Here's my thought on Phil Brooks..... He had a massive fan base due to his tenure in the WWF (because THAT'S what I grew up calling it.... Fuck pandas), and he was a fan of MMA. After his pro wrestling career ended, he wanted to fight MMA and got with a decent fight camp. Him fighting and winning or losing doesn't take money out of my pocket, nor does it keep food off my table. There is way too much hate for the guy and his desire to fight.
Will he be successful? Probably not... Will he ruin the UFC and Zuffa's "stellar reputation"? No more than Reebok, Dana, or steroids (hell, probably way less)... Is he truly keeping any fighter from fighting in the UFC? Hell no..... So who cares if he's KOed getting Starbucks in the morning, or subs his dry cleaner.... He's a polarizing fighter who is bringing a larger focus on MMA (well more than those fighters who claim they're being overlooked because of him), and regardless, he's ATTEMPTING to get into the cage. He's probably going to get subbed against Gall (if he actually gets to fight), and we'll never see him again, so who cares that he got beat up in training fights.... At least he's getting his rounds in