Personal Suicide

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Are we allowed to joke about this here? If so, very cool. It's just people shit talking.

A mate of mine always told me that if he ever got a terminal disease then he is coming to kill me, because he doesn't want me to live any longer than him.

Needless to say, that guy is no longer my friend, and I have moved house and changed phone numbers.

I'm not suicidal, so please don't do a Fugazi on me. But I have often thought about spectacular ways to kill myself, like if you are going to do it then you might as well do it big.

I have thought about going downtown and driving a car off the top floor of a high rise parking lot. Or if I don't want to take any innocents with me. driving off a cliff road that falls into the ocean. If there was some political stuff happening, maybe I'd sacrifice myself for something huge. The batwing idea is inspriring btw.
All jokes aside, if those thoughts ever become more than just thoughts, hit any of us up on here. A lot of good people here willing to help without making about themselves.


Jun 23, 2015
Are we allowed to joke about this here? If so, very cool. It's just people shit talking.

A mate of mine always told me that if he ever got a terminal disease then he is coming to kill me, because he doesn't want me to live any longer than him.

Needless to say, that guy is no longer my friend, and I have moved house and changed phone numbers.

I'm not suicidal, so please don't do a Fugazi on me. But I have often thought about spectacular ways to kill myself, like if you are going to do it then you might as well do it big.

I have thought about going downtown and driving a car off the top floor of a high rise parking lot. Or if I don't want to take any innocents with me. driving off a cliff road that falls into the ocean. If there was some political stuff happening, maybe I'd sacrifice myself for something huge. The batwing idea is inspriring btw.

Mate, we're not all having these thoughts, but I've had so many near-ons cry on my shoulder where they've been okay in the end. One best friend leaving me a note, one ex-bf leaving a bunch of notes for me to find, Don't do it, ever,

You will never know the impact it leaves on you, I'm still not over it. Send me a message, mate.


Jun 23, 2015
When my phone blew up about Sherdog guy I didn't know what to do. Guilt for not staying in touch aafter I left Norfolk, all sorts.

And we were friends, not family.


Jun 23, 2015
I can barely type anymore this fucks me up so much.

Sherdog guy found a friend of mine in a toilet dead of an OD. That's going to fuck you up, right? Didn't even know him till I asked him if he'd heard about it. I was out with the OD guy 2 days before it happened.

You just don't ever know.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
If you’re suicidal, best to get real help and not ask the Internet


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
If you’re suicidal that means you are likely gonna kill yourself.......talking on her ain’t gonna solve your problem m80......
Well maybe some cunt on here will provide the words that make them seek help


I just fucked my missus 3 times...Not even joking...I think I've broke her.

Bedtime is incoming