General So, my buddy and I are building a shop.

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Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
what happen?!
She went to therapy.....

Actually, she had her problems (like most women), but lock down/WFH and political chaos really fucked her up.. messed with her sense of security.
Then when I had my back injury she completely fell apart and I just never really got her back. Superman went down and something broke inside of her. And she turned 50.
She's had some kind of major episode every 4-5 months since.
Last Xmas she was missing and suicidal.
Ive been dealing with slsome shit for some time.

I went north to camp and raft with some friends for 4th of july weekend.. She was invited, her friends too. But she said she didn't want to go.
I came home a couple days early, actuallythe night of the 4th, it was absolute chaos on the flathead river lol..... and she wasn't here.
Showed up around noon the next day.
Said she crashed at a friend's in town after watching fireworks.
I knew something was up, she was acting sketchy.

Two days later we were watching the house of dragons show, had a couple episodes in the bank. After the first one I asked if she wanted to watch the next. "Let's save it for tomorrow"
5 minutes later I'm wondering if she went to bed?
Looked in my lower driveway, her car was gone. Bitch must have rolled to the bottom HS style before starting the engine.
5 minutes later got a text basically saying "I couldn't face you, please don't hate me".

Pretty sure me coming home Friday night fucked up her plan of not being here when I got home on Sunday.

14 years down the shitter.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
sugar mama
I've got about a years cash and I'll do well selling this place. Bought it for 200,000 worth around 500,000 now. Hate to lose It but I'm not taking a loan at these rates to buy out her half, that would just be a bad financial decision.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
The only thing I'm truly upset about and can't find a mental place for. I've still got em for a couple more weeks.
Killing me every time they snug in...


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Sorry to hear it, brother. Can't imagine starting over at our ages.


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
"please don't hate me" hard not too, I feel for you, im 3 years into post divorce after 23 years being married, im in my early 60's

Big changes, it's not easy, like most things time helps get adjusted back to being alone/starting over again.

Having a buddy or friend (s) is a big help, adjusting to being in your own head more now then you've had to in a long time was a big change, feeling like you're a burden when friends offer up any kind of help even if you're not kinda forced me to get my own thing going as fast as possible.

Keep thinking with your head and not your heart wrapping up the divorce, I did the latter and paid for it but it is what it is
Both of our kids were/are old enough and have their own lives doing their own thing so no child support and zero need to have any contact with the X
Having a project like the shop and having family/friends support is a good thing.

Project sound cool, like someone mentioned plenty of ideas converting containers into anything on youtube. Having the right tools/equipment is important to keep that size of a project moving forward.

All the best and good luck
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Aug 13, 2024
Sorry to hear about the split homie. A shop DOES make divorce easier, no doubt. You'll need somewhere to stack them hoes once you start mackin' again.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I remember at my grandparents house in Ozark, they built a big shop next to the house. My grandpa had a trucking business and he did all the work himself on them. Worst tool control ever. Tools fucken everywhere. He knew exactly where everything was tho. I used to love hanging out in there as a kid.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
I swear Google somehow spies on the threads I read on here, even though it's not the search engine I use and I'm not on Chrome lol.

This turned up in my YouTube recommendations today:


Is that something like you plan to make?
Pretty much, except we're building 3' walls on top of the boxes so the trusses sit higher. That will give even more storage and make it tall enough for his 5th wheel and jet boat.
We haven't decided about front doors or open carport style yet. Probably someday.

For him, its all about getting his main garage empty so we can actually work in there. You know how it is, gotta spend half a day just moving shit so you can even start a project.

Feels Good

to drink BEER
Aug 13, 2024
Sorry to hear about the divorce. Glad you have a great friend who's there for you.

Those containers are great. I've known multiple people who keep them for storage sheds.