General Russia Ukraine round 2 Price hike boogaloo

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Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019


Translation from the comments section, from that it sounds like the commander shot himself after it was discovered that the supposedly safely stored vehicles had been stripped for parts, and were mostly unusable.

Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports:
"Deconserved" Russian military equipment completely stolen, the commander of the tank regiment - shot himself
The occupiers are trying to recover losses from equipment removed from long-term storage. In particular, at the airfield in Klimovo village of Bryansk region (35 km from the border of Ukraine) the enemy is deploying a repair and rehabilitation base (RBB). Currently, the enemy RVB is trying to "put into operation" a significant amount of equipment coming from long-term storage facilities. The condition of this equipment is mostly extremely unsatisfactory, which makes its full use impossible.
At the same time, places are created for storing equipment that has been disabled on the battlefield.
In general, the Russian Federation often faces the problem of the impossibility of restoring equipment after "deconservation" from warehouses. Optical devices and electronics containing precious metals were completely stolen from the combat vehicles.
In particular, the 4th Panzer Division of the Russian Federation found out that out of 10 "canned" tanks, only one is in a more or less operational condition. The rest are completely dismantled. Some of them do not even have engines. At present, plans to transfer equipment taken from storage to the front have actually been thwarted.
According to available information - the commander of the 13th tank regiment of the 4th tank division of the Russian Federation - shot himself.


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
That paramedic is tough as fuck. I’ve been stabbed in the lung, it was no joke. His leg was even more mangled than mine. Dude is iron.
Did you accidentally give that post a "funny" rating?

Deleted member 1

How low on the global rankings can we go and find a country that, given a neutral battlefield and no nukes, could beat Russia in a fight?

Deleted member 1


In a speech on Friday from the nondescript, beige-walled office in which he has been conducting much of his public business this month, Mr. Putin made no mention of Ukraine. Instead, he expanded upon a personal obsession: “cancel culture.”
Western elites “canceled” the author J.K. Rowling because she “did not please fans of so-called gender freedoms,” Mr. Putin said in his nationally televised remarks, flanked by two Russian flags. Ms. Rowling was widely criticized in 2020 after voicing support for a researcher whose views on transgender people had been condemned by a court.
Japan, he claimed, “cynically decided to ‘cancel’” the fact that it was the United States that dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. And now, he said, the West is busy “canceling” Russia, “an entire thousand-year-old country, our people.”
That the Russian president delivered a disquisition on Western public discourse on Friday may seem odd at a time when Russia is fighting what some analysts believe to be its bloodiest war since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s. But it underscores how Mr. Putin tries to channel cultural grievances and common stereotypes for political gain — while using language that also allows him to speak directly to possible allies in the West.


Deleted member 1

Imagine being a bloated short dork that wears lift shoes, champions a country known only for vodka, the drunks that love it, and the women you export by mail... and trying to tell the world how you are leading the fight for culture.

JK Rowling won't be canceled under Putin but public gays will be regularly beat, murdered, and jailed.

And still I keep seeing clips on YouTube of amateur talking heads sucking this dude off as a tough brilliant man.