More traffic problems for Jon Jones

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Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
Oh, it's irrelevant, if you really do accept the facile formula at face value. I don't. I'm not alone in that thought, either.

LOL! Let me guess, you've got the manual in your trunk. FYI: I "grew up" Christian as well. Bible school and all that. Now what?

I understand that you're trying to get Jon off the hook by claiming that his Christianity cannot be cancelled or undermined by any hypocrisy---that his behavior cannot make him a hypocrite, because it's in the nature of a Christian to sin. But you've just granted his Christianity as a fact. If we don't grant it, there's actually something interesting to talk about. And if we don't grant it, it means we require some way to verify it, which is why I brought up the issue of verification.

That is the interesting implication of PeteyParker's post and what your response to him completely ignored. As you say,

---and this is in fact "a simplified, misguided way of seeing things." Because you have to assume Jon is a Christian before you can apply this defense to him. If you do, fine, but understand the assumption is glib. If Jon merely says he's a Christian, that's not enough for me. And if he's not a Christian, he's a particularly twisted hypocrite.

Anyway---have your say, and we'll move on. I don't want to trash the thread.
I agree that I don't want to trash the thread. I will only say two things.

I am not trying to "get Jon off the hook", and I don't see how that was inferred. I am speaking only to the fact that a Christian is not a hypocrite based on sin. Jon does a lot of things that I am not excited about.

You do not have to assume that Jon is being honest about his Christianity to speak on whether or not he is being a hypocrite. This is where you're confusing me. If I say that I never sin and I think people who sin at all are terrible people but I sin all the time, I am being a hypocrite whether or not my initial statement was true. Whether or not Jon is actually a Christian makes no difference in the conversation that we were having. I have said that in multiple different ways, and I am the one who is being accused of ignoring what others are saying.

Deleted member 1

It was the TMZ embed broken. Video removed. Couldn't figure out how to send video so it tries to download file. But is all fucked up.

Will correct embed when I have a chance to see what they changed.
Testing that again BanMe @Arcee - thanks for bringing to my attention

Tmz hates mobile. Fuckem disable it lol