direction. Same goes for the need for clarifying things. If it's not clear, then we need to have a pow-wow and figure it out.

Don't be an asshole. Beyond that, I'm 100% flexible On anything and I think that Wild @Wild and La Paix @BirdWatcher are of the same mindset.

You guys are awesome, thanks for all you do.... I understand and respect your feelings on this a bunch (one of the reasons why I took a little pause on the action here), I also know that others who were great posters here felt the same way (why they don't post here anymore), and I know pro fighters who were/are leery of joining because of possibly being harassed (I've tried to get some big BJJ and MMA names to join... BIG names). People will be people, but at the end of the day, this place is one of the better forums out there for MMA.... Keep up the phenomenal work.

Oh and you also may want to give people what they want and make me that MoD :D

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016
Jason insults people on every post
Galt threatens to kill people or stab them
Sparkuri disagreed with me
Finally an answer

Jason definitely does not insult people with every post
Galt is obviously joking, there is a difference between what galt does and what an actual asshole would be typing
Sparuki disagrees with everyone lol

member 3289

Finally an answer

Jason definitely does not insult people with every post
Galt is obviously joking, there is a difference between what galt does and what an actual asshole would be typing
Sparuki disagrees with everyone lol
Those aren't the reasons, and I was the first one to make a pink-related thread.

Idk if I can discuss what happened though.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
We’re the same height, I’m assuming we’ve (as in you, since I know I have) both trained to fight but I’ve got at least 150 lbs on you.

It’s a moot point anyway since I like you too much to hurt you.

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016
I keep searching for that and I don't see it.

The timeline started with you calling one-trick Pony blind for his opinion

...and Galt saying youre a disagreeable cunt. Then he begged you to come to Thailand and you threaten to fuck him in the ass when you got there.

Lots of people here argue. I miss most of it because most of it doesn't manage to derail threads for literally 10 pages in a row over and over.

Learn to use the report button in the ignore list. Because what's happening right now is you're consistently the last post and majority of the post in these threads. You aren't exactly helping the process. And in some cases in the past the mods have gone to bat for you with the same defense you've just made here. I think that clique behavior should be broken up and that difference of opinion needs to be welcomed. Even when that difference of opinion is uncomfortable.

But things are hardly as in isolation as you seem to be posting here in accusations that others are doing everything and you are doing nothing.

Loosen up a little mate. Your wound up pretty tight and going off to a hundred miles an hour because some guy made a slight comment. But it's continually driving people away as every thread devolves into who can get the last word.

Instead put them on the ignore list and report it so that we can actually hold them accountable.

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016
3 pinkings and a 1 week ban. All over some dumb shit. Look everyone, ya'll know that I try to give everyone as much leash as possible & I like to locker room banter as much as anyone...but the past couple of days has really frustrated me. Splint and I have invested a lot of time & money to try and provide you all a cool place to unwind, get away from the stresses of real life, and have some fun. When I hear people have left or aren't signing up because they feel the forums culture has declined, then I can no longer sit by idly and hope people will suddenly start to follow the TOS.

All we ask is, stop the name calling, racist remarks, or fighter bashing. That's really the only few rules that we have here. Please respect them.

Great post man

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016
Good looking out. The main goal is just to not be malicious...don't be a dick. If you'd get your ass kicked for it in real life, don't do it here.

Even the fighter bashing thing isn't really about a protected class. I'm not going after anyone for saying war machine is a rapist piece of shit instead of "a rapist. "

It's more to steer as much toward a friendly objective interaction as possible so we can all disagree without telling each other to fuck off. By limiting the personal attacks it should encourage people to have difference of opinion without the fear of reprisal.

I've mentioned before, and I'm just way too busy for the next month to really focus on it, but I am down for the users to review the site rules and Constitution as wanted. We can always use an admendment to clarify things or change things.

At the end of the day the only thing I really want is for the users of this website to be happy with what has been created. If things are going the wrong direction, then we need some help pointing the right direction. Same goes for the need for clarifying things. If it's not clear, then we need to have a pow-wow and figure it out.

Don't be an asshole. Beyond that, I'm 100% flexible On anything and I think that Wild @Wild and La Paix @BirdWatcher are of the same mindset.
And this is why I'll always keep coming here over other places
Good post buddy

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016
You guys are awesome, thanks for all you do.... I understand and respect your feelings on this a bunch (one of the reasons why I took a little pause on the action here), I also know that others who were great posters here felt the same way (why they don't post here anymore), and I know pro fighters who were/are leery of joining because of possibly being harassed (I've tried to get some big BJJ and MMA names to join... BIG names). People will be people, but at the end of the day, this place is one of the better forums out there for MMA.... Keep up the phenomenal work.

Oh and you also may want to give people what they want and make me that MoD :D

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Disgruntled admin who bans you for breathing
Disgruntled body builder

I’ll anchor this crew



Jan 28, 2015
IM about to start to train people in a couple minutes and than myself so I will unfortunately have to leave the morning crew. In parting allow me to respectfully and with love say

Go fuck yourself Robbie Hart @Robbie Hart :cheers:

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
IM about to start to train people in a couple minutes and than myself so I will unfortunately have to leave the morning crew. In parting allow me to respectfully and with love say

Go fuck yourself Robbie Hart @Robbie Hart :cheers:
You were already fired.....tell everyone you quit, but the record will show “fired”