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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Yes I took a lot of student loans.Near 250k. We'll talk about it another time.I'll ask you to consider why the average percent of debt for auto loans is essentially the same as student loans, and growing at a faster rate...

New car auto loans have hit in inflation-adjusted all-time high while there is no shortage of cheap entry-level cars.

Will we start calling this the auto loan crisis?

School prices are way up. There's lots of problems but...Millennials are spend happy morons as a generation.

I have lots to say on the matter but no time while shitposting....I'm here to meme!

The comparison for auto loans and education is a little silly no?

Job prospects are limited with less than or a high school education. Sure in some areas, some opportunities are available. But without post secondary education or training, a meaningful and fruitful job is not the norm. Most people don't have parents or scholarships to fund post secondary education, loans are necessary.

The issue is someone shouldn't be making a massive profit off motivated people taking out a loan to better themselves and increase their ability to participate in a capitalist economy. The best way to participate in a capitalist economy is to obtain meaningful employment.

A car isnt shit. You can drive a shit-box of a car as long as it meets your needs and is reliable, it is sufficient. People who take out large loans for a vehicle are silly.

Wants vs Needs.

A fancy car is a want. A decent education is a need.