General New 'red line' for North Korea: Having multiple nukes that can strike U.S.

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Go pre-emptive on North Korea?

  • Glass the fuckers now before they have an ICBM arsenal that can reach the continental U.S.

  • Only obliterate them if they fire first.

  • Negotiations are still an option.

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The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
if you were a dictator & a dipshit like Bill Clinton gave you billions of dollars, would you prefer to feed your people or would you rather divert those monies to develop nukes? North Koreans shrank 6 inches compared to South Koreans in one generation due to malnutrition, & what people who've been able to escape their prison of a nation report that people have to eat grass to survive. This leaves aside the question of whether any communist is rational given the results that farce of a economic system has produced. If that dipshit is rational then George W. Bush was the 2nd coming of Shakespeare
This is highly exaggerated by western perspectives. Is there a shortage of food? Yes. Do they eat grass because there's a shortage of food? Yes And no. Grass is really wild greens which Koreans eat anway so this perception that they only eat "grass" because of mass starvation is incorrect, we would eat grass regardless.

There is a very common saying in the South that we don't eat something because there isn't enough to go around. Wild grass would be one. In fact is more expensive than produce at super market if you can find it. People will keep their foraging locations secret because they don't want anyone else to go tgere and pick it all. North Korea has abundant more rural area and in south we don't forage as much because our ecology is broken and you have to drive very far into the country to find anything good.
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The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
The goal of the NK regime is to survive and maintain its rule, not to deliver prosperity for its people. The latter would in fact undermine the former.

So to answer your question, if I were a North Korean dictator who wants to remain North Korean dictator and a dipshit gave me billions of dollars, yes, I would spend it on nukes and not feed my people.
This perspective is getting out of hand. NK cannot feed itself other than grass even if you gave the money, neither can South Korea. Do you understand we don't have the kind of land to raise animals and many types of grains that you Americans have ample supply of? Even South Korea is economically not starving, we would be eating grass too if we couldn't buy our meat and grains from US. Lol if you think NK can eat beef and potatoes even if they didn't funnel money into nukes. They wouldn't be able to eat meat and potato unless US stop black listing their economy which your gov. wont do so stop trying to act like they eat grass just because Kim and his nukes. More to do with western allies who export this stuff refusing to any trades with NK. Until then It's grass and more grass. Money is no good when you can't buy anything with it except things to build nukes.