General New 'red line' for North Korea: Having multiple nukes that can strike U.S.

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Go pre-emptive on North Korea?

  • Glass the fuckers now before they have an ICBM arsenal that can reach the continental U.S.

  • Only obliterate them if they fire first.

  • Negotiations are still an option.

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Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Your statement was that NK has every right to be nervous seeing as the United States fucked them up and are still there. I said that isn't a historically accurate statement. The U.S. got fucked up with the aid of the Chinese, who are also still there. The Russians are still there too. You're intentionally leaving out context.
My comment was very accurate. Did the US smash NK? YES
Does the US have a military presence near NK? YES

I'm not saying NK didn't bring it in themselves. IMHO they started shit and it blew up in their face. And they are still technically at war with SK and won't drop it, so I don't have sympathy for the Kim regime.

However, I still understand wanting to arm themselves, especially considering the US treatment of the Middle East.


"You're not even training are you Frenchy?"
Jan 2, 2017
US should assassinate the fucker, or he’s going to keep playing this game.
I would love to see this happen, but is there really an efficient way to do it. Nice and clean, maybe look like someone outside of the US did it?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
My comment was very accurate. Did the US smash NK? YES
Does the US have a military presence near NK? YES

I'm not saying NK didn't bring it in themselves. IMHO they started shit and it blew up in their face. And they are still technically at war with SK and won't drop it, so I don't have sympathy for the Kim regime.

However, I still understand wanting to arm themselves, especially considering the US treatment of the Middle East.
US didn't smash NK, they retreated.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
By what metric?
The description I already provided, where people had to build mud huts cos all buildings and infrastructure was destroyed by US bombing.

By that metric, I'm not surprised they are uneasy with the US military presence on their doorstep.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
By that metric, I'm not surprised they are uneasy with the US military presence on their doorstep.
So knowing that you already stomped them once and being bordered by 2 nuclear capable allies, with a larger military force than the entire U.S. army does nothing to mitigate that?


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
So knowing that you already stomped them once and being bordered by 2 nuclear capable allies, with a larger military force than the entire U.S. army does nothing to mitigate that?
It was a stalemate due to China's involvement. Can't rely on big brother for ever.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
It was a stalemate due to China's involvement. Can't rely on big brother for ever.
and Russia's. Which has continued for the past 60+ years, not sure why you'd pretend it's going to stop anytime soon.

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
Buy there is no evidence to suggest Kim is anything but rational.
if you were a dictator & a dipshit like Bill Clinton gave you billions of dollars, would you prefer to feed your people or would you rather divert those monies to develop nukes? North Koreans shrank 6 inches compared to South Koreans in one generation due to malnutrition, & what people who've been able to escape their prison of a nation report that people have to eat grass to survive. This leaves aside the question of whether any communist is rational given the results that farce of a economic system has produced. If that dipshit is rational then George W. Bush was the 2nd coming of Shakespeare

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
You know they're both still funneling money to the North Korea, right?
Chinese politicians are adding billions to their bank accounts b/c North Koreans can't figure out how to mine the richest reserve of rare minerals in the world under their soil. NK obviously makes money from this, too, but after reading this thread I guess it's totally rational to use the citizenry as slave labor & let them starve while using that money for a nuclear weapons program


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Sure. Still not unreasonable for NK to want to be prepared to defend itself if it has to.
If their leader weren't a homicidal dictator I'd agree. But seeing as he has 2 massive military allies and is entirely responsible for his current situation, no. It's not reasonable for him to "be prepared to defend himself"

It's laughable that anyone's pretending China and Russia aren't pulling the strings.

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
Obliteration of NK, China and Russia step in and break it up.
so would it be unreasonable to use almost all the available money a country, NK, has to defend itself against a country that'd easily wipe it out, USA, in any situation while the citizens of that country starve?


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
if you were a dictator & a dipshit like Bill Clinton gave you billions of dollars, would you prefer to feed your people or would you rather divert those monies to develop nukes? North Koreans shrank 6 inches compared to South Koreans in one generation due to malnutrition, & what people who've been able to escape their prison of a nation report that people have to eat grass to survive. This leaves aside the question of whether any communist is rational given the results that farce of a economic system has produced. If that dipshit is rational then George W. Bush was the 2nd coming of Shakespeare
The goal of the NK regime is to survive and maintain its rule, not to deliver prosperity for its people. The latter would in fact undermine the former.

So to answer your question, if I were a North Korean dictator who wants to remain North Korean dictator and a dipshit gave me billions of dollars, yes, I would spend it on nukes and not feed my people.

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
The goal of the NK regime is to survive and maintain its rule, not to deliver prosperity for its people. The latter would in fact undermine the former.

So to answer your question, if I were a North Korean dictator who wants to remain North Korean dictator and a dipshit gave me billions of dollars, yes, I would spend it on nukes and not feed my people.
OK, can you name some other countries with such perverse incentives for its leaders? If you assume the USA would obliterate North Korea if it chose to, would it be rational to provoke it?


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
OK, can you name some other countries with such perverse incentives for its leaders? If you assume the USA would obliterate North Korea if it chose to, would it be rational to provoke it?
It would be rational to provoke it at times, appease it at others.