This^Ya'll ninjas hate on PVZ all ya'll want... ( I can't stand the broad either)
But I would fuck the dog shit out of PVZ
and everyone ya'll nukkas would TOOI!!
PERIOD T... (Don't hate cuz you ain't hittin that)
Real Talk. Fuck the Bullshit
PVZ is a Weak Ass Fighter.... with FULL Fuckability Sexy
#Stop Hatin' On What YOU Don't Have
I am not downloading a fucking reddit app to see this butterface
Cool. Thanks for sharing ?I am not downloading a fucking reddit app to see this butterface
I do but I don’t think you need it to see that video. Not that you are interested in seeing her exit a pool in a wet t-shirt but if you change your mind you can find the URL below the pic.You got the reddit app?
I did, and it won't let me view it without confirming I'm 18, and the only way it will let me do that is from downloading the reddit app.I do but I don’t think you need it to see that video. Not that you are interested in seeing her exit a pool in a wet t-shirt but if you change your mind you can find the URL below the pic.
I did, and it won't let me view it without confirming I'm 18, and the only way it will let me do that is from downloading the reddit app.
I hate reddit, everything is so counter intuitive, posts out of order they were posted, arranged by upvotes or whatever. Its even more annoying than Twitter which I also hate(because its almost impossible to follow a conversation in the comments.)
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar