I'll see Jones' imaginary, mystic friend, & raise him a one flesh & blood pregnant woman, and her fetus.To be fair to Jones, he probably didn't know it was a pregnant lady he hit. He fucked up royal and tried to weasel his way out of it, we've all done this at some time (although most not to the extent of Jones).
This goes far beyond the normal spectrum of weaseling out of things. Most of us haven't repeatedly put people in danger the way he has. When you look at the whole picture, this is a pretty extreme case.
First off, he seems to have a habit of endangering women:
A brief timeline of UFC champ Jon Jones' run-ins with authorities
Maybe he read some Bible verse that makes him think it's okay to endanger women. Who knows?
Let's keep going....
Jones crashed into someone & bolted so he didn't get a DWI. He hit a pregnant woman. Those are all facts. Whether he knew she was pregnant or not is irrelevant. He hurt someone & took off to avoid the full consequences of his actions. It doesn't matter if it was a man, woman, child, or entire family .He probably would've taken off anyway, because he is a man of low character.
Now let's bring in the god thing Jones crowed about.
The existence of a god, especially in the dogmatic/Abrahamic tradition Jones identifies with, is questionable at best. To pretend to understand the workings of this questionable god is pure arrogance. Telling himself (& the world) that he believes God meant for it to happen is just just retarded, spiritual buck-passing, rooted in the belief of a prosperity/American Rambo Jesus, perpetuated by for-profit megachurch tax havens.
When you peel back the layers of the onion, this kind of thinking just adds to the scumbaggery of it all. Jones gives himself a pass cause it's god's will. If/when something happens again, he'll most likely double-down on the god thing & bring his pal Jesus into the picture.
It's a fascinating, slightly disturbing glimpse into the mind of a sociopath, blinded by magic thinking and ego.
Look at his history, what he did, & the thought process behind it. It's beyond fair to mercilessly cram the pregnant lady in Jones' sumg, self-righteous face.
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