New Rolling Stone interview w/ Jon Jones

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Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
To be fair to Jones, he probably didn't know it was a pregnant lady he hit. He fucked up royal and tried to weasel his way out of it, we've all done this at some time (although most not to the extent of Jones).
I'll see Jones' imaginary, mystic friend, & raise him a one flesh & blood pregnant woman, and her fetus.

This goes far beyond the normal spectrum of weaseling out of things. Most of us haven't repeatedly put people in danger the way he has. When you look at the whole picture, this is a pretty extreme case.

First off, he seems to have a habit of endangering women:

A brief timeline of UFC champ Jon Jones' run-ins with authorities

Maybe he read some Bible verse that makes him think it's okay to endanger women. Who knows?

Let's keep going....

Jones crashed into someone & bolted so he didn't get a DWI. He hit a pregnant woman. Those are all facts. Whether he knew she was pregnant or not is irrelevant. He hurt someone & took off to avoid the full consequences of his actions. It doesn't matter if it was a man, woman, child, or entire family .He probably would've taken off anyway, because he is a man of low character.

Now let's bring in the god thing Jones crowed about.

The existence of a god, especially in the dogmatic/Abrahamic tradition Jones identifies with, is questionable at best. To pretend to understand the workings of this questionable god is pure arrogance. Telling himself (& the world) that he believes God meant for it to happen is just just retarded, spiritual buck-passing, rooted in the belief of a prosperity/American Rambo Jesus, perpetuated by for-profit megachurch tax havens.

When you peel back the layers of the onion, this kind of thinking just adds to the scumbaggery of it all. Jones gives himself a pass cause it's god's will. If/when something happens again, he'll most likely double-down on the god thing & bring his pal Jesus into the picture.

It's a fascinating, slightly disturbing glimpse into the mind of a sociopath, blinded by magic thinking and ego.

Look at his history, what he did, & the thought process behind it. It's beyond fair to mercilessly cram the pregnant lady in Jones' sumg, self-righteous face.
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Tom O'Bedlam

Resident loon.
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I've engaged you repeatedly on this forum, which was stupid & endangered other's reason & common sense.

It must be nice to rely on unicorns & magical thinking to avoid personal responsibility & explain away bullshit.
Wow, you really come off as emotionally stable and not angry at all...

Personal responsibility? Like meeting your volunteer hours in half the time it normally takes?

Responsibility like acknowledging faults and a need to change?

I get it, we should hold people's mistakes over their heads forever. Just as a side note, it does cost you something, actually a few things; compassion, understanding, tolerance, patience...

It really is cute you think Jon owes it to anyone to prove himself to anyone but himself, but it isnt reality. Reality is people fuck up and if we never give them the benefit of the doubt then they never get the opportunity to redeem themselves.

Tom O'Bedlam

Resident loon.
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I love how you hide behind "reason" and "common sense" but your attitude isnt even slightly reasonable, its bitter and negative.

Which is no surprise because most really angry or bitter people try to hide behind the veil of common sense (which isnt common at all) and logic (which is rarely logical and more ofteb what is lacking in emotion).


Victory has defeated you...
Mar 2, 2016

In the aftermath of the hit-and-run, Jones was depressed and ready to leave his career behind. But, as he waited for his court date to arrive, he says he realized his actions affected those around him. That's when he felt he needed to truly address them.

"One of the moments that really messed me up was when my daughter came home from school and said, 'Mommy, such-and-such said daddy killed a baby,'" he says, sitting up from the couch and firming his posture for the first time since our conversation began. "That was one of those moments where I felt so bad. Like, 'Man, I'm fucking up, and now I'm dragging my family into this.' My fiancée didn't sign up for me getting in trouble and having to explain to our kids that their dad got into a car accident. My family didn't sign up for this shit."

Jones says he believes his court-mandated public speaking has also helped reinforce and maintain his sobriety. For years, he hid the qualities he thought would turn others off. Now, he finds opening up about his struggles with drugs and alcohol to be therapeutic. And he's adamant that he'll continue his community work now that he's fulfilled the court's requirements.

"This may sound weird, but I believe that God meant for what happened to happen," he says. "I know a lot of people may twist this or look at it like, 'Why would God put this girl in a car accident with you? That's a selfish way of thinking.' But since that happened, so much good has happened in a lot of people's lives. I've been able to reach thousands of kids.

"I've told my story 72 times to completely different groups, to complete strangers. There's something really freeing about being so real, open and candid with complete strangers and letting them judge you," he continues. "It's helped me know who I am. It's helped me acknowledge the piece-of-shit qualities I had. Truth of the matter, I had some piece-of-shit ways. Still do have some. But at the same time, I have some really great qualities as well."

Read more: Jon Jones vs. Jon Jones: UFC Star On His Greatest Opponent – Himself
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Read more: Jon Jones vs. Jon Jones: UFC Star On His Greatest Opponent – Himself


Really long article and very well done. I encourage everyone to check it out in it's entirety.


Tom O'Bedlam

Resident loon.
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I'll see Jones' imaginary, mystic friend, & raise him a one flesh & blood pregnant woman, and her fetus.

This goes far beyond the normal spectrum of weaseling out of things. Most of us haven't repeatedly put people in danger the way he has. When you look at the whole picture, this is a pretty extreme case.

First off, he seems to have a habit of endangering women:

A brief timeline of UFC champ Jon Jones' run-ins with authorities

Maybe he read some Bible verse that makes him think it's okay to endanger women. Who knows?

Let's keep going....

Jones crashed into someone & bolted so he didn't get a DWI. He hit a pregnant woman. Those are all facts. Whether he knew she was pregnant or not is irrelevant. He hurt someone & took off to avoid the full consequences of his actions. It doesn't matter if it was a man, woman, child, or entire family .He probably would've taken off anyway, because he is a man of low character.

Now let's bring in the god thing Jones crowed about.

The existence of a god, especially in the dogmatic/Abrahamic tradition Jones identifies with, is questionable at best. To pretend to understand the workings of this questionable god is pure arrogance. Telling himself (& the world) that he believes God meant for it to happen is just just retarded, spiritual buck-passing, rooted in the belief of a prosperity/American Rambo Jesus, perpetuated by for-profit megachurch tax havens.

When you peel back the layers of the onion, this kind of thinking just adds to the scumbaggery of it all. Jones gives himself a pass cause it's god's will. If/when something happens again, he'll most likely double-down on the god thing & bring his pal Jesus into the picture.

It's a fascinating, slightly disturbing glimpse into the mind of a sociopath, blinded by magic thinking and ego.

Look at his history, what he did, & the thought process behind it. It's beyond fair to mercilessly cram the pregnant lady in Jones' sumg, self-righteous face.

This mindset is sad.

It is OK to throw people's mistakes back in their faces?

How does that help anything? How does rehashing what has already happened and cannot be changed help anyone in any way?

How does it help the pregnant lady?

How does it help Jon?

How does it help his family or friends?

How does it help the sport?

It doesnt. It is ILLOGICAL.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
Wow, you really come off as emotionally stable and not angry at all...

Personal responsibility? Like meeting your volunteer hours in half the time it normally takes?

Responsibility like acknowledging faults and a need to change?

I get it, we should hold people's mistakes over their heads forever. Just as a side note, it does cost you something, actually a few things; compassion, understanding, tolerance, patience...

It really is cute you think Jon owes it to anyone to prove himself to anyone but himself, but it isnt reality. Reality is people fuck up and if we never give them the benefit of the doubt then they never get the opportunity to redeem themselves.
Wow, you come off as a delusional minimizer fanboy who's trying to get a job as Jones' PR fluffer.

If you think telling yourself & the world that God wanted all this to happen is acknowledging faults, then you're more off the rails that I thought you were.

Saying you need to change, & then getting self-righteous with a cop after you were likely drag racing & everything else that's happened doesn't show change. I get that you probably believe Jones & think it was the cop's fault, but only a fool would give Jones the benefit of a doubt.

You 'get it'...obviously you get nothing, so don't pretend that you do.

There is a difference behind compassion & idiot compassion, understanding & ignorance, tolerance & excuse making, etc, etc, etc...


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
This mindset is sad.

It is OK to throw people's mistakes back in their faces?

How does that help anything? How does rehashing what has already happened and cannot be changed help anyone in any way
Awe...I'm sorry you're sad.

It's okay to make excuses for someone every time they endanger people. That helps a lot.

It's okay to sweep it under the rug so it happens again.

It's okay to pretend behavioral patterns don't exist.

It's okay to selectively believe the words you wanna here & ignore the ones that don't make sense, & discount someone's actions, cause words matter more that action.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I go to bed at night and dream of a world where Jon Jones and I are friends who ride majestic, translucent steeds, shooting flaming arrows across the bridge of Hemdale.

Tom O'Bedlam

Resident loon.
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Wow, you come off as a delusional minimizer fanboy who's trying to get a job as Jones' PR fluffer.

If you think telling yourself & the world that God wanted all this to happen is acknowledging faults, then you're more off the rails that I thought you were.

Saying you need to change, & then getting self-righteous with a cop after you were likely drag racing & everything else that's happened doesn't show change. I get that you probably believe Jones & think it was the cop's fault, but only a fool would give Jones the benefit of a doubt.

You 'get it', you get nothing, so don't pretend that you do.

There is a difference behind compassion & idiot compassion, understanding & ignorace, tolerance & excuse making, etc, etc, etc...
I do not like Jon Jones lol. I like watching him fight but as a human he is not great. No one minimized anything. The man suffered for his choices and has made a few since then.

I didn't make excuses and I didn't excuse what he did, I merely said that it is more beneficial and productive to give him the benefit of the doubt than to be a complete asshole and try to say he should have his mistakes thrown back in his face.

Your issues aren't with Jones, they are with yourself. Clearly you have issues with forgiveness and project that on to everyone else.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
I love how you hide behind "reason" and "common sense" but your attitude isnt even slightly reasonable, its bitter and negative.

Which is no surprise because most really angry or bitter people try to hide behind the veil of common sense (which isnt common at all) and logic (which is rarely logical and more ofteb what is lacking in emotion).
I missed this gem.

Jesus I hope you're not a parent.

The truth is not angry or bitter. It's just the truth. No matter how much your feelings might be hurt.
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Tom O'Bedlam

Resident loon.
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Awe...I'm sorry you're sad.

It's okay to make excuses for someone every time they endanger people. That helps a lot.

It's okay to sweep it under the rug so it happens again.

It's okay to pretend behavioral patterns don't exist.

It's okay to selectively believe the words you wanna here & ignore the ones that don't make sense, & discount someone's actions, cause words matter more that action.
I am sad for you.

Not only because you put words in my mouth so you could argue with yourself, essentially. But also because you are so angry and shut off that you think people should have their mistakes repeatedly thrown in their face.

You are literally typing things I never said nor insinuated and are arguing against them. I hope you get the help you need, man.

Tom O'Bedlam

Resident loon.
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I missed this gem.

Jesus I hope you're a parent.

The truth is not angry or bitter. It's just the truth. No matter how much your feelings might be hurt.
LOL oh yeah? THE truth? you mean YOUR "truth"?

In other words, what you deemed to be absolute that everyone must agree with?


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
I do not like Jon Jones lol. I like watching him fight but as a human he is not great. No one minimized anything. The man suffered for his choices and has made a few since then.

I didn't make excuses and I didn't excuse what he did, I merely said that it is more beneficial and productive to give him the benefit of the doubt than to be a complete asshole and try to say he should have his mistakes thrown back in his face.

Your issues aren't with Jones, they are with yourself. Clearly you have issues with forgiveness and project that on to everyone else.
I don't care what you like, & you've taken everything I've posted as some kind of personal attack on your world view.

You've done nothing but try to minimize his behavior patterns & make excuses for cause he did community service & said thing that you liked, & blah blah blah.

Now you're trying to play internet shrink & make this about me. You're pathetic.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
LOL oh yeah? THE truth? you mean YOUR "truth"?

In other words, what you deemed to be absolute that everyone must agree with?
You can disagree about your butthurt feelings, but you can't disagree on the facts.

Jones is a repeat offender, & people like you are just enablers.

Tom O'Bedlam

Resident loon.
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I don't care what you like, & you've taken everything I've posted as some kind of personal attack on your world view.

You've done nothing but try to minimize his behavior patterns & make excuses for cause he did community service & said thing that you liked, & blah blah blah.

Now you're trying to play internet shrink & make this about me. You're pathetic.
No, I have listened to you rant about how much you think Jones should suffer and continue to suffer because he made poor choices. I have listened to you be unreasonable and listened to you insult me and listened to you tell me and everyone else what is "true" because you deemed it that way and there is no way you could be anything but absolutely right.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
I am sad for you.

Not only because you put words in my mouth so you could argue with yourself, essentially. But also because you are so angry and shut off that you think people should have their mistakes repeatedly thrown in their face.

You are literally typing things I never said nor insinuated and are arguing against them. I hope you get the help you need, man.

Pray for me, bro, if that's your thing.

Your words speak for themselves.

I'll help the ignore button.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
No, I have listened to you rant about how much you think Jones should suffer and continue to suffer because he made poor choices. I have listened to you be unreasonable and listened to you insult me and listened to you tell me and everyone else what is "true" because you deemed it that way and there is no way you could be anything but absolutely right.
Poor choices...LOL.

Any last words before I do what I should've done when you wouldn't stop whining about idiot compassion, ignorance, enabling, & delusion?

Tom O'Bedlam

Resident loon.
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
You can disagree about your butthurt feelings, but you can't disagree on the facts.

Jones is a repeat offender, & people like you are just enablers.
Well can't disagree that Jones has made multiple mistakes but we certainly disagree on what that means.

According you to the guy should have those mistakes rubbed in his face repeatedly until he proves himself.

According to me the guy proved himself and until he fucks up in the same way again I will hold out hope he is going to stay the course.

Tom O'Bedlam

Resident loon.
First 100
Jan 17, 2015

Pray for me, bro, if that's your thing.

Your words speak for themselves.

I'll help the ignore button.
You are such a big fan of logic and reason, go back and read how many times you changed what I said or literally put words in my mouth.

See how reasonable you feel after.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
Well can't disagree that Jones has made multiple mistakes but we certainly disagree on what that means.

According you to the guy should have those mistakes rubbed in his face repeatedly until he proves himself.

According to me the guy proved himself and until he fucks up in the same way again I will hold out hope he is going to stay the course.
Yep, cause he repeatedly makes the same mistakes over, & over, & over again.

Sorry, but I'm not a Hopi Indian.

Tom O'Bedlam

Resident loon.
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Poor choices...LOL.

Any last words before I do what I should've done when you wouldn't stop whining about idiot compassion, ignorance, enabling, & delusion?
Yeah, I would suggest therapy for your anger management issues as well as your need to project your anger on others.