More traffic problems for Jon Jones

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Feb 14, 2015
Christianity is based on the fact that humans are fallen beings. A Christian being a dick or sinning in general is not a Christian being a hypocrite. It isn't very Christ-like, but no true Christian professes to being perfect, or to always being just in their actions.

I am not a Christian, for the record, but I was raised one and I grew up around some very reasonable religious people. A Christian admits that we are all sinners, so how would a Christian sinning make them a hypocrite?
How do you know he's a Christian? Because he says so? Is that what a Christian is---a person who says he is, or just believes he is?

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
C'mon guys, let's keep judging Jon and police and not get side tracked with religion.


too high to rigg
Oct 21, 2015
This guy is pretty much that one guy who can beat the shit out of anyone in this world is a total narcissist. Bad combo. I'd really want to see him get humbled and big loss is what'll help him, as a person or as a fighter.

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
How do you know he's a Christian? Because he says so? Is that what a Christian is---a person who says he is, or just believes he is?
That's an interesting thing to argue in response to my comment.

PeteyParker @PeteyParker indicated that he is a hypocrite because he is a Christian who spoke that way. I responded telling him that sinning does not make a Christian a hypocrite. I am not sure the relevance of responding by asking how we know he is a Christian. A Christian is a person who believes that we are fallen beings, and that we are saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. We don't know for certain if Jon really is a Christian, but he claims to be, so in terms of the comment that I was responding to, him actually being a Christian or not is relatively irrelevant.

In short, I am confused as to the significance of your point in the context of the conversation that I was having with PeteyParker @PeteyParker.


Feb 14, 2015
That's an interesting thing to argue in response to my comment.

PeteyParker @PeteyParker indicated that he is a hypocrite because he is a Christian who spoke that way. I responded telling him that sinning does not make a Christian a hypocrite. I am not sure the relevance of responding by asking how we know he is a Christian. A Christian is a person who believes that we are fallen beings, and that we are saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. We don't know for certain if Jon really is a Christian, but he claims to be, so in terms of the comment that I was responding to, him actually being a Christian or not is relatively irrelevant.

In short, I am confused as to the significance of your point in the context of the conversation that I was having with PeteyParker @PeteyParker.
Two points.

(1) There doesn't seem to be anything that can make a Christian a hypocrite.

(2) There doesn't seem to be any way of validating whether someone is a Christian.

Given the standards that exist, it appears we can't ever say that Jones is a hypocrite because he claims he's a Christian. My point is that Christians can be hypocrites, and that there should be some way of determining this in any given case.

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
Two points.

(1) There doesn't seem to be anything that can make a Christian a hypocrite.

(2) There doesn't seem to be any way of validating whether someone is a Christian.

Given the standards that exist, it appears we can't ever say that Jones is a hypocrite because he claims he's a Christian. My point is that Christians can be hypocrites, and that there should be some way of determining this in any given case.
Jones can be a hypocrite for a myriad of things, because he always tried to present himself as a nice, respectful person.

I am not sure what validating someone's Christianity has to do with any of this, as I said in my last post. They must only profess to be something to be able to be called a hypocrite for that specific thing, if their actions warrant the label.

I am not sure you understand Christianity. That's okay, but it definitely is the case if you think a Christian sinning or being a jerk is grounds for the accusation of hypocrisy. It also seems like you just want to make the Christian-hypocrite connection, which is understandable, but it is also a simplified, misguided way of seeing things.


Man on the silver mountain
Dec 1, 2015
Cop handled that pretty well imo. No one knows if Jones was racing or not. But if he actually does have an illegally loud exhaust and his plate is actually obstructed, then he'll get a fine. His insurance will increase but other than that...stop crying baby boy


Ted Czech
Jan 11, 2016
Hey TedCzech @TedCzech - give me details on this please. How to watch, etc. Thanks brother.
Yeah no prob ... Ok so it's this new facebook app they rolled out maybe two weeks ago, which works like a livestream. You don't need the app to watch it, just if you're using it to broadcast. If you want to watch mine, I think you just have to go to my page Ted Czech | Facebook I had originally heard the livestreams would only be 30 mins, but I went over that last time, so maybe it goes longer. When I'm broadcasting, I can see who is tuning in and if there are comments. When I get questions, I try to break from what I'm talking about to answer them. Hope this helps.


Posting Machina
Feb 8, 2016
Let's give credit where credit is due, and seldom given.

This cop did a very good job of handling this. He didn't instigate with Jon, who was obviously being a bit of a brat, and he also didn't allow Jon to push him around. That was never going to escalate further unless Jones took it there. We obviously didn't see the incident or anything outside of this recording, but I think the cop handled himself very well.
I would've like to seen Jones vs the Cop at UFC 200.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
all thats missing is jones yelling worldstar and peeling his tires away from the cop


Feb 14, 2015
I am not sure what validating someone's Christianity has to do with any of this, as I said in my last post.
Oh, it's irrelevant, if you really do accept the facile formula at face value. I don't. I'm not alone in that thought, either.

I am not sure you understand Christianity.
LOL! Let me guess, you've got the manual in your trunk. FYI: I "grew up" Christian as well. Bible school and all that. Now what?

but it definitely is the case if you think a Christian sinning or being a jerk is grounds for the accusation of hypocrisy. It also seems like you just want to make the Christian-hypocrite connection, which is understandable, but it is also a simplified, misguided way of seeing things.
I understand that you're trying to get Jon off the hook by claiming that his Christianity cannot be cancelled or undermined by any hypocrisy---that his behavior cannot make him a hypocrite, because it's in the nature of a Christian to sin. But you've just granted his Christianity as a fact. If we don't grant it, there's actually something interesting to talk about. And if we don't grant it, it means we require some way to verify it, which is why I brought up the issue of verification.

That is the interesting implication of PeteyParker's post and what your response to him completely ignored. As you say,

A Christian admits that we are all sinners, so how would a Christian sinning make them a hypocrite?
---and this is in fact "a simplified, misguided way of seeing things." Because you have to assume Jon is a Christian before you can apply this defense to him. If you do, fine, but understand the assumption is glib. If Jon merely says he's a Christian, that's not enough for me. And if he's not a Christian, he's a particularly twisted hypocrite.

Anyway---have your say, and we'll move on. I don't want to trash the thread.


Feb 9, 2016
I'd say having a bible verse tattooed on yourself makes it so you can claim to be a Christian. Whether or not he's a hypocrite...I'll stay out of that


Apr 18, 2015
Just a testament to how underpaid UFC fighters are that Jon doesn't have chauffer money yet.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015

Jones is past the age where there are any excuses for this control freak silliness.

Cop was childish, passive-aggressive, and probably disliked Jones even before the stop, but Jones deserves it.

JBJ is an asshole with a personality disorder, and probably the #1 p4p fighter ever.

Not sure what that says, other than that every mystical TMA muffukka eva's dreams of mystical transcendental realities being real were just stomped into the Lambo ground by this vid, recognized or not.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Mother fucking Jones haters.......everything is one sided in this video. Wait until it's one of "you's" being railroaded.